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Where do you think you came from besides your mother's womb? How do you think the earth was created?

First of all let me explain to you that there is no such think as the big bang theory. Who do you think created the person who believe in the big bang theory? How can you not believe that GOD created all things-the heavens and earth and you and I? How can you believe that you are goddess and gods? How can you believe in moon gods and sun gods and statues? They cannot move, they cannot talk. What is wrong people? Remember, there are alot of false religions out here. How can you believe in a religion that allows people to get their heads cut off. This is a corrupt and evil world which is control by satan until the LORD returns. You better repent to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be baptized before it is too late. As you can see, everything mentioned in the BIBLE is coming to pass. Such as war, earthquakes, flooding, man becoming lovers of self. Can't you see that satan is the ruler behind all of this madness. You must have GOD in your life in order to know how to rebuke satan.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Who do you think created the person who believe in the big bang theory?"

    His parents.

    "How can you believe that you are goddess and gods?"

    When did I ever say that?

    "How can you believe in moon gods and sun gods and statues? They cannot move, they cannot talk."

    I've never seen a statue of Jesus move or talk either.

    "How can you believe in a religion that allows people to get their heads cut off."

    Careful, there's more than a few references in your bible about who should stoned to death.

    "This is a corrupt and evil world which is control by satan until the LORD returns."

    I think we've already established that I'm not a believer in your religion, and therefore don't believe in a little red man with pointy ears and a tail either.

    "You better repent to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be baptized before it is too late."

    Ah yes... the 'believe or else' argument.

    You, my friend, are clearly incapable of an intelligent conversation and therefore not worth any more of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you think the earth was created?

    How can you not believe that GOD created all things-the heavens and earth and you and I?


    There seems to me that there are soooo many ways of interpreting the Bible. The reason why we have so many denominations in the Christian faith. Also, there are so many ways of the understanding of what 'God' actually is.

    What is 'GOD?' -- 'GOD' can be known as -- Life Principle, Universal Mind, Absolute Intelligence, Energy, Spirit etc. etc.

    A case can be said for 'God' (Intelligent Design) and Evolution going hand and hand. We can witness 'intelligent design' in the whole of nature itself.

    I think too that we can all say that we are engulfed in a mystery -- that there is a spiritual world that surrounds us all -- a force -- an energy which is conscious, aware -- which seems to have created all of the universe.

    There are some books on this topic -- two of them being -- The Field: The Quest for The Secret Force of The Universe by Lynne McTaggart and The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami "

    The back cover of 'The Self-Aware Universe' --

    "In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, Ph.D. shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation, and proposed instead that consciousness is the true foundation of all we know and perceive.

    His explanation of quantum physics for lay readers, called "a model of clarity" by Kirkus Reviews, sets the stage for a voyage of discovery through the common ground of science and religion, the entwined nature of mind and body, and our interconnectedness with all of creation."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was baptized already FOO' and I do have G-d in my life.

    BUT, I think its better to convert to Judaism, as I don't think Jesus existed.


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