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My kitty hisses at my newborn baby girl...?

My cat is an 11 lb DSH, who's only a year and a half. The most affectionate cat I've ever had. We just had a baby (5 days ago) and we tried the blanket thing, so he could smell it. When the baby came home and my cat heard her cry, he instantly hissed at her and does light growls. He is "ok" when she is quiet, but when she makes noises, he gets very edgy and annoyed and sometimes hisses at her. He doesn't always hiss at her, but just when I think he's better he'll hiss at her again. My cat spends most of his time in the basement now because he's not very fond of strangers (my sister has 5 kids who harrassed my cat and now he hates strangers). Anyways, I really LOVE my cat and my wife is scared that he'll attack the baby. My cat isn't aggressive, but he really hates the baby. Any advice about what to do?? Please, this cat is part of the family and it'd be a shame to let him go...


My cat isn't banished in the basement, he goes by himself, it's like his little getaway..

Update 2:

As of right now my cat is way bigger than the baby... He's over a time and a half her size..

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would give it more time. It's only been 5 days. Her new sounds may be scaring him. My mother's cats were just the opposite when I had my daughter.....One of them thought she was the Mommy and would cry at me anytime my daughter would start crying. Another cat, didn't like her at all. I would give it a few more weeks......Let the cat come around the baby when she isn't crying (like when she's sleeping) and sniff at her....He will learn that she isn't the enemy.

  • anw122
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He'll grow accustomed to the baby being there. It takes longer than that for them to get used to a new cat. Kids are worse :) Especially since he's has a few bad experiences.

    The baby is bigger than him, he won't attack. He wouldn't even attack another cat unless attacked first. Until he grows accustomed just don't leave him alone with the child, not that you have any reason to anyway, and keep an extra close eye on him.

    Over the next week or so he'll hiss less and less and even grow to like the baby. Babies smell of milk ;-) Which is something else you should be careful of. Those old wives tales of cats taking babies breath comes from cats trying to lick the milk from the baby's drool.

    If there's someway that the cat can get into the baby's room you'll want to put netting over the crib so that the cat can't get into the crib [if there's anyway possible at all -- our cat is incredible smart and the male especially is into opening doors]

  • 1 decade ago

    I have three cats, and when we brought my son home from the hospital the girl cats hissed at him but the male cat was just really curious. They never did anything to him, actually for the longest time they pretended like he didn't exist. Then after a while they became very protective of him and when he cries they come running to make sure he is alright. They may be uneasy for a while, but eventually it will get over it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem and i would spank their butts or spray with water.Do not lock the cat up he is just really jealous and it will take time for him to get use to the sounds a baby make and Toys r us makes a really cool thing you can put over the crib to protect the baby from the cat. I have two cats inside and both of them don't even come near him anymore.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He could be equating the hassling he gets from your nieces and nephews to any child. Never leave him alone with the baby.

    If you want to get him accustomed to the baby put him in a pet carrier and have him in the same room with you all. The loud crying from the baby could be startling him and the hissing is a reaction. Don't lock him in the basement as he will feel banished and then hate the baby even more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't let kitty go. I had a baby with colic that screamed for hours and my cats seemed ok. Keep giving the cat love and attention during this tough time. Always make sure to supervise kitty and baby. Kitty probably wont hurt baby, but you never know. Kitty will eventually get used to baby but in the mean time just make sure to give kitty lots of love. Hang in there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I guess I would give it a little more time. However, I am going to have to side with your wife. The baby or the cat? Hmm, I am thinking the baby. I would not leave your baby alone ever if the cat could come in her room or anything. I am not just saying this to be mean. We have had a similar situation with our dog. She is a Lab (I know, what Lab doesn't like kids?) But she is 3 years old and has been the center of attention up to this point. We tried all the introductions, etc. with our son. She nibbled at his head twice and after that, I was pretty much done with it. She mainly goes with my husband to work all day and we have decided (our son is 9 months) if she doesn't shape up by the end of summer, we are going to have to get rid of her. She is warming up to him a bit. Coming by him to check him out. But we never leave her alone with him or anything. She loves all the other kids in our family (nephews,etc.) just not ours!

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a cat that was a female and she did the same thing. My cat eventually started to pee on everything. The final straw was when she did it in the bassinet while we were in the other room. We gave her to a friend with no children. Good Luck,

  • 1 decade ago

    i would watch it there have been many cases of cats smothering babies in their sleep lying on theit faces never leave the cat alone with the baby and when u all go to bed u need to put him in a crate he is seeing the baby as a threat right now because he has always been the baby and now hes not just be very careful ok

  • 1 decade ago

    my hubby got a kitten when my baby was about 3mths old but it kept getting into all the babys stuff, then one day it was in the bassenet and that was the end of that. we had to let her go. its sad but true. its not very safe for the baby, if the cat doesnt like her. be careful it doesnt claw at the baby. my baby has a scrach on her tummy, now its a little scar.

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