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Is anyone else getting annoyed with Twilight?

I know I am going to have a hoard of Twilight fanatics freaking out, but hold on for a second let me explain... I found Twilight on the shelf at my local library and decided to read it. I thought it was really good and have since read the other books, which I also loved. Going through the Books and Authors section I've relized that at least 1 in 10 questions are about the Twilight saga and its starting to become a little rediculous. The thing that annoys me most is when people ask for book recomendations someone almost always puts Twilight Series no matter what specific type of book the person wanted. Twilight is great for young adult readers but if someone says they like authors like Dickens and Jane Austin why in the world would they waste their time on a book that can't compare?! I admire that Stephenie Meyer can write a book that can hook teens with out that much questionable content (hello Gossip Girl) but people need to chill out a little with the obsession! Does anyone agree?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can understand where you are coming from. I admit, the Twilight Saga is up there in my favorite book lists; but I don't let it control my life totally. I find things myself that are annoying when they happen all the time. I do agree with you that it is stupid to list the Twilight saga down as a recommendation when it wouldn't be in the category asked. Okay, so someone really loves the book. Other people have other tastes. If it's not what they ask, don't list it!

    Source(s): I am not that obsessed with Twilight. Sure I'll talk about it a lot if I found someone to talk to, and sure I'll go on Stephenie Meyer's website to find out when Breaking Dawn comes out and any information on the Twilight movie; but I don't let it go to extremes...unlike other stuff I like.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Twilight fan and I'm not freaking out by your question. I actually understand. It must be annoying to want to sort through questions you'd be interested in and you keep coming up with the same topic over and over- especially if you aren't a complete lunatic over it as some of us are.

    I'm one of those people you probably don't like. I love to ask questions. I love to think about things and find this series a very interesting topic. I'd go to chat rooms but that is more filled with teenage girls talking about what they want to do to Edward- not my type of discussion. I've already tried that. If you pull up my profile and look at my questions you will see that I try and use some deeper thought processes, I try to analyze, I try to get into the mind of the author and hopefully promote that kind of thought to others on here.

    I have seen some people who's thoughts are maturing and getting past the "Edward's so hot!" hype. I think it's interesting to watch girls realize they can learn from books. It doesn't have to just be a story. The best place to start is with something they love.

    I also think that a lot of people think of Twilight when they hear classics named as there are classics mentioned in the book. Some of the plot lines are based loosely on a few of them, and they are the favorite books of the narrator in the story. I think a lot of those answers come from young girls who've never read one of the classics yet, so really they don't quite get it. (Unfortunately, schools don't require them as reading, enough anymore). I also see a difference of the questions "What is a good book, my favorite is Romeo and Juliet." vs. "I'm looking for a book like Persuasion by Jane Austen, what other classics do you suggest?" I love the classics but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take the suggestion of a modern story that has similar aspects to it, if I didn't specify. If I did specify though, I'd be irritated enough to send the person an email and tell them to learn to read before they recommend books.

    So as for the out-of-place recommendations? I agree with you 100%. I've noticed a lot of people read the question and not the additional details. I've noticed that on a lot of questions not just book recommendations. Shows you that people just want to get an easy 2 points and couldn't care less about showing the asker any respect.

    So now you may hate me but although I understand you, it won't stop me from asking Twilight questions, hopefully though it will stop someone from asking questions like "Who's hotter, Jacob or Edward?" and "Are you as mad about the casting picks as I am?"

    Just a thought, you may be able to avoid Twilight questions by using an advanced search. Then you can at least pick a topic and nothing else will come out that you haven't specified. You may already do this but heck, I'm trying for you here.

    As for the last part to my answer- you brought up something important, people need to chill out a little with the obsession. I might be one of them. I do this in my spare time and still am very good at the other things I do, however, it wouldn't hurt me to do something more productive during my spare time. I think my obsession is getting less with time. I read the series 4x's and now, and finally, don't want to read it again, at least not for a while. I'm also spending closer to 20-40 minutes on here during the day instead of 2 hours. It doesn't help that my kids and even my husband loved the series. It'll get better though, give it some time. Hopefully, you'll understand more? Maybe not.

    Well there goes my time allotment after that long winded answer. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree, people have good reason to be obsessed with the twilight series, they can compare to Dickens and Jane Austen. I myself find their work and other classical works -- Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, et cetera -- to be seldom interesting; mostly slow and dull compared to modern books, like the Twilight saga. However, we have different tastes, i cannot deny that, but neither can you. We must allow everyone to have a fair chance at talking about their favorite books, especially those who have just finished the series and want to talk about it the one place they can. As much as you find it annoying remember that you were there once - I know i was - and bear through it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree wholeheartedly. I think that everyone is way too hyped up about Twilight. I mean I adore Twilight but I think that everyone needs to lay off of the Twilight questions and answers. It is getting slightly ridiculous.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do agree.

    I do think Twilight is a wonderful book series and I recommend it often, but I have toned down the obession and moved onto other book series. But at one time, I was almost screaming every time I heard 'Edward' now, I'm not really too into the book series, but once Breaking Dawn comes out, I'll be one of those obessed, crazy fangirls again :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree!

    I have read Twilight, and am about to read New Moon and Eclipse, but i am not a fanatic, i just want to know what happens.

    I hate how there are so many questions about twilight, and it gets on my nerves.

    i love answering questions in the books and authors catergory, its the main category that i answer from, but it makes me real mad.

    Same with the harry potter craze.



  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah...I read Twilight because I love Harry Potter and it was supposed to be good, but I didn't like it...

    It's depressing how many people think it's the greatest piece of literature ever writte.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand completely. I mean, we get it: It's a good book but some people just don't like it. I have yet to read the entire first book but it seems no differ than any other book I've read and I absolutely love fantasies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I FULLY don't need to post about edward every 3 questions! Or "How much did you love the Twilight series!" Seriously. I think they should just chill out on the questions.

  • no i dont agree.

    i love twilight, and im one of those people that freak out.

    so if u dont want to hear about twilight then dont read it .. plus ur asking a question about it ..

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