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Would being bought out by Microsoft deter you from using Yahoo Answers?

As you may or may not have heard, Microsoft is still very determined to purchase Yahoo. Here's a link:

One of their first moves on aquiring Yahoo would be to fire a bunch of Yahoo staff and they will not even commit to retaining anything from Yahoo.

IF Microsoft did buy out Yahoo, would this make you less likely to use any aspect of Yahoo or more likely? Hypothetically, of course.

11 Answers

  • Yaybob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to use my economic vote and my power of boycott to express dissatisfaction. That was in the seventies, before the Reagan era and the merger mania that took off for real in the eighties. Remember when Exxon competed with Mobil and Time with Warner? I used to joke that we should have a pool to bet on which would be the last two companies to merge (GE –McKFC - AT&T – Federal UPSexpress with General Motors – Exxaco – HBO - Disney or some such monstrosity – probably called GE&T-FeUps-KFC’d . . . )

    That, combined with the emergence of such behemoth octopi as Microsoft and Wal-Mart that by themselves are entire economic sectors and invade almost every home and life mean that you can’t boycott effectively unless you want to live like Osama bin Laden or the Unabomber.

    So would Microsoft’s acquisition of Yahoo change my consumptive habits? Only insofar as Microsoft’s management affected the efficiency and quality of the product. If they don’t change Y!A, I probably won’t change either. Of course, what are the odds that that will happen, especially if, as you say, heads are rolling already. It’s the American way: find a thriving, prosperous business that is popular because it meets its customers needs, acquire it and change all of that, converting it into the same old dreck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would actually be glad that Microsoft bought Yahoo! because I heard that Google was also trying to acquire it. After the way Google ruined, I don't want to see the same thing happen to Yahoo!.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo is firing anyway, even without being bought by Microsoft.

    I'll keep using it. I generally don't give a damn, who owns the service I'm using. They are all keeping us under control, no matter which product you use.

    @ L T: you are kidding of course? Google is just as "good" as Microsoft, Yahoo or any other corporation...

  • L T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No, as either one of them is the Man, keeping us down. Microsoft is just as soulless and commercial as Yahoo is...

    If Google bought it, I'd use it more. They are the single huge computer company in the world that is at all cool.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yahoo as we now know it may not even exist..So we may have to adjust to an entire different form of Yahoo as microsoft envisions and shapes it...

  • 5 years ago

    I probably will continue to answer questions but I won't be dissapointed if for whatever reason Q&A is removed. Maybe if they do decide to remove Q&A the Trump will give everyone a lollipop in the mail and a letter of thanks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think it would. Any meddling from Microsoft would definitely not enhance Yahoo! in any way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh no mergers are always bad and it leaves the window open for big brother to kill all our joy not good. Not good at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    i wouldnt care either way but if google was doing a google answers id be there instead of here and they probably wouldnt promote ''top reporters''

  • 1 decade ago

    objectively speaking , i will continue using yahoo as long as its a solution to my problems or satisfies my needs , irrespective of who owns it.

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