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okay this is a silly question but I am curious?

Alot of black Americans say Egypt is an African country ...

I know ancient egypt from studing had a mix of different cultures but from what I studied it was for most part an arab country ....but I see many argue that the egyptians were Africans ...>??????/

The Hyroglifics and staues to me do not prove it was an african tribe like some girl on here make a statment of ....


oops sorry just realized ..sorry about the typos

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer




  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Egypt is, (and has been) basically, a polyglot, multi-racial country. Since it is located in the north-east corner of the African continent it is, geographically AFRICAN. However, the Ancient Egyptians were a mixture of Hamitic and Semitic races...with the 'black' Pharoahs coming into prominence in the later of the 30 recorded dynasties.

    Egypt was ruled for thousands of years by foreigners...The Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Turks, the Arabs and the British. About the 2nd Centry a.d. Christianity became the STATE of the earliest nations to become completely Christian....All of that changed with the Arab invasion in the Seventh century...when the country became almost completely ARAB...and has remained predominantly an Arab nation since then. With the exception of the 10% of the country that is Coptic Christian...claiming direct descent from the ANCIENT Egyptians. Their church liturgy, it is claimed, is the closest we know to the sound of the original Egyptian language which is, now, Arabic.

    The Heiroglyphs prove nothing, since their origin is lost in time and have NO relation to ANY known african language or dialect. It was a "holy" script known only to the priests. It was not until the finding of the Rosetta stone, written in three different scripts (including Greek) that Champollion was able to decipher the heiroglyphs.

    p.s. There are no silly questions, if asked in good faith. :)

  • Balsam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Egypt is in Africa. When we talk about an African country it is understood that we mean that it is in the heart of Africa. There are however a few countries that are in north Africa like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeres, these are called north African countries.

    In the seventh century an Arab army arrived in Egypt and fought against the Romans, they won the war and the Romans left Egypt. Many Egyptians became Muslims and Egypt became part of the Muslim state for many centuries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes a silly question. Google Nubian and you will understand that Egypt isn't a small country on the Mediterranean.

    There is more to Egypt than the statues.

    I guess you need to do more "studing". I would suggest you start with spelling.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Technically its in Africa.

    People try to argue because its also part of the region known as the middle east.

    Just to throw another monkey wrench into the works, i met a girl once. She was white, red headed. Had a funnay accent, i asked her where she was from. She said Africa. There are white people from Africa too. If they move to the U.S. they can call them selves African American.

    One kid even sued over this when he applied for grants.

  • Zoser
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Egyptians are not Arabs ,

    The Egyptians are descended from Ham through the line of Mizraim. Ham had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan , The name "Mizraim" is the original name given for Egypt,,

    -((The Arabs are from Sam not Ham)

    and please read my answer\;_ylt=AhT2t...

    Egyptians:If we are not Arab,what are we?


    and for the Arabs or the Egyptians who do not like the truth (or the reality : Please read that (in Arabic language ,sorry)


    In Alakhbar newspaper (semi official ) by a great journalist Ahmed Ragab:

    "'We suffered from the saying: Egypt is the 'big Sister (of the Arabs), and we reject this Maltch ( the humiliating) role ,which imposes duties on Egypt and sacrifices, without any rights in return, but that the Egyptians in the countries of alleged brothers :are treated in a racist , semi-rest treatment,than the rest nationalities, and we want to give up the role ' big sister ', which caused our impoverishment ,we stick only to the principle : Egypt for Egyptians. ""

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is Geographically in Africa.

    Just take a look of an African Map.

  • DNA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    if u mean the origin of the people ,then i think that most of the people were egyptians originally and did not migrate from onother country, but, some of them came from the KSA at the entry of islam. but, i don't believe that any of the people came from the other african regions.

  • 1 decade ago

    in north africa, the population isnt black.

    when you move to central / western / southern africa, the population s black, so , it is called 'black africa'.

    the pharoahs werent black , they were dark skinned , one degree darker than the italians .

    egypt has witnessed mant cross cultural ties with neighboring countries .

    egyptans married mainly from Turkey , Syria, Lebanon, Libya , Tunisia , Algiers , and the gulf countries .

    this has resulted in mixed blood and varying complexions from blonde to light brown to dark browm .

    but definitely we dont have Black egyptians.

  • 1 decade ago

    im egyptian . so i know that part from egypt is in asia and the rest is in Africa. (look at the map)

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