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Will Romney dropping out help McCain or give momentum to Huckabee?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama. Let's make this clear: I've been a Romney supporter from long before he declared his candidacy. (Look at any of my former posts by clicking on my name, and going to see my "answers".)

    I am the very person you are asking about.

    I will now cross over the party line and vote for Obama.

    You see, I know Mike Huckabee. He is as dishonest, mean, and violent person as I've ever known. Have you ever wondered why his children don't campaign for him? It is because he was an abusive father--Mike Huckabee is a HORRIBLE person. I don't want a President who has no personal integrity.

    John McCain is more liberal than Barak Obama. Hillary Clinton is further left than either.

    Barak Obama is now the person furthest on the right.


  • 1 decade ago

    6 out of 10 Republicans don't want McCain.

    McCain couldn't even win 50% in the Arizona Primary.

    Now its time to put up or shut up.

    You will see in Kansas and Louisiana Saturday. If they go to Huckabee, McCain is done. The momentum will swing back to the newly unified base of the Party.

    Whoever said there is not enough delegates left for Huckabee to win is a liar. With the Republican all or nothing to the state winners strategy, Huckabee absolutely can close out McCain...........even if McCain got all of Romney's delegates which he absolutely will not. Nobody wants McCain.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Huckabee cannot win the nomination (it is not possible to get enough delegates from the states still left). The most Huckabee may be able to do would be to force a brokered convention (and that isn't likely either in that McCain only needs 40% of those delegates to lock the nomination).

    Conservatives are not going to rally to Huckabee any more than McCain anyways. This election is Obama's if he is the nominee now for certain....a Hillary nomination is the only thing that could possibly save McCain.

    Source(s): For me there is only 2 worse choices than McCain out there and those would be Hillary and Huckabee (neither of which will ever get my vote). I am voting for Obama now.
  • 1 decade ago

    Statisically speaking I think that it will only help McCain. With remaining primaries still ahead people usually like to vote for a winner. McCain has 707 delegates and Huckabee has 105. Even if Huckabee wins half the remaining states I don't think that will give him enough delegates to ever catch up to McCain. McCain needs 484 more delegates to win the nomination and Huckabee needs 996 - a big difference.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Huckleberry gained't drop out until eventually McCain has each and each and every of the delegates needed. he will probable gained't contain Romney's delegates considering the fact that he ought to declare that they'd no longer vote for McCain on the convention. Huckabee must have dropped out some time previous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Huckabee will get much more support, but I'd assume most true conversatives that were going to vote for Romney are upset with Hack-abee and would not vote for him out of spite. The truth is that Huckabee ruined Romney's chances of becoming the front runner and he should be ashamed that he ruined the party. He will definitely not overtake McCain, but Romney actually had a fighting chance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely McCain. I think Ron Paul may get a few more votes, also. Huckabee has only won states that are predominantly rural and southern, and Romney is the exact opposite of rural and southern. McCain will definitely benefit the most.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it will do more for Huckabee, because Romney's voter base is more likely to swing to his side than McCain's. But I still sort of doubt that will be enough in the end, unfortunately.

    Source(s): I liked Huckabee before he was cool. Chance or no chance I'm still voting for him.
  • dimo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Romney's supporters are furious with Huckabee for taking votes away, since they hate McCain. It helps McCain only in the sense that it makes his nomination even more inevitable than it already was.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain . . . both are getting a lot of support from moderates and independents. If I don't like the Democratic nominee, I will vote Republican as long as it is not Huckabee.

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