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Do you think MK Rafi Eitan might be right?

"Egypt and Jordan may have to temporarily take control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank due to the Palestinian leadership's inability to curb terror activity in its territories, Pensioners' Affairs Minister Rafi Eitan, a member of the security cabinet, said on Tuesday."

I am not going to comment, but please leave your thoughts on this and read others as well.

-One last thing, can we please try to keep this civil =)


I would like to thank everyone for keeping this civil. Lets keep it up.

6 Answers

  • Gator
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No he is not right. The only country that can insure safety in territories is Israel. If israel fails well, there is no security

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wasn't this once tried before? Egypt and Jordan just gave up Gaza and west bank.

    Yes it would be great but who is gonna oust Hamas and Fatah from Gaza and west bank?

    The thing is Palestinians don't have much sovereignty of their own but they won't want to be ruled by another country either. Plus after what happened then I don't think Egypt and Jordan would want to get involved again.


    Thanks for thanking us for keeping it civil, being civil is not as easy as you'd think. (at least for us :D)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In theory I think it's a great idea.

    Let the world see how the Jordanians and Egyptians treat the Palestinians. We all know what happened when they controlled the West Bank and Gaza - the Palestinians were just left to rot in those terrible camps.

    Isn't it bizarre: the ONLY nation in the world ever to offer to help create a Palestinian state, is Israel?

    Why has no Arab or Islamic country ever offered?

    After all, the Arabs own and control 99.9% of the middle east.

  • MBC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Israel wouldn't allow it for security reasons. It is already known that there are weapons being smuggled in from Egypt. Why would Israel make that any easier by handing over security to the Egyptians?

    And I don't think the Egyptians and Jordanians would jump at the chance either. Think about it. If they stick their necks out and things go badly it could develop into a regional war because Israel could then blame those governments if they could not manage the security. Why would they put themselves in that position?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Egypt won't do it. They refused to take back Gaza in their peace deal with Israel, even though the deal may have been cancelled as a result.

    For some reasons, I do not trust much of what Eitan has to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think if Egypt and Jordan took over control of these areas, they would be forced to crack down hard on terrorism to prevent its exportation to their own countries. Since their military and police services are undertrained, and woefully undertrained for this type of combat, this would invariably lead to a higher Palestinian death total (see Lebanon tactics against terrorist there). It would either lead to more terror against Israel or a higher Palestinian deathtoll.

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