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LongEars asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Growth rate?

I have a baby donkey who is just turning 1 next month. He has not grown much the last few of months so I am wondering if he is going to reach the size of his parents and when. We gelded him at 6 mo and I didn't know if that could some how play a part in his growth. We saw the parents before they too were adopted and both are "normal" size Sicilian Donkeys, around 11 hands and 500+ lbs but Willy is still somewhere closer to 8 hands if that. He is happy and healthy, is UTD on shots and wormer. Could he just be a "runt"? Should we be worried about proper nourishment? Any input is helpful, thank you.


Guess I should add: he is on pasture, gets hay every morning, SafeChoice every night and an occassional handful of grain.

Update 2:

I know it takes awhile for horses to grow but I have never seen a growth rate this slow with no change in months.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They grow slowwwwww, I thought the same as you, that he would be a midget for his entire life.

    He is coming four in July and this last year he finally was sprouting.

    Donks mature so much slower because they live longer. Mentally they mature at least 2 years behind a horse. So even at 5 yrs old, your dealing with mentally a 3 yr old.

    My son is riding our donk lightly right now, but I won't actually ride him until he is 5. Your donk should be fine, I wouldn't worry. Just don't overfeed him and he definately doesn't need any grain. Just good quality hay and minerals.

    If you have any questions on donks feel free to ask. Congrats on your baby, they are awesome animals. You can start ground driving him in his halter and long lines now, not sure if your planning on driving him etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you have to keep in mind that donkeys, horses, mules, anything of the sort, arent fully grown until they're between 3-5 years. That's usually when most of them stop growing. So he still has a lot of growing time left.

    Edit**- Well as the first person said, they do tend to have a slower growing rate. A friend of mine has donkeys and even she thought something was wrong with them but its perfectly normal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    baby donkeys or it least the ones I've had don't seem to mature as fast as colts. I'm sure he will sprout on up there as he gets a little older! as long as he is eating plenty and up to date on all his medical stuff and wormed I for see him growing into a normal size (cute) donkey

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keep in mind, he's still a baby.

    He probably won't mature fully until he is age 4 or 5 like other horses.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It depends. was it the mares 1st foal?? if so all 1st foals tend to be smaller... also you could feed him foal and yearling course mix which is high in protein and helps growth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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