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my daughter has been throwing up with no fever. She isn't getting sick everyday but maybe every other day.

She is 7 and is eating normally and going to school. Besides the throwing up she is acting normal. I can't figure out what is causing her to get sick. What do you think???

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is called GERD or Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease. Her food goes out from her tummy because of a reaction of some acid that makes the gate of the stomach open in the wrong time.

    Source(s): My science book/magazine/teacher.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First of all, I think you need to find another pediatrician. Because any decent pediatrician would want to rule out an ear infection before just saying over the phone that it was a viral infection. (Kids can still have an ear infection even if their only outward symptom is a fever.) And what kind of doctor says to give a 2-year-old the same medicine as an adult, especially without an office visit? The fever should start breaking as the antibiotic starts working. I would listen the ER and give her a few more days on the anti-biotic. Just be vigilant about giving her the tylenol and motrin (I usually do the former during the day and the latter at night) and all of the usual fever rememdies (lots of fluids, luke-warm baths, lots of love). If you are worried that the anti-biotic isn't working, though, follow your instincts and try to get in with a doctor again. Good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    my son does this as well. Its reflux. His teachers panicked at first. They would call me EVERYTIME he got sick...which was either right after he ate or after he chugged his milk. They finally understood that there wasnt anything i could do . He is on medicine for it but half the time his reflux is so bad he cant get the meds down so that doesnt help me. He used to get sick almost every morning, it has gotten to the point where he does not eat a full breakfast...some days he doesnt eat one at all. My son is 8 by the way. He has learned a few things that trigger his reflux , such as chugging his milk, or eating too fast, so this has helped but he still does get sick. I don't know what I can tell you as far as advice....cuz I'm still trying to figure it all out myself, I just thought i would let you know that it makes sense to me to have a "normal" child that throws up every other Good luck to you both

  • Joe H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I saw an episode of Mysterious Diagnosis on TV

    not long ago. I really hope it's not what they found.

    In that episode, very similar things happened to another little girl. They found she had a very unusual, rare case of epilepsy which caused relatively mild siezures that caused the little girl to vomit in the pattern/way you are describing, (usually during the night) but be completely fine and normal minutes later. Again, I hope it's not that. But maybe you should take her to the Doctor and get her a quality check up and diagnosis. Always best to err on the side of caution & safety.

    Source(s): We can all hope it's the flu, or guess it's GERD but only a good check up can help you to be the most certain. These are all different ailments requiring different treatments. Let's hit the nail on the head, shall we?
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should take your child to a doctor just in case her throwing up every day might be a serious problem.

    You say your child is normal except throwing up every day but that's not normal.

    Good luck getting an answer here. Nobody not even a doctor can tell you what's wrong with your kid without personally examining her.

    Take your daughter to a doctor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lots of fluids and go to the doctor. Upchucking every second day is not normal without signs of disease (fever for one). I would be concerned of a serious medical problem.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She has the flu there are several types of flu and only a few come with no fever. I have one myself right now and its starting to go away but I'm so sick of being sick. keep her home for like three days and see if it doesn't go away. This flu is going around in the northen Ms.

  • KitKat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    she may have a stomach virus. limit the foods she eats and make sure she has lotsa fluids, including popsicles. follow up with the pediatrician.

  • 1 decade ago

    that happened to me when i was little and it was acid reflux does it happen in the morning when she wakes up? take her to her pediatrician try giving her a couple crackers when she wakes up see if it helps until u can get her to the dr.

  • 1 decade ago

    shes nervous or scared

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