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Should Yahoo! Answers make it a rule that you must be 18 in order to answer questions?

I'm tired of punk *** little kids answering with ignorant opinions... reporting serious answers for no reason... and making a rediculous farce of something generally useful. I don't mind of they ask questions. That's healthy. But there's no way a 10 year old has the answers to anything not involving pokemon. Yahoo! should put a restriction in place so that anyone under a certain age may not answer questions, only ask them. Agree or Diagree? Give a reason.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "should put a restriction in place so that anyone under a certain age may not answer questions, only ask them. Agree or Diagree? Give a reason."

    They can not even effectively ban a user around here much less determine the truthfulness of a 10 year old who states he/she is over 13 when signing up.

    The most effective way to get rid of the kids who come here to play is to get rid of the very categories that set up such a scenario to begin with.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a restriction; you are supposed to be 13 at least.

    What leads you to assume that the people who make bogus reports (are you SURE they're bogus? have you ever actually read the Guidelines?), or giving innane answers are kids? Many, if not most, are probably adults.

    It's simply false that no one under 18 has anything worthwhile to say; there are many intelligent and insightful 16 yr olds (to pick an age) who can respond to questions asking advice on dealing with siblings and parents, science questions, religion, hobbies, sports, computer and Internet questions, and lots of other topics.

    No, 18 is too old a restriction. There's no reason to assume that all people between 13 and 18 are up to no good.

    Part of the beauty of the Internet is that people are only the text they type. That is, we know nothing about the people we communicate with, except what they say.

    So, although you may not take me seriously if you met me (because I'm old, fat, look dumb, or whatever), here, you know only what I have to say, and so judge my ideas, knowledge, and facility with language.

    (Wish this had existed when I was 16; people used to dismiss what I had to SAY, simply because of my age, which was really annoying -- though, come to think about it, that was usually when they had no answer to what I said.)

    I've seen questions, answers, and even corresponded with some very intelligent, perceptive, interesting young people here.

    As far as you know, some of the answers you've seen here, that made you think "Good point!" and "Well said!" where written by young people, and probably most of the idiocy you've seen was submitted by grown-ups.

    You can't really tell, can you?

    I think you owe the intelligent and helpful young people here an apology, for saying they have nothing to say except about pokemon. And for lumping them all together as abusers of this site. Not all 14 yr olds are identical to each other.

    Neither are all 18 yr olds, or 70 yr olds, for that matter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES!! YES I agree 100%!! Everytime I see a question regarding adult situations, I see some 12 year old answer with something like 'I don't know' or they try to act all mature but really they have no idea what they are talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are just as likely to get dumb answers from people in their 20s. But I believe that kids may be experts when it come to ipods, video games, computers, internet, etc. William shakespear was only 13 when he wrote Romeo and Juliet. Give younger people some credit, anyone can be immature regardless of age.

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  • 1 decade ago

    For adult questions yes but for all questions not really because that would remove 17, 16 ,15 ,14 etc which might have a good information like my friend, hes is good with computers and hes 16 like me and he answers technical question of other people like modding etc

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree. Everyone has the right to ask and answer questions on this website. It isn't about age either, it is about maturity level. It seems to me as though you are in fact the one lacking in that department.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree totally!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    uhm no thats not fair because just because were young doesnt mean were stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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