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Greedy Candidates!?

Don't you think that the money these people have raised could go to better causes like oh....REBUILDING NEW ORLEANS instead of self promotion?

How can "we the people" limit the amount of money that canidates can raise to just 1 million each?

They can use NPR and PBS to get their message out. Lets not forget the internet.

They have raised close to a 1/2 Billion $$! Gee... that could have fed a few hungry families. Bought a couple of pairs of shoes and/or some school school supplies.

If this is a "time for change" then how do we curb their spending?


You know what people if you are one of the dopes that watch Grey's or Idol I don't think that you should be allowed to vote. You're most likley a sheep and are willing go with the masses without knowing WTF you are or they are talking about. (sorry.... not all of you I don't wanna generalize EVERYONE that watches those show, but if this comment offended you then....BAAAAAAH)

Update 2:

Yes dumb a.s.s I am a lez. I luvz me some tang!

Update 3:

NPR & PBS are supported by the public, but they don't make 1/4 of the money that NBC, FOX, CBS or Clear channel can make. Obamah had an ad durring the SB! That was 2.7 million wasted on self promotion!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Politics is not about whats good for the masses,

    it's about whats good for the rich. Those people don't care about money, they don't care about people, they only care about power. And you know what they say about power.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the same way. Shoot, with YouTube, you don't need to spend money on campaigning. But seriously, in history candidates didn't even go around and campaign. They ran and were voted for. I don't think that millions need to be expended so that Hillary Clinton or John McCain can go to podunk Mississippi or NYC and "rally the troops". I think that televised debates, the internet, etc. are sufficient and that campaign money should be used for something else. To be honest, it seems kind of ironic for Democrats who want to help the little people. Why don't they spend they direct these funds to the little people by urging contributors to donate to charity instead?

  • 1 decade ago

    Excuse me if I'm wrong, but NPR and PBS is funded by supporters as well. Also, using it as their personal vehicle, for a long time, drains the funds to run the stations. But you do have a valid point - there must be a solution to hunger and poverty, as well as fueling the political fires. Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your right!! FEMA just turned down the funding for OK and the ice storm in January said that there wasnt enough damage....tell that to the people who had no power for 6 weeks.! Talk about a total miss appropriation of funds....GASP!! Romney spent 40 mil of his own money.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot reach the people on NPR and PBS... Nobody watches or listens to that crap... If you can't advertise during American Idol, Lost or Grey's Anatomy - You cannot win.

    People have a right to spend their $$$ however they please.

    It's ironic. Politicians are crooked - yet so smooth as to convince so many people to give so much money to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If people want to give there money away then let them. It's there money they EARNED it. The goverment has no right to say how stupid we are with the money we EARN.

  • Belle
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Stop responding to their "Lend your support" ads!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it takes money to be president

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no I think ur greedy

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree

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