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stulisa42 asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

What kind was it? How bad was it?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I was 4 a black Labrador jumped and bit my cheek when it sat beside me and I petted him.

    Thats why I don't like it when people say that Labradors are great for every family, and wouldn't hurt a child.

    I was lucky that I didn't get a permanent scar from it. The Lab was shot the next day because of the bite.

    I would also like to add that there are no such thing as "dangerous dog breeds" there are just such a thing as ignorant, neglective owners that don't raise their dogs properly. I have German Shepherd Wolf mixes and they are far from being dangerous. I raised them right and they are the most friendly dogs that anyone would meet.

    With all my years of owning and rescuing many dogs, I'm very happy to say that I haven't had a serious bite except for the Lab incident when I was four.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First bite was a doberman pinscher. I was a kid, my fault.

    Second bite was an Old English Sheepdog. I still have the scar on my face. My fault.

    Two weeks ago, my 30 lb. terrier mix was attacked and bitten by a loose pit bull twice his size while he and my husband were running. The dog had no collar, no human, no nothing. It was 5:00 am. The pit bull was fine with my husband. If only I could find his owner, I'd send them the $450 bill for my dog's subsequent vet visit. My dog still has the scar too.

    It's owners like his that give the "breed" (the genre, since "pit bull" is not a breed) a bad name.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, by a dachshund, but it was not the dog's fault.

    I am a petsitter, and this guy was a nervous rescue. While taking him on one of his many daily walks, we ran into trouble. A hyper aggressive golden retriever known to occationally roam the neighborhood was about. The one time I forgot my pepper spray. This dog sees us and makes a beeline for the dachshund. Since I would rather NOT have a shredded dog on my hands, I did the best I could. I scooped the small dog into my arms. He wasn't expecting it and sank his teeth into my hand. But I was able to fend off the golden with a swift kick.

    Now, I am sure some of you would say I was cruel for kicking this dog. But this dog has attacked other canines before, and caused problems. Unfortunately, the owners will not secure the animal, AND the local animal control will do nothing.

    The bite wasn't too serious. I had a few puncture marks from his canines, and a gash. My hand is scarred from the incident, but eh, better than being like "oh, your dog was attacked." I didn't even tell the owners. His rabies vaccination was up to date, and the owners are close friends. I would rather not cause them grief by telling them their dog bit me, even if the dog was not in the wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    2 that counted as 'bites' and not playing. I've had worse injuries from puppies playing though. I've had worse injuries from horse bites ... yeah.

    One stupid little west highland terrier. That dog hated EVERYONE. I remember when my mom told me that my aunt had her put down. I couldn't help but be relieved. It was on my ankle. stupid ankle biter dogs.

    The worst dog I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. Tiki. I was 5 or 6, she was a wolf hybrid (everyone knows they're either great or dangerous as hell) Well, we had her, not by choice, but because my parents were collectors of unwanted animals, usually just a foster home. Tiki had been there for a few days when I walked into 'her' kitchen and she charged me. She was only a pup of maybe 6 months, and she jumped up and snagged my arm a bit. I ran into the other room and jumped under a laundry basket.

    The dog went to a hybrid rescue the next day. =/

    I'm still a firm believer in that people cause most of the bites, and that the truly evil dogs are few and far between.

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  • Hmm

    GSD when I was 5, my fault, stuck my face in a geriatric dogs face... I knew better too! No stitches, but I had a hole in my nose, just under the bone into my nasal cavity...

    Dalmation when I was 7, she was attacking my dog and I punched her... again, I knew better but she stopped. Bit my hand, no stitches.

    Great Dane last year, he was a show dog #1 a few years ago. He was playing with my 5mo puppy and getting too rough, so I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down and he looked at me and latched on... I was wearing 2 sweatshirts and a heavy letter-jacket, still had deep bruises and I think a stress/compression fracture, my forearm hurt for 3 months....

    Last summer, I was bitten by a rescue Doberman who had been severly abused and was used as fighting bait. We were trying to rehab him but after the bite we had him euthanized. I had a quick reaction so he only grazed my arm, a knee to the face kept him from doing more damage before someone got ahold of him.... poor dog, I still feel horrible for him, I feel like I was responsible for him being put down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never been bitten badly (to the point I needed medical care).

    Dogs I've been bitten by:

    - Rottweiler

    - Cairn Terrier

    - Husky

    - Great Pyrenees

    Was it their fault? No, actually. Most were startled, and I was just in close proximity, so my hand took a mini-beating. Nothing I got upset over.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was a pet sitter for a while.

    Standard procedure was that you meet with the family twice. Once to go over the prices and services with the owners, then there's one more meeting to be sure the dogs "know" you and will let you in.

    Well, this was my 3rd client. My first 2 were Labradors, sweet dogs, but they'll let you rob the place and try to follow you home. LOL!

    This dog was a Pug/Bulldog mix. (his name was Pugsley) Not more than 15 pounds. He took his job as watch dog VERY seriously. My experience with the Labs, and the fact he'd met me twice made me confident about just popping the door open and walking in.

    NOT SO!!!

    That little pug jumped for my throat! He only reached my hip, but he clamped on pretty good. I thought sure he'd ripped me open.

    Dang, it hurt SO MUCH!

    THEN I was stuck outside (I had shoved him into the house and closed the door). I had to go in and care for this dog. I was under contract, and he needed care.

    I was nearly hysterical when I remembered I had treats in my car. That silly pug melted when I offered him treats!

    I went from "public enemy #1" to his best bud in the time it took him to scarf up 2 treats.

    He's still my favorite!

  • 1 decade ago

    Where do I start....

    I've needed stitches for two. They were with a Bichon and a Chihuahua.

    I've been bitten by Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Bichon, and a Min Pin.

    Attempted bites, but never got skin contact by Boston Terriers, Shih Tzu, Lhasha Apso, Chow, American Eskimo, Yorkies, Golden Retriever and Maltese.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have been bitten three times but have been attacked more times then I can count.

  • Shanna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    2 different Min Pins. Both belonged to a neighbor that gave their dogs zero rules and even less discipline. Both times drew blood and all the owners did was say " Oh, you're a naughty dog." Yep, that'll teach a dog not to bite.

    Another was a Lab that I was rescuing. It was scared to death and it didn't cause more than a scratch, so I didn't think much of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I 've been bitten by 1 dog only! No it wasn't a Pit Bull! :)

    It was a Pomeranian! I was visiting my Uncle and one of his friends there visiting had one! The little buggar got me on the back of my foot! I saw stars! It drew blood and I ended up in the ER to get a tetanus shot! They bandaged it too!

    Doesn't mean I hate Pom's now just that one! :)

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