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SiFu frank asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Does your school or dojo teach disarming techniques for gun, knife stick etc. ?

Do you feel this traning is usefull?


Most people on the street are using a weapon to intimidate. Correct a mistake can kill you. Sometimes not doing anything will kill you. Discretion is the better part of valor.

Update 2:

At least three good answers adressing some of the issues in this type of training and aplication. Toobad I can only choose one.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I train aikido so yes we do teach disarming techniques.

    I do feel that these disarming techniques are practical but not always in the strictest way. Again as many things in martial art its about deriving excercise from practical real deal stuff. I think the main lesson I learnt from weapon disarming is to lose my fear of a weapon this is the main mistake you see the beginning students make. They concentrate themselves entirely on the weapon because "it is dangerous" as I myself have taught manier times. A weapon is not dangerous, a weapon will not attack you it's the person who is handling the weapon that is the danger and depending his experience he's either a danger to you or a danger to himself. But anyways working with weapons has indeed taught me that a weapon is not to be considered more than an extension of the attacker thus there is no more fear to be had than from just the attacker. a weapon does of course require some extra attention on the matter at hand. People using a weapon are often people that feel such overwhelming odds against them that they resort to a weapon. In most cases keeping your cool and talking him out of the idea of using his weapon will usually be enough to make him see the error of his ways

    The only thing I find pretty useless is defense against a fire arm. Any one who knows how to use a firearm is not gonna do like in the movies and put a gun to your head and body. If he has any wits he'll keen at least 10 feet of distance and with that distance you stand no chance whatever you try

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have only done it twice and it was about how to disarm an incoming knife attack.

    Apart from being great fun, it was very valuable in terms of understanding the body better - using locks and pressure points - and understanding the importantance of distance. That extra 6inches of the knife makes a big difference.

    I found it very useful and would like to do more of it for the higher grades and incorporate some other styles into it. Not so much as 'how to disarm someone', more for what it involves and understanding the techniques that can be used.

  • yes they do


    you can disarm people who are threatening you with weapons. I also know guys who mountain climb without ropes, too. They can do it, but just like disarming techniques, any mistake has lethal consequences.

    Generally, if you MUST disarm someone (he’s going to kill you right now anyway) you must attack the weapon. Not the wrist, the elbow or his eyes – the weapon! Control the weapon no matter what, even if you are getting pummeled.

    If it is a gun, you must control the muzzle (the end where the bullets come out) and keep it pointed away from you. Use both hands to clamp down firmly on the gun using your entire body to twist the gun back toward the attacker. Expect the gun to fire, so keep your face away from it. Keep pushing into the attacker and strip the gun out of hands, breaking his finger if you have to. Forget all the B.S. about putting the web of your thumb between the hammer and the frame or to push your finger in the barrel to knock the slide out of battery, hold onto the gun for all you are worth and bite, kick, headbutt, and knee him until he breaks off the attack.

    If it is a knife, you must control his hand (please don’t grab the blade despite the teachings of certain ex-Secret Service agents). Then use your body weight to DRIVE the blade of the knife to the ground. Keep control of his hand and wrist and keep the knife pinned to the ground. Bite his arm, thrust your head back into his face, but keep control of the knife!

    Weapons disarming is deadly serious. Don’t rely on the little tricks you might have seen in a Bruce Lee movie and don’t try and kick a weapon out of someone’s hand. You will need TONS of training to do it consistently. However, I know of untrained civilians who, in a desperate situation, have prevailed over an armed adversary by combining surprise with overwhelming tenacity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, we do knife disarming techniques, I don't think there is much you can do if there is a gun is pointed in your face unless you have the speed of Bruce Lee, but the same techniques should be effective with a knife as well as a gun. Everyone in my class learns this the white belts all the way up to the black belts.

    I think this training is useful, hopefully I wont have to use it, but even if I never use this training for real I am glad that I have this to fall on just in case.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes we did teach it . And yes I did find it useful.

    The emphasis was mainly on deflecting an incoming attack, so actual disarming, although part of it was not the main objective. Preventing injury was.

    It was a Shotokan Karate dojo, but in this instance the deflection and disarming techniques were mainly based on energy flow and direction (as in Akido), and focused manipulation based on physics and physiology as in Jujitsu.

    Very effective and an important part of overall training.

    The emphasis was alway on avoidance, deflection was a backup, and disarming was to follow from that as necessary.

    There is no defence against a bullet or a blade except to not be where it lands.

    The techniques are useless until such time as we are trained to use them as a reflex. No long thoughts, just instinctive and correct response appropriate to the situation.

  • In my Kenpo days yes we did a lot of it but not in Shotokan so much only a little bit,

    Do I feel it is useful. Yes and No.

    Yes in the case where you are in a situation where you have no choice but to try the technique or get stabbed or shot.

    No because i think unless no other choice is available that you should just give them what they want and not attempt it. Your life is not worth it over a wallet or watch.

    I would only suggest knowing them and using them only if you had no other choice and to date I only had to once and thankfully I was successfull and not shot accidently. It was not a hold up, just a friend when much much younger who should have known better than to point a gun at anyone. He was playing but guns are not toys and when he did it i did not blink and disarmed him and he was like hey what the f? I said dude never point a gun at some one even in a joke. Had that been a real robber I may not have even tried if I could have just given them my wallet and walked away. Losing your life over it is not worth it.

    so that is my take on it, yes it is useful to know but not recommeded to use if at all possible.

    Source(s): Shihan 30+ years exp
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I teach how to use these weapons, and disarming techniques of these weapons. The kubotan, knife, Jo-staff, Katana sword, hand gun,along with the regular Aikido class. Yes I feel that this type of training is very useful in todays society.

    Source(s): 11 years in Aikido 4 years in JJ teaching Shinbu Aikido
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes.. my old TKD school teaches, a knife form (at the cho-dan level), and we always used rubber knives for self defense techniques... it would have been cool if we sparred with them, but it was a basic.... if they do this, you can "in theory" do this... or the if they point a gun at you,and you truely believe they will pull the trigger... here is what you should try... and I wouldnt, call myself a trained knife fighter by any stretch of the imagination... but, in the unfortunate event (which i pray it never happens) someone were to approach me with intent of bodily harm to me with a weapon (we even hypothisized about baseball bats, and tire irons, angles of strikes, distance, angles to block if avoidance of such strikes were not possible)... I would feel like i was at least prepared to give myself a chance of coming out of the encounter alive... and yes that is a very important part of any Martial Arts training, otherwise take gymnastics....

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we teach disarming techniques for guns, knifes, bats, jo, etc.

    It has been useful to me. I work in a school. I had to disarm a student with a knife and I have taken a couple of chairs. The students gave me the nickname Superman. Most of them gave up on fighting. They knew I wasn't going to allow it. I heard they had look outs for me before they were going to fight. If no one saw me they thought it was okay, but I would be there to prevent or stop it before anyone could get hurt.

  • 1 decade ago

    no i do not learn that stuff, and i do not think it is useful. When confronted with a weapon, it is always risky, no matter how good you are when sparring. Probably a 50% chance you will get stabbed in the gut even if your opponent is the most out of shape slowest person ever. Besides, fighting has no place in our society. We only do it for entertainment and in chest thumping matches. Smart people only do it for fitness and competition.

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