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Bill Clinton Spouse or Former President?

On NBC this morning President Clinton was asked about his remarks concerning Obama. He said that were he got into trouble was that he forgot that he is not the same as other spouses of political candidates. That he is a former president and so his support of his wife and any statements he makes will be seen in a political as opposed to personal light.

do you agree?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    clinton, like any other politician/lawyer, knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

    Anyone who honestly believes otherwise is dizzy from all the spinning...

  • 5 years ago

    I dont think so becuz sure Bill was the president but behind every strong man there is a stronger woman, and i think that hillary had her hand in the whole clinton reign anyways, basicaly i feel that she was half and half with bill as president so no it kinda strengthened her chances and still does.

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, absolutely! Bill Clinton was speaking as Hillary's husband. I expect more out of the Democrats that how Obama is acting. Obama viciously attacked Hillary during the debates like pit dog. Any spouse would have been upset. Who better to know Hillary's capabilities? I think Obama knows Hillary is the better candidate so he tries to discredit her at every opportunity. Obama is a one liner and cannot articulate or debate as well as Hillary. He knows that and tries to compensate by taking the spotlight off of his own inadequacies.

    Obama is so immature and I get sick of him whining about how he has to run again Bill and Hillary! What does he want? People to take pity on him and vote for him? I don't think so, he needs to grow up and act like an adult! He needs more experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do... He is a great man and was a great president. We turned off the debt clock when he was in office, we were in peace, yet we did fight a Kosovo war that HE worked with the UN. They sent in the miltary "BEST" and not one American died. They captured Slobodan Milosovich and he was convicted of war crimes. The war was only 77 days long.... I went to college with some of the programs Bill Clinton set forth. One was the American Reads Program.... I helped children learn to read and received college money... he was for public service. Hillary Clinton pressed for community involvement when raising your children....Remember "IT takes a Village"? She also came up with the current platform for the Healthcare Program all of the candidates are using... I am proud of her, I am proud of him and I trust they are the right ones for our country. We are getting two for the price of one.

    Hillary 08

    Source(s): I would also like to add that Bill Clinton has worked recently with Al Gore and worked to help the victims of Katrina. He reached across party lines and asked Senior Bush to work with him to raise money... Other countries love Bill Clinton and came to his aid and sent money to Katrina victims... He doesn't care about the White House, He cares about THE COUNTRY>
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  • 1 decade ago

    I hope he will be both. He will always be a former president and I hope he will be the new president's spouse. He does get more coverage than the other spouses get, but that is understandable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but regardless of his former position, he was hitting way below the belt.

    I was once a huge fan of Bill Clinton, but his true colors are shining through and I have finally seen the light.

    I knew the Clintons were a bit shady..but I had no idea just how shady they really are

  • dlk
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Of course, he is a former President.

  • 1 decade ago

    Clinton (Bill) wants back in the White house so bad, and if Hillery wins, He will not only be back in the white house he will REALLY be President again.. just watch and see.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes he is her husband and the former President.

    I personally like Bill so could care less what the media says about him. All I know is when he was President. we were in better shape financially.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's that famous Slick memory again.

    That was a completely scripted and calculated move by the Clinton's. These people are professional politicans and don't ever do or say anything like this that isn't planned.

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