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Isn't it ironic?

I saw a bumper sticker today that struck me as wildly ironic...I've seen it before, but for some reason I hadn't identified the irony before...or am I reading too much into it today for some other reason?

The bumper sticker is for the Catholic Shoppe (a local thrift store)...the message reads "Proud Catholic" with the name of the store underneath in smaller letters.

Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins recognized by the Catholic church? Isn't calling yourself a "proud Catholic" the same as calling yourself a "seriously sinful Catholic"?

What do you think? Is it inherently inconsistent with the message of Jesus to express pride in your religion? ...or are there certain kinds of pride that are not sinful? And would this be a mortal sin or a venial sin?


For Cat...I agree there is a semantic distinction at work...but isn't it placing pride in yourself over God by placing your faith in your religious beliefs instead of in him?

For Laura (and others)...I'm not trying to be the thought police fact, I think the main reason I noticed this bumper sticker today was that this morning I put a bumper sticker on my car...the first one I've ever put on my car...and it reads "Proud parent of a [insert school] honor student"! Perhaps I'm just wierded out a bit by breaking my 40+ year aversion to bumper stickers and identified the irony in the Proud Catholic sticker because I see the same irony in the one on my car.

Thank you for answers Solaris...I was hoping for a thoughtful Catholic response.

Update 2:

...and for Pangloss and anyone else who wants a laugh, I remember the following story...

A woman got angry when another driver chose to stop for a yellow light in front of her...she started shouting and cussing at him for making her miss the light. She was so angry, she didn't notice the police car behind her. The officer asked her to step out of her car and then placed her under arrest. A couple of hours later, he came to the holding cell and told her she was free to go. "But why did you arrest me" she asked...his response was priceless...

He told her that he had seen the WWJD bumper sticker and the fish symbol on her car as well as the cross hanging from the rearview mirror but after he heard what she was saying he assumed that she must have stolen the car!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with solarius about the fine distinction in sinful pride and humble pride. Although to me, it sounds like that bumper sticker is borderline haughtiness, but maybe I'm reading too much into it, too. It's sounds like it's more or less saying, "Look, I'm Catholic. Proud of it. What are YOU?" or that somehow being Catholic is more substantial than being any other denomination.

    What's more ironic is that I saw a news snippet about a survey just completed on American's and religion. I think the numbers were in the high 70 percents for people who were religious, making us the most religious country out there. But that about the same number of people who were raised Catholic have left the Catholic church in favor of another denomination. Interesting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's a difference between pride the sin, and pride/being proud as we know it today. I guess that's what happens when languages evolve. The sin of pride relates to loving yourself more than God, and not being humble with Him. That's why pride is always considered the worst deadly sin, because it was Satan's pride that chucked him out of heaven. Hope this helped some.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i believe it's a mortal sin and a venial sin, no just kidding. I don't know what those are.

    You know kal people have arrogance and I think a lot of times it disguised as humility.

    You really have to know the goodness of the Lord to be truly humbled and know that it is Him who does a good work in us and not we ourselves.

    His gentleness makes us great and not some religion Catholic or which ever it may be.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Catholic. I think that being proud of your church, your family, or your country is hardly the type of destructive pride that's being referred to in the sin of pride. The sin of pride involves arrogance, haughtiness, and devaluing others, as well as setting oneself above God. Could you imagine the sort of pathetic person who has no pride in their country, family, beliefs, or himself? Talk about a serious psychological imbalance. There's nothing wrong with having some pride in yourself; in fact, without it, one risks mental instability. The only problem is letting pride overshadow your life until it becomes an obsession. That's when it becomes a sin, and a hindrance to your spiritual development.

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  • I think it is more ironic to see all the aggressive drivers who have a WWJD bumper sticker.

    I actually had one blare his horn, act like he was going to rear end me and give me the finger all because I would not turn right on red (there was a sign prohibiting it).

    When we got to the next light, I rolled down my window and said "you know what Jesus wouldn't do?- That."

  • Him...I think it's spiritual pride, not religious pride, that is the sin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Good point.

    But since I don't agree with the so called sins, is why I have a bumper sticker that reads...

    "Proud Pagan"

  • Pashur
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Prideful of any denomination is sinful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How sad that we can't feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments without the thought police monitoring how much we are allowed to shine.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL funny thing indeed. I'd say venial, not sure though

    Source(s): raised Catholic
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