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How many Agnostics are 'on the fence'?

I'm an Agnostic. I am not undecided, uncertain, or unsure. I came to this standpoint after years of study and contemplation. I do not call myself an Atheist for the simple reason that I am not one. I feel there is a certain amount of hubris in the statement that you know for a fact there is no God, and that you understand the nature (if not the details) of existence.

So, are other Agnostics just 'unsure'? Why are Atheists so sure? Just because a Christain (or Muslim, or Bhuddist, I don't mean to pick on just you guys) is clearly wrong in your view, does that discredit all belief in an afterlife?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell me, are you agnostic about unicorns? If not why not? Where is the absolute proof that they do not exist?

    There are two main types of atheists. You describe the strong atheist: "I believe that god does not exit."

    But there is also the weak atheist: "I do not believe that god exists"

    Look at those statements carefully and you will see that there is a subtle but definite difference. The first is an absolute statement of non-existence of god. The second is a statement of lack of belief. There may, or may not be a god, the weak atheist just does not believe in it.

    Just as with dragons, unicorns and mermaids the absence of any evidence of a deity makes me say that I do not believe in any of these things. Someone who makes the claim that any of these exist needs to provide some evidence to back it up. Not an absolute proof, but credible evidence.

    Belief in an afterlife is discredited because there is no evidence that there is an afterlife.

    If I am going to start believing things without evidence, where should I stop? Believing in something because it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling about not dying is not a good reason.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I might love to feel in god however the difficulty that plenty of agnostics like me see is there's no logical proof that god exists. Plus the entire classical experience of a god that the majority religions positioned out sounds sort of ridiculous. There isn't any proof that god does not exist both. Why even trouble choosing aspects? The best end I can draw from that is to are living my existence the satisfactory I can with out causing anguish and pain on others. If there's a so referred to as god then he's going to see that. If now not do I relatively desire to comply with an entity that's unjust? If you'll relatively genuinely persuade your self there's a god and whats there to existence then well for you. I in my opinion consider a little bit doubt is fundamental.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am atheist , I don't think for one moment that I know or understand the details of existence. Where did you ever get that idea from?

    We atheists have only one thing in common we don't believe in God! We do not collectively think we know the answer to existence, we just do not believe in God!

    Agnostics? 'on the fence' ? There may be a slight difference in the definition of the word , I would say you lot are keeping an open mind on the subject.

    What makes me so sure of my position?

    As religious folk only really have 'faith' to go on, plus a load of BS in some books.

    I have read the books and found them all to be a con job, I have no 'faith'!

    There is nothing at all that would ever convince me there is a God! There is nothing at all that would ever convince the religious that there is no God!

    Back to your 'existence' thing.Or the meaning of life.

    I cant speak for all atheists, we all have our own thoughts on this, my theory is simple, we are here to procreate, to prolong the life of our species, thats all!

    So stop wasting time on here and get some procreation done.

    And spend a little time in between to discover what an atheist is.

    We do not profess to know how it all began, or what is the meaning of it all.

    We just think the Adam and Eve thing is way over the top and we are open to 'sensible' alternatives! Evolution of course is one alternative but it's a theory some of us think that is the answer, some of us think maybe, all of us think it's a far better alternative than God sorting it all out in 6 days then having a rest on day 7 because he was tired!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am, and I thank you for asking!

    I feel an inner need to pray....but to what? who? Do I trust the Christian faith which hosted my upbringing, which caused turmoil, distrust, and dismay to my life? Why do I feel more at peace trusting my own thoughts and feelings over the words and lesser actions of the masses?

    I've studied Christianity, Catholicism Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Voodoo, Mythology, Philosophy, etc and have yet to find an answer, but one thing that I see in common which each of these religions - is that they all believe in something of the better good.

    Which leads me to believe that there is some intangible power that is part of all of us, but perhaps we are not meant to know what is really is until we die.

    Atheists....well, they are part to the equation which make us think about the big question.

    Those who believe

    Those who don't know


    Those who don't believe

    Without any of these people...we could not take their beliefs into consideration when deciding our own beliefs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's not like there is really a fence. If there were a fence, what is it between: existence or non-existence of gods or belief or non-belief as a default value? While there exist some apathetic agnostics who choose not to choose, there are many who say the data in insufficient to exclude one possibility as trivial. This is based on careful analysis, not bet-hedging. There is much to be said for not needlessly polarizing.

  • nebtet
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i'm Agnostic too and i sit on no fence. i do not believe in deities. i view deities as cultural manifestations of mass subconscious, the human ego projected onto the unknowable.

    there is no consensus as to what the term "God" actually means. "God" is all different things to all different people and therefore is a nonsense word. religious folks have gods (or a god) and have an agreement as to the what the word "God" means within the context of their religion. however, "God" and gods differ in each religion, even within different sects of the same religion. "God" is everything and nothing. and i don't know what i mean by that.

  • It does until evidence can be found to support a belief in Gods.

    My guess is that religion is the only part of your life, where you adopt this type of reasoning.

    2+2 might = 5 but without evidence proving that it is possible or even likely, why claim you aren't sure.

    Using Cocaine might be good for you, who can be sure?

    Driving with eyes closed could work out alright, who knows?

    There could be Gold buried at the end of the rainbow right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They dont know..the stream of life is deep and complex. It goes far beyond any science or religion. I believe in some kind of spiritual reality. Hinduism and Buddhism makes alot of sense

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You sound just like an atheist in your closing remark.

    Are you sure you're sure?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure of what? Sure that I don't believe that there is a god?

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