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I am suprised that no one has asked the most important question to be asked..What must I do to be saved?

There is not a topic entitled religion on here that I have found. To every human being that should be the utmost thought in their mind..if there is a God...what do I do to serve Him and how can I be saved to enter the afterlife. If there is a God...then He has got to communicate with us. What is that communication? And if that God made us..He is far more superior to us. That far supperiority must mean He is capable of giving us a perfect manual...after all we have manuals with the things we make. What has He told us to do to make our lives worK? What must we to to be saved?

44 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    take in knowledge of the One True God and the one he sent forth Jesus Christ

    then act upon that knowledge and live by Gods rules.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I was in college we addressed situations like the one you are presenting. It is called drawing false conclusions. People present information that is portrayed as fact. Then after the facts are presented they draw a conclusion from that information. It is usually flawed.

    To every human being that doesn't have to be the utmost thought in their mind. Life is occurring now. It is tangible and it is now. Suppose you are wrong about god and an afterlife. I find it highly selfish to think about ones possible future while ignoring the hardships that we are presented with today. Life may find away, but that does not concretely indicate that a divine presence is guiding it. Such conclusions are drawn from comprimised data and an ulterior motive of the person making the statement.

    If there is a god what do I have to do to serve him. What reason can you give for us to worship him. Because he may be all powerful. Because he gave us life. See the error is that he (if he exist), gave us life. GAVE us life. It is a gift. No bill was proferred. In every culture a gift is a token, custom, or method of showing favor. Why do we have to serve him. If he can create life with a thought as the bible and the self-styled holy scriptures profess then why would he demand obedience. Is he benevolent or is he a vengeful god. If he is perfect then why does he need us to obey when he could of made us to do as he wants when he created us. These are the questions that never get answered.

    How can I be saved and enter the afterlife. If there is an afterlife, why do we have to petition and compete to get in. Also, hell is a option for the afterlife so getting into the after life doesn't seem that difficult. Getting into the VIP room may be. However, what is a GOOD CHRISTIAN supposed to do to get in. There are over a hundred different denominations of christianity. If the people who preach the word can't agree on what the word really is, then why should we listen to 100 different minds and pick the one we like.

    You said IF THERE IS A GOD, don't seem to be sure yourself. But, if there is a god, how do you draw the conclusion that it HAS to communicate with us. Our scientist created massive computers back in the sixtys or so and we don't communicate with them right now. Most would be hard pressed to know the proper language and syntax. That logic was faulty.

    IF...GOD MADE US....what evidence can you present to prove that it is superior to us. Because it can destroy us at will. Yeah....that could be defined as being superior. Because, it is smarter than us....that cold be defined as being superior to us. From what perspective, are you defining superiority. Do you find power to be a superior trait or overwhelming knowledge, or life longevity, or omniprescence? Your definition is required for anyone to agree with you.

    Why would we need a manual. If it wanted us to be perfect we would have been made so right. Hmmm. What is perfection. That seems to be one of those misleading terms. Again, it needs defined from a perspective. I mean what is perfect to one person is not necessarily perfect to another. You seem to believe in a deity. You ever wonder why he gave us free will and a flawed life if that wasn't what he wanted, unless that was what our lives were meant to be.

    What has IT told us to do to make our lives work? The question is a little ambiguous. I mean has it ... you know, him...has he talked to you. It would seem that if he wanted us to do his or its bidding, then why not make the command unambiguous.

    What must we to (I think you meant do) to be saved? Saved from what. In every way that you look at us, you can't help noticing that we are destroying the world a little at a time. We pick up speed every ten years. We are consumming our home and the stars are the only place we will have left. A place where we must learn to tame or bid farewell to. How can god save us. Be clear in its message or kill off about 85% of our population and send us back to the neolithic stages of life. We have gone from a meek delicate animal to a predatory swarm much like the locusts or fire ants. We only no how to destroy. In fact, how many microorganisms do we destroy with each inhale. We destroy. That is what we are. We just try to choose conscientous methods that ease our guilt, but we never stop destroying.

    I tried growing a garden once. I couldn't get this one vine to stop growing. Everytime i would remove it several other sprouts would spring up. Eventually, I was like hell with it. I don't need that garden and I let it overgrow and smother itself. IF god exist, maybe it did the same. i haven't got any answers, but neither did you. Just a lot of ritualistic chanting.

    people ask the important questions. NOt everyone likes the answer. What must you do to be saved. Stop spouting these meaningless drival and look inward. If there is a god, his or its fingerprint will be some where in the blue prints and the architecture. Every good architect wants to be remembered for his creations.

    My opinion.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    surrender, admit you are not the most powerful thing in this universe.. Faith.. believe that a power greater then you exsists..

    Read the manual. it is called the bible. get a newer translation.. 'The Living Bible", "the life application Bible", "the Message Bible" all will help you to live a fuller life a More Godly life..

    Remember that we are made in Gods Image.. but we are flawed.. but we are forgiven.

    Read, learn, pray, listen.

    With your new awareness, come acceptance when you are ready.. then action.. You will know when it is time for the action.

    He gave us a bible that confuses some, but to keep it really simple He gave us all.. Christians or not.. the 10 commandments.. try to live every day with those are your foundation.. It works and it sure makes for a more peace filled

    journey here on earth amidst all the confusion this life brings.

    God is my respite..

    I have also found that the closer I draw to him, the harder it gets sometimes..

    He never said the road would be easy, but He promised strength for the ride.

  • 1 decade ago

    be the best person you can be. help where you can. volunteer somewhere. hold the door open, assist a blind person across the street, and always do a good turn every day. whatever it takes for you to lead "the good life".

    as for a manual so that we can read what we should do if our child gets arrested, steals, gets a hole in one in golf, or becomes the school valedictorian, just ain't gonna be there. the manuals that are issued to us upon birth are, the brain in our head, and the life experiences we are about to face. it is then that we learn the manual as we age which teaches us how to react to each situation.

    as for being saved. there are no guarantees in or after this life. so as you mentioned above, "if" there is a God, and a heaven, then your actions while a mortal on this earth will determine your entry into heaven.

    either that or the doorman will expect you to slip him $50 in order to get in..

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  • Dyan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There is a manual and it is called the Bible. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We are saved when we decide to live by the word of Jesus Christ and live our lives accordingly. We will never be as perfect as he was, but he is a forgiving God. When we ask for forgiveness, he cast it to the back and it is over and we move forward. We try to live by the Ten Commandments. Since I have been saved, I have seen so many good changes in my life that I know would not have been possible without me putting God first in my life. -:)

  • 1 decade ago

    No one asked because it quite obvious. All religions preach how to live in order to be saved. For example, for Christians, there are the 10 Commandments. And our manual is the Bible. We have been told all our lives what to do in order to be saved. Accept Jesus as your savior, love God, live by Gods ways etc. Its the same with other religions. For example Muslims live by the teachings of Muhammad to get to the afterlife and their "manual" is the Qur'an. No one asked this question because its has a pretty obvious answer. Stop trying to sound smart and don't ask another question which I know you knew the answer to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According to the Bible, God has saved everyone before the beginning of time, and he knew what would happen. He doesn't have to communicate directly to you, you should pay attention to the things around you and try to understand what your purpose is at the time.

    God gave us free will, and so we can make our own choices. He does not control us, but he knows everything that happened, is happening, and will happen.

    To be saved, you must have faith in God and accept his gift of forgiveness and and eternal life. God has paid the price for you, now you must believe that and share the good news with others.

    Source(s): Church. The Bible. It's allll there.
  • 1 decade ago

    The bible says for us to be saved it is simple, we Must believe that God sent His son (Jesus) into the world, that he was conceived by the Holy Spirit, He was born a virgin birth, He lived, He suffered for our sin, He was crucified. But all of these things can be shown beyond a Shadow of a doubt through historical documents, the most important thing is that three days later, He physically raised from the dead. By this He overcame death. What God wants from us is Faith. We can have faith in many things, but God said that we can only know Him through faith. Look up in a bible, John 3:16

  • 1 decade ago

    Prayer is God's communication with humans. If you pray and ask Jesus to become your Lord and Savior and when you are ready bet baptised. Living in God's word by reading the Bible and getting into fellowship with other Christians is important. The Bible is God's manual for how we should live. I would advise you to go to one of your local churches and ask for a meeting with a new believers' pastor and they can answer way more questions than anyone on here can. And thank you for asking an intelligent question!!! :)

    Source(s): Devoted christian
  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    answer: no thank you. I asked for 15 years and got nothing. No being "saved" no "peace and love", no comfort.

    I was raised Christian but never seemed to fit in or understand (or believe.) I prayed, I asked, I begged, I tried for 15 years to get some kind of answer in Christianity, to make it fit. I only felt lonely and out of place. The doubts and questions weren't answered logically and I never felt "saved". I never reached the level of belief. I became an adult and kept trying with no success.

    I reread the Bible, listened to preachers condemning me and saying AIDS was God’s punishment on homosexuals and studied the bible. Studying the bible did it finally. I decided that wasn’t for me. I couldn’t worship the deity in Christianity. I never found the “loving” god so I stopped trying and looked elsewhere. Alcohol didn’t work and only messed up my life so that ended quick.

    I was Wiccan for 10 years and that was MUCH closer to what I was looking for but not quite it. Having gods and goddesses made perfect sense to me.

    I began exploring my ethnic roots (going through Native American traditions, Celtic paganism and then I found heathenism. From the moment that I picked up a book on heathenism I knew what I had been missing. Eclectic paganism had been close but not exactly what I was looking for.

    It took 10 years before I found the deities and religion waiting for me. Now I have that challenge, love, acceptance, and encouragement I was looking for in Christianity without the threats of hell or requiring me to change my orientation. Heathenism sings to my very nature.

    My deities don't want me to grovel to them or turn the other cheek to an enemy. They want me to live honorably and always question, seeking knowledge and honor them, my family, my friends, my ancestors and my self.

    Your religion and savior isn't for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You must truly WANT to be saved. You must REPENT for your sins. You MUST walk the path of life with JESUS. Of course, you WILL continue to make mistakes and to sin, but you will be saved if you continue to repent, ask for forgiveness, and work on yourself to make changes. Avoid temptations. Love your brother. Forgive others. God did give us a manual. It just didnt come in the form of a pamphlet. By the way, there IS a category under religion on here. Religion & Spirituality

    Source(s): Personal choice
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