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Protein advice, please!?

I want to start taking a protein supplement to go along with my workout/diet plan. Currently, I'm 5'10, 195 lbs. My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs, and deepen muscle definition. I have no interest in taking 'weight loss drugs' or anything like that.

There are so many supplements out there for proteins, does anyone have any advice on how to choose which one is the best for achieving my goals?

I'm not a huge fan of powder mixes or shakes, as I prefer something in the form of a more 'liquid' drink. I am willing to use the powders or shakes if they are best suited, however.

Please and thank you!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why even do this? Why not just add some quality meat, poultry or fish to your diet? In the long run it'll be healthier for you and your wallet.

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