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  • where can i sell my photos?

    does anyone know where i can sell my pictures...anywhere that is a real place not just some site that someone googled and found

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • how do i get the smell out?

    my mother gave me some furniture and she is a smoker and i am all smells like cigarettes and i dont know how to get the smell out...i have a young child and i dont like her smelling it either...any suggestions??

    26 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • what should i do?

    i have been married for almost 2 years...been together almost 4 years...we have a 2 1/2 yr old...i got preg only 6 months after being together and got married 9 months after she was born...lately i feel like i made a mistake...we seem to have nothing in common really and we fight a lot and it is usually over just small petty stuff...i dont know what to do...i am very confused and very scared...i dont want to tear my family apart but i dont know if its better to stay and be unhappy for the rest of my life or if its better to leave...please help me...i do not work and neither of us have many friends...all friends we have are friends of both of ours and it would be so afraid of what my family will say about me and im afraid that his family will put me down to my daughter and im afraid that i will hurt him so bad he will never be able to bounce afraid that he will never find love again...i just dont know what to you can tell by the rambling i really need advic

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • why is bbuk dissing bbusa so much?

    is anyone else getting annoyed by the bbuk people making rude comments about bbusa? i mean if you think that your version is soo much better, thats fine but why do you have to come on here and talk smack about bbusa? if it was so bad then it wouldnt be in its 9th season!! And one last thing, whoever made the comment about usa being a FAT country...who cares how fat we are...this is a tv section...not whos the fattest of them all!!!!!!!!!

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • big brother 9?

    i missed the 1st episode does anyone know where i can watch it at

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • do you need a business liscense to run a small photography business in williamsport pa?

    i am planning on opening a wedding photography business in williamsport pa and am just wondering if anyone knows if i need a liscense or not...please let me know if you know thanks

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • need advice from wedding photographers...PLEASE?

    i am trying to start a wedding photography business and am not sure where to start...i already have the equipment, business cards, and experience...i am stumped as to what to do now to get customers...i do not have many friends and all the ones i have are already married so they are not good word of mouth as we call it...i am just wondering if anyone knows how to get my name out there and get a little business...any advice would be appreciated...also if anyone knows where to sell stock photography that would be helpful also...i plan on opening a studio someday as thats where i truely love photography but at this time do not have the funding to do it...

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • is going to college online worth it?

    i want to go to college but i have a 2 year old at home and my husband is already a full time college student and works part time

    i do not have anyone that can watch her so that i can go to get out of the house and go to school or work and i can't afford more than 2 days a week of daycare

    i was looking into online college but don't want to waste my time

    i guess my question is has anyone gone through with employers look down on it going to credited like it would be for me to go to a campus college...and what online schools are the best to look into...

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • is there a REAL site to get free games for my cell phone...I have att?

    i asked a few weeks ago for sites for FREE ringtones and got lots of good responses and people really gave me true sites...they weren't junk ones where i had to sign up for anything or anything like that. Now, i decided to see if there is a site for some free games too. I hate to pay so much for games off of b/c what if i dont like it!! any help would be great!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • is this true about paypal?

    ok to make a long story short...can you add money to a paypal account from a non-us bank i said its short and sweet b/c its a long story but i think i may be getting scammed on ebay

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • can someone please help me with this movie?

    Ok my dad is looking for a movie

    he says it is called " All Hands"

    It stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

    It is from 1959

    Has anyone ever seen or even heard of this movie...I would like to buy him 2 copies b/c he knows someone that was in the movie and he has never gotton a copy of it and he would like to give it to him as a gift..

    Please let me know if you know of this and where i can get 2 copies thanks so much

    13 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • why does she keep doing it?

    my daughter is 2 1/2 in march she has recently started spitting out anything that goes in her matter how many times we tell her no and put her in time out and take her cups from her she still does it everytime she has a drink...why does she do this and what can i do to get her to stop...

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • where are free ringtones?

    i have att and am wondering if there is any free ringtone sites that arent crap! i dont want to pay the $3 to get one from att anyone that knows anythign real would be apprectiated

    7 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can find a sample copyright release form for my customers?

    I am looking for a sample copyright release form for my customers. I am a photographer and am working on starting up a studio. I am not very good with words so I need a sample that I can use and I can reword things. If anyone knows where I can get one that would be great.

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • can someone give me advice please!!!?

    me and my husband have been trying to conceive since july I have a 2 year old so i know that i can conceive however we have had no sucess and i have had irregular periods since july july 1st i got a light period, then on august 1 i spotted for 2 days then september 28th i got a period however it was very dark blood like it would be towards the end...i have not gotton a period since. i went to the doctor at the beginning of septemeber and i had a blood test done and i am not pregnant. could there be something wrong with me or something wrong with my husbands sperm and that be why im not getting pregant i am very confused and frustrated and dont know what to do any advice would be great. has anyone gone through this before

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • sims 2 castaway?

    i have a wii and ps3 and can't decide which system to buy the game for. does anyone have any opinions

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • sims 2 casaway wii or ps2 which should i buy?

    i have a ps3 and a wii and need to know which system i should get the game for i am a huge sims fan and am def buying it i just dont know which system to get it for any advice

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago
  • Should I worry?

    My daughter turned 2 in September. Her doctor just called and told me that her LEAD level is at a 10 which is the highest it can be and to take her to the lab to be tested. I am very worried that something is seriously wrong. Should I be worried or is this something common. We live in a new house and there is no lead in our paint or water. I am scared and really need some advice.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried?

    My daughter turned 2 in September. Her doctor just called and told me that her LEAD level is at a 10 which is the highest it can be and to take her to the lab to be tested. I am very worried that something is seriously wrong. Should I be worried or is this something common. We live in a new house and there is no lead in our paint or water. I am scared and really need some advice.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • express photo portrait and wedding?

    does anyone know where i can buy a cheap copy of this i dont have 1500 to spend on it and i must have it

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago