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Lv 6
Hk9 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

9/11 how does it influence your vote?

There are folks who feel Bush has prevented further attacks on the United States, there are folks who feel Bush policies have made United States more vulnerable to terrorist attacks, there are folks who feel Bush has set the United States up as a target and there are folks who believe Bush administration orchestrated 9/11. How does 9/11 influence how you will or have voted?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it made me dislike Ron paul and the nuts who back him.

    Any politician who can get the "truther" vote will not get mine.

    Honestly even before 9/11 I looked at candidates who would not kowtow to foreign power or threats.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can see Stone K's statement saying that he dislikes Ron Paul because of the 'nuts' who back him. But hey, I'm not a nut, and I don't even believe none of that "9/11 inside job" crap. Yet, what I do believe from Ron Paul is what he says what motivates the terrorists to attack us. The answer is by setting military presense in other countries even before 9/11, and we intervene too much onto that region that later causes 'blowback'. The CIA even confirms that people in that area attack us because we establish presence on their soil. We of course would reject any nation to establish bases on our land. But, we overthrew the Iranian government in the 50's via the CIA. Later, we supplied the mujahideen to fight off the Soviets, we supplied Saddam to attack Iran, and we later recieved blowback such as the result of our hostages kidnapped by the Iranians, 1993 WTC bomb attack, and of course, 9/11. If you pay close the Constitution, it warns us, entangle alliances with none, and do not intervene on other internal affairs. Read the 9/11 Commission Report, and understand how the Constitution works, and I guarantee you, it will save us if we obey/defend it. So to protect our national defense, and our open borders, let's return ALL of our troops from the globe, like Germany, Korea, and Japan. Truely, we will be a very respected and defended nations if we respect our true Constitutional values.

  • Well certainly 9/11 was an epic event in US history. They do not have suficient evidence to link the Bush administration as orchestrating or letting the attacks happen in any way so for now i chose to believe he tried his best and these things just happened. Now where he has gone wrong I believe is in his foreign policy and such. In my opinion he has alienated many countries through his sometimes ignorant or not well thought out policies and actions pertaining to other countries. There is no doubt we are not gaining any friends over in the middle east through the way he communicates and acts towards them, including the war in Iraq. Even in europe he has alienated former allies in many countries such as France Britain, and germany. I believe world opinion of Bush and his policies, as well as their views of the american people are sinking to new lows. This of course puts strains on out relations with these countriess and in the end makes us a large target because of our sometimes arrogant attituse towards the rest of the world. 9/11 did indeed change evryhting and so I would agree that it has greatly changed the way I look at our leaders. They must be able to handle the postion of president properly and responsibly to prevent these things form happening

  • fargo
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It performed an element. yet an additional reason behind how I voted replaced into the vp options. i recognize we were vote casting for President, yet once you seem at this board and different places, earlier and after the election, there is been a lot of communicate about assassination of Obama. If, God forbid, this occurred, his vp would develop into President. a similar aspect with McCain, yet this time that is his age. back if he were to die in place of work, it will be his vp. I appeared at which may be more effective constructive prepared contained in the shape those tragedies occurred.

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  • 1 decade ago

    9/11 is just a background issue today.

    The most important question you have to ask is "What allegiances does each of the candidates have to special interest groups?". You'll find that nearly all of them are CFR members.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate without such allegiances.

    More more truth, visit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    bill clinton was in office for 8 years, prior to the 7.5 months dubya was in before 9/11. since then, we have not been attacked in our homeland. not to give dubya all of the credit and bill all of the blame, but can any Americans conceive of living in a place like the middle east, where people routinely blow themselves up in an effort to kill as many other people as possible?!? simply over differences of religous/political opinion? 9/11 is forever in my mind and so ar the nearly 3000 ny'ers, Americans and citizens of over 30 countries who were murdered that day.

    so to answer your question, 9/11 influences my vote in that i will elect whoever (gay, straight, black, white does not matter) will ensure that we will never have that happen again.

    smithers, you disgust, actually-disappoint, to say you do not care about 9/11. my parents weren't born for pearl harbor but it still was a tragedy. i suppose you don't vote either.

    Source(s): 343FDNY
  • 1 decade ago

    Well seeing as how 9/11 already happened it wont affect how i will vote. 9/11 was an inside job so the only people he can protect us from is ourselves

  • 1 decade ago

    The next president will find out on day one exactly what President Bush has known for 8 years, how serious the terrorist threat has been to our country. While some disdain him the next President, Obama, HRC, or McCain will instantly wish they could tell the full truth to the American people but will be unable to do so because of National Security concerns.

    My vote is to keep our nation safe and economy strong and Historically that has not been the result of Democrat policies.

    Source(s): Great Question!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not going to live in fear for the rest of my life. Since no Republican could ever get Al Queda to surrender, I am voting for the only candidate that understands what it takes to win a war.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well yet us think about politics? Lets talk national security! The next time some buildings crash to the ground you'll see how far the economy goes totally south. Defend your country at whatever cost it takes! Don't be politically correct be correct at defending this nation and making it better!

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