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Lv 725,659 points

peter gunn

Favorite Answers18%
  • what happens when a person suffers serious salt overdose?

    For my capoeira class I am preparing a piece on one of the most infamous Brazilian outlaws. The man was known in several cases to kill people by forcing them to eat a kilo (about 2 lbs) of salt. I'm actually curious of what would physically happen to a person when subjected to this type of punishment. I imagine stuff like dehydration kidney failure up to cardiac arrest etc. But frankly have no real idea. I do however doubt that any one could finish 'the meal' but coud any one provide me with more info

    1 AnswerMedicine6 years ago
  • letting bread rise overnight?

    Dear all

    I'm organizing a picnic for a few dozen people in a few weeks time. I will be making for this several fresh loaves of homemade bread which I will prepare the night before. The only pickle is that I would want to make some fresh baguette and other crispy rolls as well and if they are not day fresh they go soggy which would be a real shame. Since I don't have the time nor possibility to make a dough from scratch the same day I was thinking about making my dough the night before and letting it rise over night so I would just need to pop it in the oven and be done. Since i have never done this I'm looking if any one could give me some pointers on how I get the best result this way

    Best one gets 10 points and my gratitude

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • keeping baked ham juicy?

    My brazilian in laws have a tradition of making baked ham for christmas. Since they fell in love with my brined turkey last year they gave me a whole leg of ham weighin some 12-15 lbs to try my magic on. My idea would be to marinate it for 3 days but further than that i'm out of ideas. I would like to glaze in as well in the end so any suggestions for good glazing are also welcome.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • your favorite mashed potato flavorings?

    Hi guys and girls

    I'm having my in laws over for dinner on new years eve.

    I was planning to serve mash potatoes on the side (spray on a plate in nice shapes and put in the oven) and would like to offer 4-5 different flavors.

    I've got 2 of my favorites allready nl mustard and cream and some sour cream and chives.

    but I need some more inspiration.

    so what's your greatest flavored mash recipe?

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how about a yahoo q&a martial arts tournament?

    Just a crazy thought that sprung to mind while reading a few of my friends questions on q&a

    seeing as there are so many know it alls, self proclaimed masters etc on here.

    Why not organise an all out open entry q&a martial arts tournament to separate the men from the boys. Personally I'm thinking of having 4 categories to inscribe: the self proclaimed (I'm 15 and hold 5 black belts in origami type.) the wise guys (that don't work because I saw it on tv or MMA,...) and of course let's not forget the trolls. and the real deal martial artists (I wouldn't mind meeting up with some of the serious ones on here). Who ever wins one of the three first categories can compete in a style of their choosing against the last one (playstation do any one?). make it annual to give the newcomers a chance. I'd personally give 10.000 q&a points for the grand prize. So guys who's with me and who's got some suggestions. who could we call to judge, where do we hold it etc,...

    and before you really do ask Yeah guys I'm just having some fun on a boring afternoon

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • some help on Musashi's book of five rings?

    One for the more experienced martial artists/ sword afficionado's

    I recently, finally, achieved my first dan grade in aikido. As part of my grading I'm supposed to take care of part of the class during our federations Japanese New year training and I've been given a subject to handle. My subject is posture and form. Immediately a passage from Musashi's book came to mind. My Idea was to start off the class by reading out a specific paragraph where he makes a pretty genial comparison. Problem is that I know the passage somewhat but I've been trying to give the book a quick look over to find it and can't come across the exact thing. The passage starts somewhat as such. "The study of martial art is similar to the building of a house. Most important thing when building your house is that your foundations are in balance." I unfortunately don't have time to read through the whole thing and would need to have my rough draught ready by next tuesday. Can any one help me locate the right chapter and subchapter so I could continue my preparation. Or provide me with the full text of the passage of the book

    thx a lot

    2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • fresh herbs for salmon?

    I'm making up a dish for new years eve dinner with my in laws

    since the salmon is on sale at the local supermarket I was thinking of simply putting a whole salmon in a steam pocket in the oven. My Idea would be to stuff the salmon full of fresh herbs and some spices and pour some sparkling wine in the pocket and thus steam the whole thing.

    I'm looking for a few suggestions on what herbs and spices you prefer/ have used before on salmon and what works best for you.

    most helpful suggestion gets 10 points

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • tips for getting your gi clean and white?

    here's one for the seasoned martial artists. specially those that have or had mothers and grandmothers

    In a few weeks I have my first dan grading coming up and I'd like to look the part of course.

    for this I'd like to make sure that my gi, and specially the jacket is as clean as I can make it. Both the gi's I own are round about 10 years of age. and as you all know after a while they just don't come out of the wash looking like in the washpowder adds no matter what you try. (makes me wonder who in hell decided to make these things white) so can any of you seasoned martial artists or not so seasoned ones share with me some of your (grand)mothers secrets to get your jacket looking like new again.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • rincing hands after using peppers?

    I have just been making some nice chillie and got my hand on some nice and spicy habaneros from the chinese market. Since they are very rare to come by round my area I never used these things before. problem is that after handling these babies my hands are stinging like nobodies business.

    can any of your cooking fans teach me a few good tricks to get rid of the burning sensation asap.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need inspiration for barbecue side dishes?

    Hi guys and gals

    me and my brothers and sisters decided to have ourselves a bbq tomorrow.

    since we are a pretty big bunch we decided to each do part of the preparations to not have one person do all the work and not to strain any ones purse. and I got stuck with the side dishes. but I'm kind of out of inspiration. I got some nice mixed salad and a good recipe for potato salad but can any one else give me some good ideas mainly using fruit and vegetables. oh and if you happen to have a killer recipe for salad dressing would be welcome too

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how does one go about a fro transplant?

    say that (hypothetically speaking) you had a friend that had an excess fro and at the same time you had another friend that was going short in the fro department. how does one go about transplanting some fro from one subject to the other without either subject loosing their cool or soul.

    I know this is a beginners question but I just enrolled at the sam.l. Jackson medical college and am looking for some tips


    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for some tips and tricks on wildlife photography?

    hello all

    I recently got me a nixe little reflex camera and I've started getting an interest in photographing all manor of plants and animals round my area. The most tricky thing however Is to try and get some good shots of wildlife. No matter what I try or how careful I try to advance I seem to spook the animal and away it goes. I was wondering if some of you fellow picture nuts could help me with some tips and tricks on how to get some nice close shots without having to get out my full camo gear,

    oh feel free to comment on some of my pictures

    greatest advice get's 10 points guys

    8 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • good suggestions for a brunch?

    I planned to organise a brunch with some friends on sunday and I was wondering if anybody could offer some suggestions on some food that I could serve. Since I was planning to bake different breads I would be wanting to serve stuff that could be eaten with the bread.

    so what suggestions can you bring to the party

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • can you help me explain this rythm?

    hi guys and girls

    over the last few weeks I have discovered the music of seasick steve

    I'm a bit of an amateur musician myself doing mainly vocals and some harp but I have little or no real musical knowledge as to specific rythms or notes. since there's a jam coming up near me I thought of doing this song since the rythm seemed pretty basic without too many hickups short of a few short breaks.

    how would I be able to explain this rythm to a guitarist or drummer so that the band would get along without coming to a complete kakafony.

    greatest help wins 10 points

    1 AnswerBlues1 decade ago
  • experienced martial artists what do you consider as your greatest talent?

    a question that popped in my mind durig practice yesterday. what talent or quality do you consider to be your greatest benefit during practice or in a real live situation. some people are born with extreme quick reflexes or are from birth very strong. personally I would have to say that my greatest benefit is my creativity. during my years i've amazed many people with my ability to come up with some of the craziest combinations or come up with near to impossible techniques and often surprising my opponent with my reaction. Seeing how important the element of surprise is I would consider that my greatest advantage. so what's yours

    15 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • recipes and tips and tricks for baking bread?

    since this weekend I have discovered the hobby of making homemade bread my first attempts were quite good. but I was wondering if some of the other enthusiasts wanted to share some recipes and tips and tricks for making their own favorite bread.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • what's your opinion on seasick steve?

    I discovered this "newcomer" to the blues scene a little while back and finally bought his CD's this weekend.

    personally I find it amazing to hear a true old fashioned bluesman that's still the real deal and doesn't care about music structures and technical highlights.

    I find it most amazing that he's even turning the younger people who have never even listened to this kind of music into fans and bringing them back to the old fashioned kind of blues

    so what's your 5 cents love him or loathe him and why

    and for those that don't know him yet here's some examples of the guys work

    and here's a piece that inspired me to pick up a diddley bow

    7 AnswersBlues1 decade ago
  • building an electric pick up (for a diddley bow)?

    I've been discovering Seasick Steve these last few weeks and am quite amazed at the guys ability. Since I love the few displays he does with a home made diddley bow I was wondering about making one for myself but I would prefer to to make an amplified version. I've seen some nice schematics to make and accoustic one and it does not seem that hard but I was wondering how one goes about making an electric pick up that would allow me to jack up the instrument to an amp. does any one have any knowledge of making this kind of thing or repairing instruments that might be able to help me with this

    best answer gets 10 points

    6 AnswersBlues1 decade ago
  • what was your worst job experience?

    as I was looking through an add from my company

    I've had a few jobs in my days and done some really disgusting and weird stuff. during my student days I even worked as a trash collector

    but must admit that that job was great fun and a lot of freedom

    but the very worse must have been that during my early days I worked in a plastics factory for a while. Long hours for little pay working with plastic flower pots and the boss did not even allow us to have a lunch break. a few days later I got fired for not being motivated enough...

    so what's your worse job and how did it end

    oh and if you are not as bad of as this guy it's still not too bad

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • does anybody have experience with using a pignose amp for harp play (or general impression of the amp)?

    Hi guys

    I've been looking for some time to get me a bullet mich and a speaker to do some amplified practice at home. Since I don't need a heavy speaker I was looking around and came across the famous pignose amps which seemed Ideal for my purpose: small, portable and not necessarily making a big racket. I just wanted to know if any other harp enthusiasts had any experience using this specific kind of amp for harping and what was their experience with it. the company themselves claim that its supposed to give quite a gritty but nice sound for harping but I'm rather skeptical of sales talk. so any one ever try them and what did you think. guitar players with experience on the amp are more then welcome with their 5 cents

    5 AnswersBlues1 decade ago