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If there's a god, and he's all-powerful, why can't he get his message across?

Most religions and sects disagree on minor or major points, if not entire philosophies, so obviously quite a few people must have it wrong. Basically if you (whoever YOU are) are correct, then everyone who believes differently is wrong.

If god's message is so important, and he is so powerful, why does he not put it across to everyone, unambiguously, with absolutely no room for misinterpretation?

Free-will could still be observed. People could still freely choose not to follow his word. But shouldn't they at least know for certain what that word is, without any doubt whatsoever?

Is it really fair to deliver the word in such a scattershot manner, leaving it to fallible men to record, deliver, and interpret in a thousand different ways and then hold mankind to the highest standard of accountability for the accuracy of his beliefs?


Slow_hand - What was the message, then? Can it fit on a bumper sticker? Can't god do better? My first grade teacher taught me to read. Can't god give a more conclusive education?

Update 2:

olpolar birdy: Why does he pick and choose individuals? He's all-powerful isn't he? Can't he do a little better than presorted junk mail?

Update 3:

goodzilla: Thanks.

Update 4:

Blazer: But why so limited? Why didn't Mary appear to EVERYONE? Why leave any room for doubt whatsoever?

Update 5:

Shadowjack: So the devil is a more effective communicator than god? Which is the all-powerful, then?

Update 6:

jojokeeper: obviously you believe so, which is fine. But why is the message clear to you and not everyone else? Does god love you and hate us?

Update 7:

PARVFAN : Free will has nothing to do with it. If the message was clear to all, and unambiguous, we could still choose to disobey. But at least we'd all be on the same page.

Update 8:

Oldguy: That makes no sense. What are devout Jews "rebelling" against? They believe they are following god's will and you are damned. You believe the opposite. How could an omnipotent god leave such a wide margin for error when the stakes are so high?

Update 9:

charvette3: Really? And which message is it? If you ask 100 believers you'll get 100 different answers. Compared to god we ARE dumb. Shouldn;t he take that into account?

Update 10:

Leesha: I have no faith, but many people do, and they seem to all contradict each other. How could this be so if god is infallible?

Update 11:

Angel: Come on, girl, have some perspective. That simply isn't true. Did aborigenes in the 5th century know about Jesus? Or tribes in the congo? Even now, what does an kid born in Syria know about god? They know what their parents teach them.

Update 12:

Strats: That's fine that you believe in the bible, but how could even you, a believer, claim the bible is "clear?" At BEST, it's loaded with prophecy that requires interpretation. You're being dishonest.

Update 13:

Batgirl2: EXACTLY. People bicker and argue about stupid things. Could GOD not foresee that would happen? Could he not (being all-powerful) come up with a mechanism to overcome this?

Update 14:

domo: see comments to Strats

Update 15:

sparkplug: see comments to bipolar birdy.

Update 16:

countrytc: Thank you for the thoughtful answer. But still you are making excuses for god. If he's all-knowing, can he not intantly and accurately determine exactly what everyone's capacity to understand is? If he is all-powerful, can he not get his message to them clearly, unambiguously to each and every one?

Update 17:

heknewmeyetlovedme: Thank you for the answe. The problem with the scripture is, it IS not clear and unambiguous. AT BEST it requires interpretation. It is translated from archaic languages. The simple fact that it requires literacy kept the message from reaching most of the world's population for much of recorded history.

Update 18:

jiloth7: no offense, but why must I or anyone else rely on YOUR interpretation to obtain simple, everyday words? Was god trying to impress with his vocabulary? This is my point. It shouldn't require EXPLAINING by anyone to anyone, because as soon as you filter the message through a human vessel, you risk corruption. Is that not true?

Update 19:

sparkplug: You said "The Bible teaches that if one is really saved and being lead by the Holy Spirit, then they will be lead into all truths."

So obviously a lot of people have not been saved. Why not? I don't mean myself. I'm an unbeliever, so there ain't much hope. But what about devout people who genuinely feel they are obeying his word, but they believe differently than you? Their hearts ARE open, but they aren't getting the same word you are. Why is that?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow ....that's the best question I've seen on here in quite a while.

    Howard Stern can get his message across ...what's up with Jesus??

    I'm sure he could at least get a shot on cable or satellite.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The 51% is more to do with peoples attitude toward God rather than the existence of a God or the effectiveness of his word. Remember, when Christ was on earth, he performed miracles, often in front of his enemies, but they chose to execute him. Don't forget that 1 John 5:19 says that 'The world is lying in the power of the wicked one.' So there is also pressure upon people to chose a course of life contrary to the one recommended in the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God did send His message and make it easy enough so a child could understand it. It goes like this in everyday words:

    God loved the people of the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die in their place so they would not have to endure the torments of the Lake of Fire forever. Those who have recognized their sinful condition and are sorry for being offensive to God can ask God from the heart for His forgiveness and He will grant it. Then God will reveal Himself to those people and they will be delivered from eternal death.

    Their spirit, which was dead in sin, will then be awakened to truth and in gratitude they will love and serve God in this life and throughout all the vast ages of eternity.

    In the words of the old children's song:

    Jesus loves me this I know - For the Bible tells me so.

    It is not a confusing message. My oldest son grasped it when he was 4 years old and my second oldest grasped it when he was three. My other five children all grasped it before they were five or six years old. All of them are loving and serving the God who paid the price for their salvation, and they did it by their own choice without pressure from my wife and I.

    God just chose to use human instrumentality to spread the word. Sadly many humans mistake what is real and what is not, and some of the messengers also go out to spread the message before they really get it in their hearts. The real problem isn't with God's inability - but human effort that is not guided by the Holy Spirit. The misinterpretation comes from those who have not prepared themselves to bring the word. Confused people will obviously bring confusion even on the things of God.

    God always straightens it out for those whose hearts are set on knowing Him and loving and serving Him. He always knows what He is doing even if others do not.


  • 1 decade ago

    you make plenty sense, i will give you that. maybe its a case where one has heard and chose not to believe the true doctrine. there are scriptures where it says He will allow them to believe what their itchy ears want to hear. you can read the bible for yourselves and take it how you take it. have you ever heard anyone say "you have to read the bible spiritually and not carnally?" this is something else one should pray bout, the wisdom on understanding what you have read so that you wont be carried away with strange doctrine. for instance the bible talks bout eating meat, the ones that faith is strong has no problem but the one whose faith is weak only eats vegetables. it also says that God has made everything and to eat whatever sold in the market place but you still have people that will not eat certain things saying its wrong. then you have the ones that wont let go of the laws that were here before Jesus. i my thing is this, we must believe Jesus is God's son, He died and rose again 3 days later. He is the only way to the Father. this is what is important to your salvation, this is how one becomes saved. once you have done this the other stuff will fall in place. (baptism, stronger in Spirit and less flesh, etc.) bottom line even with our all knowing and all powerful God, He will still meet us have way, nothing will fall into our laps. we must pray and ask for the knowledge to understand His word. the bible is full of mystery.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If one is truly saved, they all of a sudden have a hunger to learn the word of God. They start spending every extra moment in the Word, seeking to learn the Truth. The Bible teaches that if one is really saved and being lead by the Holy Spirit, then they will be lead into all truths. The Holy Spirit has to be the one to open up the scriptures for us to understand the meaning of them.

    The reason for so many different interpretations is because the ones that are doing the interpretation are often NOT being lead by the Holy Spirit and have come to their conclusion of what the scripture means. Therefore leading themselves into false beliefs and many times leading others along with them.

    I didn't say that he picks and choses. I said that the Holy Spirit has to be the one to open up the scriptures for one to have a understanding of them. All they have to do is ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing hard about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A good question many wonder about. If you are english speaking and go to a Chinese speaking gathering, you will not understand, despite the well constructed speech patterns of the participants. In communication theory it is understood that meaning is in people, not words. The words are symbols that the speaker uses to hint at or convey his meaning, and those same words we apply our meaning to. You may want to consider this question... Can God tell you the Truth? You may never know, for the listener only knows to their own capacity, and in this case can't grasp to totality of meaning within God. So the reason God doesn't force us to understand his meaning, may reflect His patience and our misunderstanding of Time and Process. As people grow and learn they have more capacity, eventually having more grasp of their relationship to God.... but it can never fully be known by the human material mind.... as far as evidence so far suggests. Thanks for the question

  • 1 decade ago

    God has made his message clear in the Bible. All other religions and sect are man trying to make his own path to salvation instead of listening to God and doing what he asks of us. The problem is human beings are to stupid to listen.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No one will listen.

    2. They have blinded their eyes and their ears and thus God has given them over to a spirit of stupor so they who loved not the truth will believe a lie.

    Sort of like a "You asked for it."

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a God. He is all-powerful. People are the problem. They bicker and whine and argue over stupid points.

    People get in His way.

    He does not hold us accountable over these little things.

    All we need to do is to accept the gift that He offers us.

    People make something simple into something difficult.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you asking me or asking God?

    Okay, seriously...we as people are by definition...STUPID. We need to be TAUGHT through life and experience. God clearly knows this as we are his creation. I'm sure he knew exactly what he was doing (though you may need to clear that up with him) and he is testing the heart of his people. By faith we believe. Nothing more than faith. You either have it or you don't. For one I believe his word to be fairly simple. It's a good thing too, as I am also stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    God put all he had to put in the Bible read it and it will tell you why to trust it and God for the two are one his word is himself its his word that tells you the mistakes that people have made and how we can learn from them now it makes our life easier because he made it so he knows hoew to live it see you are the example of your own question I told you to read the Bible you won't and will keep disbelieving and questioning you will be judged for that.

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