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Last Hillary question of the day: Is experience a good thing even if it is experience in being wrong?

Hillary's platform seems to be that she has gained a wealth of experience by either:

a) sleeping with a sitting president

b) failing at health care reform


c) 4 more years in the senate than Obama, during which time, she voted to authorize the Iraq war and continually to renew funding for it.

Why are any of these things a positive mark on her record?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So basically she does not have this 35 years experience that she claims she is a LIAR..........

    I should know I lie all the time, I pretend to be Law Enforcement in Yuma AZ, I pretend to be an Air Force vet............

  • 1 decade ago

    Hilary has 8 years as a Senator and she voted on the war in Iraq basted on the information provided to her and the rest of Congress by the President

    At least she Voted.

    Obama didn't vote because he wasn't even a Senator yet

    But hes constantly says i was against it from the start

    Obama never votes on anything his line when ask to vote is present and this is not a vote either way.

    Obama is a empty suit running a say nothing campaign

    Obama is a do nothing Senator

    How can he expect anyone to elect a do nothing -say nothing

    2 year half term Senator who's has never done anything except talk to be President

    I think the only reason he is running is because he wants to be the first black President. .

  • TLB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    As a first lady, Hillary’s sole important legislative involvement came during the first two years of her husband’s presidency when she sought to pass her ill-conceived health care reform, an effort that failed so miserably that it cost her party control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Between 1995 to 1997, she was largely absent from the White House, traveling the world, promoting her best selling book and helping to raise funds. She never attended strategy meetings and her only intervention in the singular legislative achievements of Bill’s administration — welfare reform and the balanced budget deal — was privately to urge a veto of the former and to oppose the latter because it provided for a cut in the capital gains tax. Hillary returned to the White House in 1998 to oversee the defense to the Lewinsky scandal and the impeachment attempt, but the Clinton administration essentially folded its legislative efforts during those years and hung on for dear life. No portfolio of accomplishments there.

    In the Senate, she has largely spent her time raising funds for herself and other Democrats (in hopes of attracting the votes of super delegates) and promoting her best selling memoir Living History. In part because of a lack of attention and also because of the Democrats’ minority status during much of her Senate tenure, she has passed very, very little of note.

    Her legislative accomplishments in her first term in the Senate were almost entirely symbolic. She renamed a courthouse after Justice Thurgood Marshall. She passed a resolution honoring Alexander Hamilton and another celebrating the win of a Syracuse University lacrosse team. She renamed post offices, founded a national park in Puerto Rico and expressed the sense of the Senate that Harriet Tubman should have gotten a federal pension 150 years ago.

    Her only actual legislation included one bill to increase nurse recruitment, another to aid respite time for Alzheimer’s care givers and another to expand veterans’ health benefits, a paltry output for six years’ service.

    In her second term, she has spent full-time campaigning for president and has the worst attendance record of the three senators now still in the presidential race.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES! The best way to learn is from your mistakes! By the way, she hasn't 'failed' at health care reform-ask Californians! She may have voted for the war in Iraq based by lies given not only to her but the entire Congress and the American citizens....Bush chose to believe what was warned to be faulty intelligence and pass it along as truth! AT LEAST SHE VOTED!!!! OBAMA NEVER VOTES ON ANYTHING! He is a DO-Nothing Senator running a SAY NOTHING Campaign - how can anyone elect A BIG NOTHING for President??????

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  • 1 decade ago

    'm a Californian, what did Hillary have to do with Fabian Nunez's failed attempt to innitiate socialism into our failed health care, I pay for my own Hillary wants to take that away from me and/or raise my taxes so i fall into the can't afford health insurance class

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, even assuming she was "wrong," it is better to have experience being wrong than having no experience at all.

    We learn by making mistakes, right?

    And what woman wouldn't sleep with a sitting president?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is a fake, and the Clintons are crooks. Anyone who has not seen the film called the Clinton Chronicles should.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    her experiance is that of a house wfie. thats hardly an advancement of feminism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Her experience being wrong hasn't taught her anything either, it seems.

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