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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

So many languages, but only Arabic, muslims and chrisitians please:?

Why after the tower of Babel and creating so many languages, does god now only wish to receive prayers in arabic?

have created mexican, chinese, and swahili, is it fair to saym that these distinct cultures may only reach god by speaking to him in a language none of them are likely to ever hear, learn,practice, recite, order food in, or study?

Is it fair to asusme, that they are not gods choosen people for failing to align their prayer in a position of somewhat easternly assiginings?

God loves varitey. Which is why apples don't only come in one colour, which is why there are many languages and cultures but yet only one God. So why god would wish to recieve prayer in only one language, and is only likely to respond if yuo combine this prayer with the appropiate man made tapestry of a persian rug, combined with the feng shui orientation of aliginig it so you can see the rising of the sun is clearly beyond me

why do you muslims need man made mats, to reach god?


Why does god accept prayer only in arabic?

why does it require continuous chanting, when the bible says do not babble like the pagans do.

why do i have to put my hands behind my ears, forming hand motions and movements which are part of an occultic language as practiced by esoteric temple worshippers?

is it so god can hear me better?

If i have ot pray only in arabic so god can hear me, i have to assume that i am praying to a god that only understands arabic

and has deemd all theo the people and their languages as unworthy.

Or quite simply i am praying to an arabic deity, who wants to become top dog, and has asked his acolytes to make sure of that, in thge same way the ogds of the babylonians the persians and the greeks and romans wanted the same thing.

does it not worry muslims that their god seems somewhat speicific to the middle east, and is frowned upon everywhere else?

maybe it's because they don't speak arabic?

if he wanted them to, why knock down babel?

Update 2:

Gothika, Jesus is also a merciful God too, he forgives sin, and healed the sick, and put back a centurions ear after it was cut off, that is a God of mercy. He could have eliminated his enemies with less than a blink of an eye, but did he no...beucase he is that to allah

they see the mercy of Jesus as sign of weakness, why? they ask God to be merciful, yet they want to chop off hands to compensate for sin

Update 3:

Jerry M

Japan and nigeria have other 30,000 words which are spelt the same way and have exactly the same meaning,

there is a greater similarity between japanese and nigerian, than japanese and korean

you do the maths

Update 4:

HMS please see my question about blood and the remission of sins, ask yourself why allah killed a calf for adam and eve, then asked abraham to kil a ram, then asked jews to kill spotles lambs

and then work out why jews have stopped sacrificing animals since the the crucifxion when the lamb of God was crucified for the world,

just stop and ask yourself why allah told the jews to go through all that, then said hey you dont need to do it anymore....

oh that's right, it's becuase he's one of the 360 moon gods that muhammed chose

who is illa

why is he in your prayer verses

google illa and the hazan temple

no new revelation

just a moon worshipping cult back from the days of babylon, with the same dome and moon spire towers representing male and female parts

same buildings, same prayers, whats the new revelation?

allah used muhameed to make him top dog, now muslims feel inlcined to do the same, those who are most inclined folow the qu'ran to the letter, and kill the enemies of islam,

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, there is no chanting involved in Islam. Second, they do not face east to see the rising sun, they face the kaaba in Mecca. Do you even know what the kaaba is? It has significance for Christains too. Third, it is not necessary in Islam to use a rug of any type while praying, its just a preference. God understands and recieves prayers in any language however, the ritual prayers are in arabic so that the exact words will not be lost in translation like those of the bible have. Where do you get your information it is very inaccurate?

  • 1 decade ago

    Where did you get this? God only wants prayer in Arabic? Silly.

    You must be referring to why Islam is always in Arabic even though there are very different languages from Iraq to Iran to Pakistan to Turkey, etc.

    That answer is simple. It's part of the Muslim doctrine. They face Mecca. Facing Mecca is to the east or to the west, north or to the south. It's all part of the prophet Muhammed and his teachings. You have Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims based on division because of Muhammed and his legacy.

    While Muslims share some of the Judeo-Christian history from the Old Testament, their interpretations are different, so you are mixing religions.

    On a theological level in addressing your question, you are mixing too much of your own interpretations. God doesn't honor the languages of men. Whether Arabic, Chinese, Russian, or Greek, these are utterances from the lips of men. He hears prayers through the spirit, because God is spirit. So whether you pray in Japanese or Swahili, if your prayer moves in the spirit, then God hears.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason why its kept in Arabic, is not because they are the chosen people, but its kept in arabic so that the original words of the Prophet are not lost in translation. For example the Bible is translated into many many many diffrent languages, and each one differs slighty, due to translation and other stuff, but because it is kept it arabic, then there is no mistranslation or change of meaning to what is said.

    Although There are Translated Korans ( which have the arabic writing included in it), and they have the meaning in englihs, and other languages so that you can understand it and stuff, but you must pray in Arabic so that the original meaning is there.

    umm the Rug is not neccecary but is used so that you do not pray on teh dirty floor or on somthing unclean, because you do the cleaning ritual before, so that you are clean when you are praying to god.

    And the reason why you must face a specific direction is so that you pray towards the Kaaba, the most religious site for muslims.

    :) hope this helped

    and btw... Allah IS GOD, he is YOUR god too.. we dont not believe in a diffrent god, because there is only ONE god.

    Allah is Merciful,

    In islam, the way you greet some1 is to say, el salam 3aleykom. that means, May peace be upon you.

    Maybe if you wre more open minded and did not limit your information to the bias CNN, and other ignorant and biased sources you are referring to and actualy took the time to see the real meaning of islam and other things, then you will see that clearly what you are saying is bogus...

    Thank you..

    Source(s): I am a muslim
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The final revelation was revealed in Arabic, the reason being we pray in one language to unite us, and arabic is the most beautiful language in the planet, because of the beautiful words that the language contains. It is not difficult to pray in arabic, you dont need to know the whole language, just a few verses.

    The mats are just to pray on a clean surface, thats it...a sign of respect to the Almighty Allah

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  • 1 decade ago

    An ideal God would know what one says, regardless of the language. An ideal God would not require one to point to some secular place to relay messages to a spiritual one. Jesus Christ is the ideal (and only) God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God understand and accept prayer of everyone in any language. God only accept prayer in Arabic is a total myth.

  • HMS
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Truly ignorance is bliss; unfortunately it will not save you from the abyss! Save your sole and read about Islam, before a day the will make young children grey headed.

    BTW. What about Arab Christian, what

    Language should they pray in?

    WOW. I guess you can't teach faith! But with that much miss information you better hope God's mercy is working over time for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Prayers and Supplication are distinct words.The nonArab Muslims(the majority of Muslims)make supplications to Allah in own vernacular.Prayers are in Arabic, for good reasons. Mats is an innovation for facility, just to ensure that the spot of prostration is clean.Prayer is valid on earth, on sand, on grass, on snow., on stones...

  • 1 decade ago

    Arabic is this all about?

    let ma ask you a question?

    if Arabic was a language required in your school,i bet you will work hard to learn's the case of all of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    none of it is anymore true than the tower of babel story. you can't base your thesis on a myth and then ask for an explanation of other myths.

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