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Gamla Joe

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quotes of the period Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. -- Mark Twain Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me? Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when? Pirkei Avos: 1:14

  • Quick question: if Hamas rockets were because of the blockade?

    Maybe someone here can explain this to me. The explanation I have frequently heard on this site is that Hamas launched rockets at Israel because of the blockade which caused immense suffering in Gaza.

    There is one thing I do not understand though, if the issue is the blockade then why not target it directly?

    There are four official crossings between Israel and Gaza, not to mention the border area itself; would not attacking those points put the focus on the blockade? Not to mention the Israeli navy ships off the coast.

    Instead the target of Hamas has consistently been Israeli cities that have nothing to do with the blockade…

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How important is energy independence to you?

    In the United States energy independence (particularly importing oil from certain nations) seems to be a Bi-partisan issue. Conservatives see it as a national security issue; Liberals see it tied to the environment.

    But if it is so important why has nothing happened on it? Where is the real sacrifice? Such a big task will cost money a lot of money, which money will need to come from more taxes or less funding in other areas.

    So if this is an important issue to you what are you willing to sacrifice? A $1 increase in per gallon gasoline taxes, how about cutting money from other transportation issues? Stop building roads for a few years… Or maybe we should all keep saying how important it is while not doing anything about it, it has seemed to work fine until now…

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Pro-Palestinian supporters: Under what conditions will Hamas agree to peace?

    I have a good idea of the general details that comprise Fatah's demands for a peace treaty (a two state solution based on 67' borders, or a close approximation; a capital in East Jerusalem; and some kind of deal recognizing the right of return)

    but I am at a loss to say what Hamas seeks as a final agreement.

    For my own information can you provide me a quick excerpt and a link that would sum up what Hamas wants.

    Thanks for your time

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Two state solution: dead?

    Sorry to turn the topic away from the war in Gaza (not really)

    but I would like to post a small question, Do you think a two state solution is possible, and if so how would you implement it?

    For those like me who believe it is not going to happen what would you suggest?-- please be polite.

    For example: I think the best course of action would be for Israel to integrate the West Bank in a similar way it has done with the Golan. This would include giving residency for the Palestinians living in the area and a path to citizenship for those who want it.

    Final note- no rude or offensive comments, this includes insulting Arabs, Jews, any religion , Palestinians, Zionists, Israelis, or anyone else.

    If you are unable to do that, please post somewhere else

    11 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • When we are all obsessed about what is going on in Israel/Gaza do we miss events like this?

    Associated Press 6 hours ago

    Uganda rebels accused of massacre at church

    Any bets this is the first and last YA question on this subject?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A prayer for better times?

    I am not going to sit here in judgment and say who is right and who is wrong in reference to this conflict between Israel and Gaza.

    I would just like to say that I think we should all hope and pray for better days.

    And that maybe the lives lost will not be in vain, that in their memory those in power will agree to a permanent settlement which will allow both sides to live in peace and freedom.

    7 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Fellow Jews: do you consider being Jewish a...?

    A. Religion

    B. Ethnicity

    C. nationality

    D. An Ethnoreligious group-- for explanation

    E. Culture

    F. Other

    Also please explain your stance a bit so there is an exchange of ideas

    I do not think there is exactly a right or wrong answer, but I am just curious what you think =)

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should the United States introduce Proportional Representation (PR) on the state level?

    For those who do not know what Proportional Representation is

    Right now most states in the US (with the exception of Nebraska) have Bicameral legislators where the only difference between the House and the Senate are the numbers and the populations of the district. (Unlike the US congress where in the Senate each state has two seats regardless of size)

    To me the idea of having two chambers elected in the same fashion seems redundant. Maybe Proportional Representation, in the form of party lists, for state level houses would generate more interest in the elections and allow smaller parties participate in the Government.

    Do you think it would be a good idea or not?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it about time for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the constitution?

    We have all seen the results of poor management of government spending. Even if things turn around in the near future there is always the potential that this can happen again.

    As a result do you think we as Americans should start demanding that short of a major war the federal government can only spend what they collect.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • will Chávez use the current standoff with Colombia to declare martial law?

    Chavez has openly stated that he wishes to rule Venezuela for 50+ years.

    He recently held a referendum to amend the constitution to get rid of term limits, but that failed.

    So do you think he might use this conflict to hold onto power indefinately?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Qassam rockets for food?

    How about this for a suggestion.

    In order to help alleviate the humanitarian problems in Gaza, and at the same time help reduce tensions maybe some type of weapons for food program could be worked about between Gaza and Israel.

    I have no way of judging what the rates would be and what would be included, but I think some kind deal could be worked out.

    Maybe something like 10kg of flour per Qassam or 5kg of sugar for a rpg.

    what do you think?

    14 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that building more power plants will seriously affect the price of gasoline?

    Most cars run on gasoline which comes from oil.

    Power plants produce electricity not gasoline.

    In order for power plants to affect the price of gas cars need to run partially or fully on electricity or hydrogen.

    Why do people keep making this mistake?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can Democrats please explain to me why you picked Kerry in 2004?

    A liberal senator from New England- gee I am sure this will really resonate with the majority of Americans.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think MK Rafi Eitan might be right?

    "Egypt and Jordan may have to temporarily take control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank due to the Palestinian leadership's inability to curb terror activity in its territories, Pensioners' Affairs Minister Rafi Eitan, a member of the security cabinet, said on Tuesday."

    I am not going to comment, but please leave your thoughts on this and read others as well.

    -One last thing, can we please try to keep this civil =)

    6 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • To those who are anti-free trade. Can you explain to me why?

    I am not talking about if your against this trade agreement or have a problem when it on the few occasions when it can damage national security

    Those who are against the very concept of reducing barriers to trade between your country and another one.

    Can you please explain to me, why?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think the democratic peace theory has shaped foreign relations over the last century?

    For those who do not know what the democratic peace theory is you can read up on it here, and then please respond.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How is the deliberate targeting of civilians an inevitable act of desperation?

    I never understood this concept. How can someone say if a group of people are oppressed it is only natural that they will lash out and attack a civilian population.

    If it was the military or goverment that was harming them I could understand, but civilians that just happen to be easier targets?

    Please if such things are inevitable remind me when Jewish groups started to kill German civilians either during or after the Holocaust. During the programs did any one say lets go out and rape and pillage the near by Russian village because it happened to us.

    Maybe someone should tell the Tibetans that it is inevitable that they blow up bulidings in Shanghai

    5 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • A ray of light?

    Bedouin village named first solar-powered community in Israel,7340,L-3509136,...

    Hopefully enough attention will help keep the project going and expand it, either though the goverment or private industry.

    What are your thoughts on the article?

    6 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Do you think Egypt and Jordan would take back Gaza and the West Bank if Israel asked them to?

    Pretending for a moment that East Jerusalem and the settlements are not a factor do you think they would do it?

    Or is it too late to turn back the clock?

    Also do you think the Palestinians would object?

    28 AnswersIsrael1 decade ago
  • Is it about time to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution?

    the National Debt of the United States is getting way out of control. The more we owe the more interest we have to pay and the harder it is to pay off.

    Is it about time to put our foot down and say to Congress that we should not be spending money we do not have?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago