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ok, I have a freind who needs to decide whether to stick around or bail on a relationship?

Here is what her bf told her this weekend:

he said that he missing the spark of a new relationship...having a new girl, that's way his old relationships never worked out...he likes the chase, then getting them in bed...and he wants to go get help to figure out why he is the way that he is......he said that he should not feel that way because he is in love with her and thinks about marrying her all the time,,,,but he can not marry if if he is having those thoughts.

So I want honest opinions as to whether or not that is something a person can change or not. Personally, I don't think it is......but in case there are folks out there who liked variety, chose monogamy and is happy........just thought I would sort of poll you will help her make her decision.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If he is missing the "spark" then he or she needs to cut their losses and run not walk away. He will come to his senses when he is more mature. He sounds like he's a lot like others who find the new exciting, and like those people he will be a sad and lonely person who will never find a woman to share his life with. They are called bachelors, unmarried men. He will probably end up with someone that nobody would ever believe he would be with. I recommend the book He's Not That Into You, it was very insightful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well this is really really hard.. At least he knows that he has a problem but it doesn't seem like he can change. I don't know for a fact because i dont know him but it really doesn't sound like it.

    If he is really "in love with her" i don't think he would be having these thoughts. Maybe they should take a break, then if he tries to come on to other women during the break you will know that what hes saying is bullshit. If he tries to get help or misses her then she should give him another chance but still he needs to get help. If shes not that crazy about him, hes not worth the trouble then.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dated a guy like this once.

    He was brilliant - graduated from med school at 18 - a genius type.

    He told me the same chase scenario and then told me that he was NOT in love with me, but that since the sex was so great he would love to keep having sex with me until he found the right person.

    I laughed so hard when he told me this - even though a part of me was hurt. In reality I was laughing more than I was hurting.

    I told him that the sex was average for me and that I wanted only someone in my life who cherished and adored me. He sheepishly and a bit angrily told me he hoped I found him.

    I told him that I had decided to no longer settle for second best and that I would either hold out for the right person or not have anyone in my life as a romantic companion at all. Again he wished me luck.

    I happened upon a copy of the book, "Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives." It added to my resolve to find a glorious companion.

    Friends and family knew I was serious about not settling for just any old guy in the future. I had cut my hair super short and a guy friend asked me if I knew that I was sending very harsh and hostile signals toward men. I told him, yes.

    My family and friends asked me what it would take for me to date someone ever again. I told them that the men would have to recognize my inherent goodness and value within the first 30 minutes of meeting me. And that after that he would have to chase me until he got me.

    I also prayed to God and I told Him that I sucked at picking men and that it was totally in His Hands if He wanted me to have a companion in this life. And I was very sincere in that prayer.

    And you know what? Within a few months I was walking out the door of a grocery store and a manager of the security guard company for the grocery store was walking next to me.

    He was very tall - 6'9" - and I remarked that he was tall like my brother. He followed me to my car - in the parking lot in the daylight. We chatted for a while and he asked if I would like to have coffee. I turned down his offer to have coffee at least 10 times. We finally went in our separate cars to a local pub and had dessert.

    He was funny, kind, smart, handsome, but he was still a man who I thought at the time would probably be great in the beginning of a relationship and then he would show how much of a jerk he was sooner or later.

    So for the next two weeks he would leave messages on my voice mail and I wouldn't call him back.

    Finally he left a message that he knew we just had a walk-a-thon at my job and that he would be happy to just stop by and we could sit in his car and talk and he would rub my feet.

    He found the magic combination to my heart. I thought - gosh, even if he turns out to be a jerk I could get lots of good foot massages.

    The rest is history and we've been together for six years. He proposed after four months and we've been engaged ever since.

    We are hoping to both get off from work this coming Thanksgiving so we can go get married on the beach in St. John in the US Virgin Islands.

    So tell her to read that book and for her to tell her boyfriend to get some psychological help. It does sound that he just needs to get his heart broken enough to know what he is missing.

    As for my boy genius physician who loved having sex with me........

    He had continued to contact me for several years - asking for me to come back to him since he felt he had made a terrible mistake.

    My fiance and I stopped by his apartment, on the spur of the moment, one day. Boy genius was there with a new girlfriend and he was trying to put a new air conditioner into a window of his apt.

    My fiance helped him. It was quite fun to see the initial look on his face when he met my 6'9" fiance and then to see the perplexed look when my fiance offered to help install the ac.

    It was, as they say, priceless.

    What goes around certainly comes back around - and then some:)

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