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help getting on the internet?

OK, I'm usually the type of person who answers these types of questions, cause I'm way into computers and want to get into IT, so this is kind of disappointing, but I am STUMPED.

My gf has a desktop and a laptop. She just got cable internet for the first time. Installed software in laptop, set up cable and wire (no router yet) and laptop can get online, no problem. Shows that there is no problem with modem and wire and internet, right? So, moved and plugged wire in desktop, cant install software cause it says its not connected, even tho it is. ipconfig gives an ip address, and computer shows recieving packets. I can ping but cant ping anywhere else. No conflicts with onboard ethernet, using Win2000. ipconfig /release and /renew multiple times, but didn't work, not like it should, since the laptop could get online. IE 5.5 128 bit encryped, and on admin account, not like those matter either. Even went thru lan setup, no help. What is wrong?


Comcast IT guy spent 3 hours on it before I got there, and coudln't figure it out. He said computer was too old (its 2 years old and meets more than all the specs. My computer is older and it works)

Update 2:

lan enabled (i recieve ip address)

dont have firewall

repair didn't work, could release, but not renew thru windows, but i could thru dos ipconfig.

Update 3:

yeah no kidding. the comcast guy said to get winxp, not 2000, and she could buy a new computer for like $200. I told my gf not to listen to him, that doesn't make sense, nor does it matter.

Update 4:

troubleshoot of nic card does nothing, nothing is wrong with device or drivers

autodial is disabled, i dont need it for cable.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go to this support site

    On the LHS column click windows

    In the text in the middle of the result click windows 2000

    type in the search cannot connect to internet

    There are lots of results to check out


    enable your LAN

    turn off the firewall

    Click repair on your lan

    turn on firewall


    check network card in device manager. ther probably a troubleshoot available


    in internet explorer choose never dial in connections as it can affect background activity

    Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

    2. Click Network and Internet Connections.

    3. Click Network Connections, and then click Dial-up Preferences on the Advanced menu.

    4. Click the Autodial tab.

    5. Click to clear the check boxes that are listed under Enable autodial by location.

    6. Click to select the Always ask me before autodialing check box (if it is not already selected).

    7. Click to select the Disable autodial while I am logged on check box.

    8. Click OK, and then close the Network Connections dialog box.

    To manually connect to the Internet: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

    2. Click Network and Internet Connections.

    3. Click Network Connections.

    4. Double-click your Internet connection, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the comcast guy is an idiot, you can connect older pc's to the internet - my mom's pc is an "ancient" (lol) 6 or 7 years old and though, it's slow, connects to the internet just fine - call the company again and get a qualified person there

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