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What is the real reason why you do or do not believe in God?

People tend to state that their belief or lack of belief in God is based on evidence in the world. That is merely avoiding the question.

There is one world, but many people. It isn't the world that differs. It is us.

What is it about YOU that causes you to believe or not believe in God? Don't blame it on the world.

Science and scripture are part of the world. Don't blame it on them, either.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our different beliefs ARE all based on evidence in the world.

    The difference is in how we individually interpret the evidence available to us, and the fact different pieces of evidence that are available to different people. What I see may see as a statistical likelihood, someone else may see as a divine miracle, and proof of the existence of a deity.

    My atheism is a result of how I have interpreted the evidence available to me, or rather, the fact I have seen no evidence of a God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many things contributed to my lack of belief in gods. I found it interesting that you posted the question as you did, as opposed to: What is the real reason why you do or do not believe in god(s)? One reason as to why I am an atheist is because of the mutual exclusiveness and incompatibility that exists in theism. Each claims to be right and true, but they all cannot be true, which means that only one of them is true and all the others are false. The next logical step is to assume that they are all false and that god is a human invention for the weak. And there you have my answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure. I was a xian when I went under the anesthesia and I came out of the anesthesia an Atheist. I would love to know what happened.

    I have since realized that the god of the bible is an arrogant tyrant who has horrible temper tantrums. Everything in the bible is against women and enjoying life on earth. Life should be a celebration, not a funeral.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a Hard Agnostic. I do not believe it is possible to ever know for sure about the existence of a Creator. Anyone that claims that their beliefs are the ONLY correct beliefs is at best deluded and at worst lying. I do BELIEVE in a Creator.

    I am a Henothist. I believe that multiple gods exist but I only worship one.

    That god is NOT the god of Abraham (Christians, Muslims, Jews). He might exist; I do not know. I have seen evidence of at least one god, and it was not him. He did NOT claim to be the Creator.

    I am a Dystheist. I do not believe that a Creator-Of-All can be wholly good.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, i'm agnostic. so i don't claim one way or the other, but i am pretty sure there is no god. as for the god of the bible or qu'ran or any other religion, i know they are made up. i have never been contacted by any gods. and i've seen enough bloodshed and hunger in other parts of the world to realize that if there is a god, he cannot be at once all loving and all powerful. that just is not a possibility.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I care about the truth. Every belief we have as a society is based on reasons, evidence and facts, but for some reason religion get's a free ride on all 3.

    If I told you I believed Elvis was still alive; you would ask me for evidence and reasons. If I didn't provide either you would assume I'm nut job....and rightfully so.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and reason.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mind cannot comprehend how a floating entity could create everything that i see before me. It does not make sense, it is not logical, and no one will convince me otherwise. The bible is a farce. And yes i know i am Wiccan, but i have always been amazed by science, carbon dating, evolution, so many things that make more sense to me because they are there to grab onto. Years of reading the bible, and trying to understand church and christians made me feel more alienated and out of place. None of it ever made sense. They way they talk is like everything good comes from god, everything bad comes from satan. Like, instead of thanking human beings for doing good deeds, they thank a god they can't see. Why not thank your parents for your birth, instead of god? They are the ones who spent 9 months preparing, nurtering you, etc and giving birth to you. I won't blame my disbelief on the world. But when i have relatives forcing it down my throat, telling me when i am in high school that i will burn in hell for not believing in god, and trying to make me see that i WILL come to god some day, i hate that. No one can tell me what i choose. Years after being told that, i became Wiccan. not because of it, but i knew i was being pushed further and further away from my christian relatives and friends because they treated non believers like freaks.

    Well the story is extremely long. But i am happy with the path i chose. No one chose it for me. This path makes alot of sense to me. It explains why my whole life i've loved animals, art, nature, gardening etc, it's in my blood somehow. That's what a Wiccan is. And no one can ever try and draw me into the head in the clouds world of Christianity.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Are hell threats a reason to have faith God is real? yeah, yet no longer stable ones. the completed universe and each little thing in it is the data that God is real. heavily, what are the probabilities that one and all this occurred randomly?

  • 1 decade ago

    I tried various religions and gods. The more I questioned the more I doubted the existence of god. Now I have reached a stage where I know for sure that god doesn't exist. That is my personal belief.

  • 1 decade ago

    The real reason is the same reason I've answered before: I've experienced Them. And while I might possibly have been mistaken, it changed my life in a positive way, taught me something I didn't know and which I confirmed was true years later, and so I think it was genuine.

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