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Can I write off the gas money for my daily commute to work for tax purpose? I drive 130miles everyday for work

I drive 130 miles everyday to and from work spending considerable amount of money on gas. My question is that can I write off this gas money for taxes as I am using this money to earn that income on which I am paying taxes for!!!

Please advice

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry, but these folk are WRONG. I had the same question after hearing so many people talk about writing off gas on their taxes. I asked my father and he, like alot of people on here, looked at me like I was crazy... THEN he called his tax advisor.... He called me back 5 minutes later and said that due to a new LAW that has been passed, gas can be written off, whether it be Self Employed or Employee. Ask a tax advisor (an expert) that knows what they're talking about if you want to know the truth, not these folk. You might want to get someone to do your taxes for you so they can explain it all to you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If you are working two jobs and go directly from one to the other, you can deduct the cost of gas between job #1 and #2. However, if you return to your home and then leave again to go to job #2, you will NOT be able to deduct mileage. If you are going directly to job #2, it is important that you keep an accurate account of what you are paying for each tank of gas and the mileage between the two jobs. Most people have one job and they are unable to deduct the cost of gas (government might have to pay back a couple of dollars more on income tax returns, and they aren't going to do that). As for where you put this information on your tax return, contact the IRS. They will be able to help you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately commuting is not deductible. I commute 165 roundtrip. If you qualify to itemize you can file for either your state tax withheld or sales tax. If you keep receipts and add up all the sales tax you pay all year and it is more than your state tax withheld you can get that back. I am not sure how much sales tax is on gas but I am researching it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. You cannot.

    Seriously, get another job or move closer to your work.

    That long of a commute will drive you nuts.

    Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Commuting is a personal expense. Not deductible. Don't try.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Commuting is a personal expense that can not be deducted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope... only milage for business purposes OTHER THAN communting can be deducted. And only if those miles aren't already reimbursed by your employer. the way - do you work in D.C. by chance?? lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Commuting costs are not deductible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wouldn't that be great if we could. Can you use mass transportation? Bus or train? Move closer is another option.

  • kapn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Npoe the government did'nt ask you to work so far from your home...sorry

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