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Greedy Candidates!?

Don't you think that the money these people have raised could go to better causes like oh....REBUILDING NEW ORLEANS instead of self promotion?

How can "we the people" limit the amount of money that canidates can raise to just 1 million each?

They can use NPR and PBS to get their message out. Lets not forget the internet.

They have raised close to a 1/2 Billion $$! Gee... that could have fed a few hungry families. Bought a couple of pairs of shoes and/or some school school supplies.

If this is a "time for change" then how do we curb their spending?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We need to level the playing field, and do what they do in England.

    Candidates should be chosen by their Parties or listed an Unaffiliated.

    They can not start running until 6 months prior to the Election, and they can not raise money, or use their own money.

    All media would be required to provide equal free time for Debates, etc.

    This will remove the bribe money, and hopefully insure that we elect Officials who owe their allegiance only to the People.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ya its far way past being ridiculous!! Its not an "election" its a spectacle an "American Idol of Politics" no where else on earth is their such a media frenzy over an election. I agree with you 100% no more contributions other than to the respective parties and within limits too. No PAC spending or corporate donations only individual "capped" donations. And you are right they should be able to use "public" radio and TV to get their message across. Of course that may be a slight problem since PBS and NPR are two of the most liberal media outlets in the USA. The coverage would be heavily biased!

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone has a better use for other peoples money. Just think how much we could have given to the poor if we had not bought these computers and equipment, and not subscribed to the Internet.

    Part of the money spent on campaigning is paying salaries for staff people who would be unemployed or earning much less. It pays for the people staffing the hotels where they stay. It gives jobs to those who work for sign companies. It provides jobs for those in transportation.

    Do you want most or your information filtered through NPR & PBS?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah - and Obama has that Lebanon Money pouring in From Rezko. Obama could care less about the poor and unfortunate; he's too busy fixing up his Mansion and supporting his black separatist buddies; No telling how much he is sending to Africa. If he wins the presidency - you can kiss your tax dollars good-bye, as they will be sent to a land far away - while Americans struggle to stay above water.

    NoBama - No Way !

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