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Question for McCain Supporters?

What do you like about John McCain?

I'm honestly curious. I don't fully understand which voting segment he appeals to.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I wasn't a supporter of his at first. I supported Fred Thompson until he dropped out. Now I like McCain politically because he's got a lot of Washington experience, he's more of a moderate Republican that better represents mainstream America, and he's not afraid to break ranks with Republicans to do the right thing. Personally, I like him because the man's a war hero, obviously cares a lot about his country, and just seems to have a lot of class and character.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like the fact that he is a candidate most like one that I have been waiting on for years. One who is fiscally conservative, yet socially liberal. He's not really all that socially liberal, but he's on the right track, and we need to support Republicans like that, so that they can turn back to what they once were.

    I'm gay, and so you would think that I'd be for the Dems. But there's more to life than equal benefits. First of all, as McCain says, we have to quit spending money that we don't have. Paul says this too. So does my Dad, who is 86 and knows what he's talking about. But he voted for Clinton for some reason!

    I also was against going into Iraq ever. But since we're there and have made a mess, it would be a horrible thing to just leave, and let the civilians run wild against each other. Recall what happened in Rwanda when whichever European power just left, and the majority tribe of Hutus started slaughtering the Tutsi? It will happen just like that in Iraq if we leave without first helping the Iraqis set up a stable government for all Iraqis. I hope that doesn't take long.

    McCain, as he says, will be able to work with both parties. This is NOT an empty promise, but rather a continuation of what he has been doing for years. That's why the conservative Republicans don't like him. They want to impose religious doctrine upon all people, and McCain knows that's wrong. He's just a realist, and truly a patriot with concern for America.

    I hate to bring up his time as a POW, but by being one, I am sure that it had some effect as to solidify his loyalty and love of his country.

    By the way, I didn't come to my decision to support him quickly or easily, but it came through much studying of every candidates' positions and past performance. I believe every candidate has some good ideas, and I am sure that they are also true patriots that want only the best for America too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd only be a McCain supporter if say he were in a general election with Clinton but...

    McCain appeals to the growing number of more moderate Republicans that are embarrassed by the Bush regime and want a change. His trouble defining himself as conservative only means that he'll do better acquiring the independent vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain is the only candidate that knows a war is going on and thinks America security is very important

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