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why do obama ralley the colleges?

why is it ..I have notice that he spends more time with the younger people at the colleges.could it be that they are young and just starting out in life they really dont know how being on your own really is ...if obama wins the parents of these young people want be able to help them ...they want be able to help theirself. all he wants is that vote .rather its young people are older people..he can fool the young college students .they love pep rally's and thats all obama is a big pep rally .he cant run our country ..thank you ohio and texas and rhode island.I am thankful that here in ohio people has enought sense to see threw him .and to know that hillary is the best for our country .she will bring us back to where we should be blacks and whites.obama is racial his wife is racial.he doesnt even put his hand on the bible are on his heart to our flag ..I hope people in the next states will vote for hillary.put a stop to obama once and for all..GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hillary is doing the same things in hispanic, low income, and elderly areas. Then she cries to appeal to women.

    Honestly do we want a president who cries when things aren't going their way? How does that 3am phone call look now?

  • 1 decade ago


    It really does matter. And I know I am going to get some thumbs down for my answer - but I will give you my perspective from over three decades of voting.

    College students, as well as older high school students (17 + yrs) are enthusiastic and idealistic. That's great - they should be. However, many haven't held full-time jobs, paid taxes (income tax, property tax, etc.). When candidates like Clinton and Obama talk of, for instance medical insurance for everyone, those who pay the aforementioned taxes and barely get by in life, cringe.

    My wife works at a small store - and if her boss has to provide insurance to her employees, she will have to fire some employees. Also, some of my neighbors can't afford another property tax increase. But - if Hillary can afford to loan her campaign five million dollars it won't affect her, she's wealthy.

    I love the reaction Obama is receiving - but I know it has to be tempered with "life experience" as well. That's he reason the democrats have Super Delegates."


  • 1 decade ago

    It is called kissing butt!!! As well as manipulation!!! The lady who said there will be no dem president needs to learn how to pay attention. The damn dems are taking nearly 3x the votes in every state. I guess her math skills sux! Anyway what does it matter? They all make promises to better the healthcare system and millions can't even afford healthcare! They make promises to lower taxes and taxes are higher than ever! They all promise to end the war on terror though no one has the balls to wage the war properly. They all promise to decrease unemployment and better the economy; and take one good look at the shape your country is in. They all promise to better education but the U.S. has the highest drop out rates in the world, and the schools are constantly begging for money! Personaly I think everyone needs to shake the cloud of propaganda from their minds and take a look at the big picture. We do not matter unless you make 100k a year or better. We are simply a numbers game for them all!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's hoping to get the all important young vote, which fails every year. When will dems realize young people don't vote. Maybe because they realize there is nothing any president can do for them, unless they are a minority.

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  • 1 decade ago

    when i was in college all i cared about was the social aspects and occasionally going to class to get an education. i was also impressionable and much more experimental. i hadn't faced a harsh reality of worrying about social security, health care and domestic jobs.

    i also wasn't emotionally invested in the war. the majority of my friends were going to college, while the only ones that i knew joining the military were those that didn't necessarily have the grades to go to a good school and that just wasn't my crowd in high school.

    i think for these reasons, obama continues to "prey" on the university and so-called educated demographic because they are easy to sway, young, energetic, loud and more interested in a "cool" candidate over substance...and he's smart enough to know that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because college kids buy into his empty message of hope and change. They also do not realize what his tax hikes will do to their paychecks since they have yet to pay taxes. Most people who have been in the real world know that a President Obama would be terrible for this country. They are more susceptible to empty promises and good speaking ability since the policies don't really have an effect on them until they actually get out of school and work for a living like the rest of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    hillary and mccain are dinosaurs of the bush era young people typically are left out of the voting process due to lack of interest in the politicians...obama seems to reach something in them....according to you only a white prez will be able to unify all racial inequalities....billary already had their 8 not need 4 more years....

  • 1 decade ago

    it is rather unnerving that someone who has such a poor grasp on the language is trying to analyze demographics.

    why bother to ask the question if you already know the answer?

    in fact obama is trying to bring new voters into the election. this is a great strategy.

    your gbtusa appears to be a rather disingenous statement.

    but then i seriously doubt you know what disingenuous means.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does Billary Clinton rally at immigrant places like El Paso in Texas or Mexico, etc.?

  • JK
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Does it matter? No dem will be president in 2008

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