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  • How will the Stock market move on Inauguration day?

    President elect Trump will be sworn in on Inauguration Day this Friday 1/20/17. Do you think the stock market (DOW, NYSE, S&P, take your pick) will...

    1) Go up - He's going to do a great job

    2) Go down - He's gonna bring America down with him

    3) Stay the same - The markets have already adjusted for him a month ago.

    4 AnswersInvesting4 years ago
  • I am looking for a direct link to a PDF file on a specific website, but having trouble finding it.?

    I am looking for a direct link to a PDF file, but the file is behind some javascript or something. The website is and the contract is the first link, with the first date. Since the date changes daily, I was hoping to just be able to put in a direct URL and manually change the date, instead of going to the website and oging through the clicks. I got as far as but that is where I get stuck.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design4 years ago
  • Pros and Cons with selling VA stock now?

    Hi Yahoo!

    I bought a few shares of Virgin Airlines (VA) when they IPO'd in November 2014. Now that the price has gone to ~55 due to the announcement of Alaska Air (ALK) buyout with cash at $57/share, what are the pros and cons with selling the stock now, as opposed to waiting for the actual buyout to happen?

    I read that the acquisition with cash would result in current stockholders to receive cash as opposed to stocks being converted to an ALK stock for the equivalent amount. True?

    2 AnswersInvesting5 years ago
  • What kind of lenses fits the Sony A5000 camera?

    I know nothing about these types of cameras (I only had a sony point and shoot, and one that takes film before that, and besides getting into the filter thing (I'll ask/figure that one out later) What kind of lenses go with the Sony A5000? Is there a list of them somehwere? I only know of the standard 16-50mm.

    I read that all the canon interchangeable lenses are interchangeable with each other, and all the Nikon lenses with the nikon bodies. Is it like that with all sony bodies, or does the a5000 have a specific set? Also, the a5000 isn't interchangeable with canon or nikon lenses, right?


    5 AnswersCameras6 years ago
  • Buy AMZN or NFLX stock?

    I'm trying to decide which stock to buy. Amazon has recently taken over Macy's as the #1 seller of apparel, and is doing very well for itself in selling many other items. Netflix, also, with its recent split, the stock price is still going up. i only want to get one or the other. Not both. This would be for long term. Which one do you think I should get? Why?

    2 AnswersInvesting6 years ago
  • Can you put a string in a called function, where the string is in the parameter? In C++?

    For example,

    void call(test)


    if test = "hello"


    cout << "hi";



    void main()




    would I get an output of "hi"?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design6 years ago
  • When someone says to "invest" your money for the future, what does that mean exactly?

    When someone says "invest", I automatically think of the stock market. But what happens to all those who are not familiar or know what to do in the stock market? What do they do with "saved" money, "off to the side"? They put it in a different bank account, and what?

    What do you invest in for the future, if you are not putting it into the stock market or housing?

    6 AnswersInvesting6 years ago
  • How do I pay back a loan?

    I borrowed money from my 401(k) with the agreement to pay back the loan though future paychecks. The company I worked for uses the third party ADP to handle their 401(k) department. Currently, the company is being bought over by another company, and my current company will no longer be taking the bi-weekly payment out of my checks. The new company said can't take over the loan, since its not their company,or thing to deal with. I contacted ADP and they said that I need to continue paying the whole balance of the loan to my company until December, but then afterwards take a 10%+ penalty fee for any unpaid balance, since I need to go though my company to pay back my loan, which will soon not exist (the company).

    I can't pay off the whole loan in 1 payment, which is why the agreement to pay a little per check. The new company won't have anything to do with it. I don't think that is fair. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What kind of gift do you bring a chinese family?

    I am going to Shanghai, China, for the first time, and my aunt's foreign exchange student's parents are picking me up from the airport. I've met the student before, but never her family. As customary, and polite, one should bring a gift to the host family. Normally, things like fruits or whatever are sufficient, but since I'm coming from a different country, and getting picked up right from the airport, I would need to get something before I arrive. And you can't bring fruits on a plane.

    My question is, what should I bring? and I don't know any of their interests. The gift should be housewarming, not expensive, not (too) big, and probably geared toward the interest of the parents, and not the kids. Any ideas? I am coming from the US if that matters. In June.

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • help! I have no video on shuttle sg45h7?

    Can someone figure out my problem? I have no video output when I plug in my shuttle. Everything is new, I just finally got all the parts in to put it together. I'm trying to get onboard video to work. I rechecked the seating of the cpu and memory, I have 3 1gb sticks ddr2 memory, I tried all 1, 2, then 3 bays of memory, which holds up to 4 slots, 16 gb max (4 gb each). I dont have nor did i try an external card. HDMI also doesn't work. Its nothing to do with the bios; I can't even get that far. One would assume that onboard video should work right out of the box. I'm trying to stay away from assuming its doa. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • what is a better dry ship stock to get? drys, ocnf, dsx or prgn?

    All 4 of these companies seems like they've started around 2005~07, all of them started pretty well, then went bad (along with rest of economy) but then it seems as though they are going to be making a comeback.

    Which one do you suggest with reason? Please tell me why you chose what you picked.

    Please don't answer if you dont have a reason

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • does anyone know what this korean song is?

    The song I was interested in starts at 1:38 and gets cut off at the end of the 5 min video. Do you know who sings it and what the song is called?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What will happen to my mutual funds if the banks get nationalized?

    As you know, if Bank of America and Citigroup gets nationalized, they say the stocks value with go to 0. Assuming this does happen, I have a few mutual funds (cwicx, irfax, and ithax ,to be exact) in a non-ira account in smithbarney, which is within the citigroup group. What will happen to these funds?

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • How do the professionals fix computers with viruses?

    More specifically, lets say someone has a virus on their computer. Normally, if it were me, I would already have a anti-virus program on my own computer that would be able to scan files before I open them. If you were to do that on someone else's computer, that would require you to install an anti-virus program on their computer. However, professionals wouldn't install anything, due to possibly, liability issues, no room, they don't want you to, etc. etc.

    This makes me wonder how the pros do it? I can imagine with desktop computer, they could take out the hard drive and hook it up to their own computer as a secondary to scan it that way? But what if you can't? What if the hard drive is stuck in the machine such as a laptop which you just cant take out? What do they do then? What other possibilities could there be in ways of fixing stuff?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • When are you going to sell your Visa Stock?

    at what month? or at how much? (or whichever comes first, or whichever comes last) and why?

    Dont forget why.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • help getting on the internet?

    OK, I'm usually the type of person who answers these types of questions, cause I'm way into computers and want to get into IT, so this is kind of disappointing, but I am STUMPED.

    My gf has a desktop and a laptop. She just got cable internet for the first time. Installed software in laptop, set up cable and wire (no router yet) and laptop can get online, no problem. Shows that there is no problem with modem and wire and internet, right? So, moved and plugged wire in desktop, cant install software cause it says its not connected, even tho it is. ipconfig gives an ip address, and computer shows recieving packets. I can ping but cant ping anywhere else. No conflicts with onboard ethernet, using Win2000. ipconfig /release and /renew multiple times, but didn't work, not like it should, since the laptop could get online. IE 5.5 128 bit encryped, and on admin account, not like those matter either. Even went thru lan setup, no help. What is wrong?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why Intel over AMD?

    I read a lot of the yahoo answers, and the choice between Intel and AMD were about even, but a lot of "Intel supporters" just say "Intel all the way" with no reason. So now I'm asking you, Why? If you choose Intel over AMD, why? And if you pick AMD over Intel, or have no preference, no need to answer. Its not that I personally choose AMD over Intel, its that I found a lot more reasons for AMD than I did for Intel.

    Again, please dont answer if you choose AMD or have no preference. Dont answer with "its up to you." Thanks!

    9 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • in exactly what order are people allowed to buy stock?

    I was hoping to buy some visa stock. But by the time it will get to the open market, it will probably have jumped way up in price because of the hype. I heard, that if you want to get it before the price jumps, you need to know somebody that can get it for you? How does that work? are people within the company allowed to buy stock before it goes ipo? can they buy for other people? generally how much time between ipo date and when they can buy it do they have?

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What kind of parts will I need for building a computer?

    So after reading a few yahoo answers, I found that 32bit software will work with 64 hardware. What I want to do, is build a comp compatible for 64 bit, but have 32 bit software and os. I read that if you have 64 bit, u can still run 32 bit software. If thats the case, then why do some programs not run? Also, what are they talking about when they say 64 bit? the processor or the board?

    I know the motherboard has to be 64 bit compatible, which is how most boards with dual core come. But is there anything else? Are there 64 bit graphics cards? ethernet? hard drive? cd/dvd rom drives? memory? Would the memory differ because 32bit can only go up to 4 gb, whereas 64 bit can theoretically go higher?

    Basically, I want to build everything for 32 bit, but be able to just upgrade software to 64 bit when that time comes, because my computer will already be compatible 64 bit compatible.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago