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Are you having trouble looking up Obama's platform?

If you just parrot the same, tired "he has no plan" line, let me help you- name an issue where you are unclear about Barack Obama's position and I will personally go do the 20 seconds of research and answer it for you here.

Of course, in doing so I will also obliterate your lame argument so please fire away.


jeffdad- This is all from his Blueprint for Change:


Make the Tax System More Fair and Efficient

End Tax Haven Abuse: Building on his bipartisan work in the Senate, Obama will give the Treasury Department

the tools it needs to stop the abuse of tax shelters and offshore tax havens and help close the $350 billion tax gap between taxes owed and taxes paid.

Close Special Interest Corporate Loopholes: Obama will level the playing field for all businesses by eliminating special-interest loopholes and deductions, such as those for the oil and gas industry.

health care:

At Glance

Universal Coverage

Obama will sign a universal health care plan into law by the end of his first term in office. His plan will provide affordable, quality health care coverage for every American.

Reduce Health Care Costs

Obama’s plan will bring down the cost of health care and reduce a typical family’s premiums by as much as $2,500 per year.



The P

Update 2:

there's more, but I'm just reprinting the blueprint.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, looking up candidates positions is fairly easy.

    You just have to want to know, if you put party or candidate before Country, you probably do not want to know.

  • 4 years ago

    sure, I actual have had some circumstances that made it perplexing to be right here, for various motives. undergo in concepts that it isn't continually the guy themselves yet on occasion, the forces in the back of the situation, that reason the dissension. understand the source, in the previous the wear and tear is completed. oftentimes disagreements are over some rather petty stuff. What does it rather count quantity? who's solid? who's faulty? solid or undesirable, all of it comes out the way God meant, of religion or no longer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, why does he think that creating more government programs will be good for this country?

    Why do we need more government involvement in our lives, I think we need less government involvement and less handouts.

    When has the government ever run a program better than the private sector?

    Why does he think the government could spend my money better than me?

    Why does he say we should invade Pakistan but pull out of Iraq immediately and create a more unstable power vacuum?

    What has he specifically accomplished that makes one think he would be a great president?

    Why would we want the most liberal senator on record being our president?

    Why would one vote "present" when voting on bills in the senate, rather than have a spine and vote for the way he feels and have all criticisms be damned?--maybe it is political posturing to avoid any criticisms either way.

    Why are their rumors of drugs and gay sex?

    Who is Tony Resko?

    How will he reduce oil prices? Don't say ethanol as we have a net energy loss--meaning it uses more fossil fuel energy to create the energy ethanol produces. Ethanol is proven to be a scam and also raises food costs

    Why is he admitted friends of terrorists?

    This is to name a few issues....

    I'm sure like all libs you will argue.."but Bush is this and Bush is that", but please remember you asked the question so back it up rather than deflect all issues to someone else supposedly being worse?

    I guess other than being charismatic, what else is Obama?

  • they all say they have a plan....but mosty when in office they dont go through anyway....neither one of them have expeirence on being president and dont say hillary she dont just because she was married to a president dont mean jack...all she know is a presidents schedule...she would not have been tode national secrurity how i see it she aint no more ready than obama is.....

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've done my research on him, I know what his plans are - in general - because that is all he is putting out there.

    I question his plans because they are filled with fluff and no real, concrete information. Add to that now his mistruths are coming out, so I have to question the motives behind his plans of socialism.

  • 1 decade ago

    And here's the one for the person who doesn't allow email but spoke of Obama's experience.,8599,170...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama has made his platform clear, it is only the Hellary followers who make up lies about him. I guess you can't blame them, they are after-all old white women and uneducated people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    health care


    talking with enemies

    answers about donations

    his vast 2 1/2 yrs of experience

    Source(s): no argument? didnt think so. bahh
  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, it is located in the fairy tale section.

    Obama is anti-America.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't. Here I go

    Obama groupies behave like the early Bush loyalists acting like anyone who dares to criticize him or ask the tough question is a traitor and "attacking" him.

    If Obama takes over the White House they will behave like Bush supporters and call us cons for daring to question their leader, maybe they'll even call us traitor or anti American, you get the idea.

    I and most of us defend Obama against the dumb right wing smears (he's a Muslim, he's gay) while the Obama supporters eat up and repeat every smear about Hillary and the Clintons in general. If anyone should be ashamed it's those who act like Bush supporters and want us to shut up and unite around the glorious leader.

    This is a debate and there are serious questions about Mister Obama and the claims he makes.

    Why did Obama call Joseph Lieberman " my mentor"?

    In March 2006, Obama went out of his way to travel to Connecticut to campaign for Senator Joseph Lieberman who faced a tough challenge by anti-war candidate Ned Lamont. At a Democratic Party dinner attended by Lamont, Obama called Lieberman “his mentor” and urged those in attendance to vote and give financial contributions to him. This is the same Lieberman who Alexander Cockburn called “Bush’s closest Democratic ally on the Iraq War.” Why would Obama have done that if he was truly against the war?

    In his 2004 Senate campaign, Obama said the US should pursue more deals such as NAFTA, and argued more broadly that his opponent's call for tariffs would spark a trade war. AP reported then that the Illinois senator had spoken of enormous benefits having accrued to his state from NAFTA, while adding that he also called for more aggressive trade protections for US workers.”Putting aside campaign rhetoric, when actually given an opportunity to protect workers from unfair trade agreements, Obama cast the deciding vote against an amendment to a September 2005 Commerce Appropriations Bill, proposed by North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan, that would have prohibited US trade negotiators from weakening US laws that provide safeguards from unfair foreign trade practices.

    The bill would have been a vital tool to combat the outsourcing of jobs to foreign workers and would have ended a common corporate practice known as “pole-vaulting” over regulations, which allows companies doing foreign business to avoid “right to organize,” “minimum wage,” and other worker protections

    Regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement, Obama recently boasted, “I don’t think NAFTA has been good for Americans, and I never have"

    Liar, delussional or believing his own hype?

    On March 2, 2007 Obama gave a speech at AIPAC, America’s pro-Israeli government lobby, wherein he disavowed his previous support for the plight of the Palestinians. In what appears to be a troubling pattern, Obama told his audience what they wanted to hear. He recounted a one-sided history of the region and called for continued military support for Israel, rather than taking the opportunity to promote the various peace movements in and outside of Israel.

    Why should we believe Obama has courage to bring about change? He wouldn’t have his picture taken with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom when visiting San Francisco for a fundraiser in his honor because Obama was scared voters might think he supports gay marriage (Newsom acknowledged this to Reuters on January 26, 2007 and former Mayor Willie Brown admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle on February 5, 2008 that Obama told him he wanted to avoid Newsom for that reason.)

    Obama acknowledges the disproportionate impact the death penalty has on blacks, but still supports it, while other politicians are fighting to stop it. (On December 17, 2007 New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine signed a bill banning the death penalty after it was passed by the New Jersey Assembly.)

    On September 29, 2006, Obama joined Republicans in voting to build 700 miles of double fencing on the Mexican border (The Secure Fence Act of 2006), abandoning 19 of his colleagues who had the courage to oppose it. But now that he’s campaigning in Texas and eager to win over Mexican-American voters, he says he’d employ a different border solution.

    It is shocking how frequently and consistently Obama is willing to subjugate good decision making for his personal and political benefit

    We never shut up for the Necons calling us traitors so we sure not gonna shut up for some young misguided groupies who have no clue of political history and or the issues.

    Obama is handed with silk gloves now by Republicans and the corporate media. Once he has the nomination they will not be so kind . They act like Hillary should campaign for him and give him the nomination. Everything else she does or tries to do is put in the worst light.

    It is noteworthy that leading lights of the Republican right have joined in the praise for Obama. The editorialists of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times’ Republican columnist David Brooks and such conservative media pundits as Peggy Noonan, William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh have all had good things to say about him.

    On the Republican side, the promotion of Obama is motivated in part by calculations that he will be easier to defeat in the general election than Clinton. No one should doubt that the Republican notables who are currently hailing the rise of an African-American candidate as a vindication of American democracy are prepared to conduct an unofficial campaign of virulent racism against him, especially in the South, should he win the Democratic nomination.

    Given his big business ties, Obama’s campaign rhetoric about confronting poverty and social inequality involve a level of cynicism and demagogy that is truly staggering. His incessant promises of change are not tied to any radical economic program that fundamentally challenges the profit interests of the giant corporations and Wall Street.

    The Obama campaign is not the vehicle of a leftward movement in the United States—as proclaimed by liberal groups such as and publications like The Nation. It is a preemptive attack by the ruling class against such a movement. Its function is to delude the American people and divert their growing opposition to war, economic crisis and attacks on democratic rights back into the dead-end of the Democratic Party.

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