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what should i do?

i have been married for almost 2 years...been together almost 4 years...we have a 2 1/2 yr old...i got preg only 6 months after being together and got married 9 months after she was born...lately i feel like i made a mistake...we seem to have nothing in common really and we fight a lot and it is usually over just small petty stuff...i dont know what to do...i am very confused and very scared...i dont want to tear my family apart but i dont know if its better to stay and be unhappy for the rest of my life or if its better to leave...please help me...i do not work and neither of us have many friends...all friends we have are friends of both of ours and it would be so afraid of what my family will say about me and im afraid that his family will put me down to my daughter and im afraid that i will hurt him so bad he will never be able to bounce afraid that he will never find love again...i just dont know what to you can tell by the rambling i really need advic


i have tried to talk to him and asked him to do counseling and he just says that there is nothing wrong

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi,it sounds like your going through what i been going through since i had got husband and i have been t/g for 6 yrs now and been amrried since oct,2007,and you know what,i wish i never married him!i told him to write down sincere things about each other on a paper and talk about them,seeming that he won't go with me on marriage counseling..its something about men,they're egos is more challenged at that point,they never want to admit when something's about to fail...for number of reason's.when there's a new baby coming in the picture it really honestly does change more than the person,it changes everything...if you feel that there's something wrong with your marriage tell him,don't hide something like that,especially now that you and him share a child t/g,it will make everyday worse and cause many more problems that neither of you can control.stop hurting yourself and talk to him about what your feeling.don't think about what family members are going to think,hell i gave that up years ago,honestly,if he doesn't react like you want him to react then you and him need some seperation until you tow have disputed your feelings.if your family is truely your family they will stick by your side and support you on whatever happens to you guys.i wish you and him best of me if you want,


  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, stop fighting over nothing. Learn to deal with the petty things, in an adult manner, so that there is no resentment and bad feelings. Once you've got through that, you might be less angry and therefore ready to move onto the next step. Finding something in common. You have a child, a home together, friends. Start looking at the positivies, and less at the negatives.

    Life as a single parent isn't easy, it should never be a first option.

    Try counselling, if you must and are willing. But don't just give up. It is always better for a child to be brought up in a home with her mother and father. But then, you have to do what you can to provide a pleasant and safe home. And that means learning some self control.

    So make an agreement to think twice, before you argue over nothing.

  • Anya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You have to have somthing in common.....otherwise you wouldn't have married him. If you truly feel in your heart that he is not the one you were meant to be with, then you should do something about it...never mind of what people will think or say. Your husband will feel hurt, for sure, but you have to go with your gut and do the right thing. People get married and split up all the time. And why go through life being unhappy? There are ways to make things work....ultimately your happiness is top priority. have to be sure that this is what you really want. Are you just going through tough times right now? Raising and taking care of a 2 1/2 year old is not easy. For a while, your husband was the focus of your life, and now it's totally shifted to your child. I think that is what's really the problem guys are not allowing enough together time, just the two of you. And that is SO important in any marriage.

    Really, really think about this.....and try to see the man you once were going crazy over. Maybe counseling will help you both to find the special relationship you once had. It is there and sometimes you have to work at getting it back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweaty you have to think and relax. Are you guys fighting over stupid stuff all married people do disagree every now and then it is oak. But if you guys got married 'cause you had child together that was wrong. How was your relationship with him before you got married did you just found out after marriage that you have no thing in common. Try counsling first for the seek of your child and if things don't get better than you should leave and who cares what his or your family think is your life not theirs but first try to save the marriage 'cause i don't see any big issues going on like cheatting or abusive. Good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    My wife and I had know each other since we were 14 and have been together for 2 years. We had fought a lot at first. But we worked it out. What I think you should do is, talk about it. Seriously talk about what your plans are and what both of you want and where everything is going and what is wrong. If that don't fix it....then it is up to you to decide what to do. You two need to decide what is best for you and your family. If you both can't agree, then look for more options. You two need to decide what makes you two happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just don't know what to tell you about this. You must have loved him to marry him at one point and time. First off if you are fussing then your little one knows it. They catch on a lot quicker than you think. I think you need to sit down with him and talk. Tell him how you feel and maybe seek counseling. If you love him which to me sounds like you do then you may be able to work things out it couldn't hurt at all. Just think long and hard before you do something you'll regret.

  • 1 decade ago

    you know what don't give it up so fast maybe what you are missing is really just being home with the baby what you need to do is maybe find a part time job get out and meet some friends or just go the park and walk around... sometime we mix up are feelings and we leave to fast so take some deeps breath and make sure that is what you really want! and let your husband know how you are feeling! talking is the best thing he act like a jerk then pack up and leave because if he does not understand how you are feeling then he does not deserve you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Try counseling, try to work it ou and do it for your kids, because they have no fault in this and they did not ask you to bring them into this world, do what ever you cant o save this relationship. If nothing works then leave. I think your kids will be better off coming from a broken how rather than living in one, and seeing you guys argue all the time thinking marriage is like that.

  • True
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I’m sorry that you feel your marriage was a mistake. I believe that everyone deserves to be happy. Before considering divorce, I would talk to your spouse about what in your relationship isn’t working for you. Maybe there are things that can be fixed or changed in order to have a happy union.

    I don’t like to suggest divorce as the first and only option, especially when there are children involved

  • Marina
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The fact that you don't have a job, outside interests, and friends is more than likely your issue here. Who are you? You're more than just a mother and wife, aren't you? Find yourself again.....get out, get a part time job, make a friend or two (I find it hard to believe you have no friends). Depending on each other for everything is not at all wonder you're bickering constantly. You can not just tear your family apart without first exhausting every possibility! You need to start with yourself before you can attempt to fix the unit.

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