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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why is opression of women and homosexuals called "Family Values?"?

Usually when someone is spouting "Family Values" rhetoric, it usually means condemning women who like to work outside the home, and denying equal rights to gays. How did this become named "Family Values?" Does anyone know the history or etymology of this?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are family values.

    If your family name is





    It's a Republican thing, calling it 180 of what it is.

    Family Values = Homophobia and Sexism

    Healthy Forests Act = Chain Cut Old Growth

    No Child Left Behind = No Child's Behind Left

    Clear Skies Act = Deregulating Power Plant Emissions

    PATRIOT Act = Rescind the Bill of Rights

    Medicare Prescription Benefit = Only The Drug Makers Benefit

    Iraqi Freedom = Permanent US Occupation of Iraq

    I could go on forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ancient family values. Women were often in charge of the household and raising the children. They're against gay couples because a family is "supposed" to be a father, mother, and children. Not two fathers or two mothers. I would guess that it started in early biblical times, when they first came up with the anti homosexuality thing. But the women raising the kids and stuff was probably since waaaaaaay back in history.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not in my book. Its called hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy, sexism, judgementalism, ridicule, and abuse. I've lived through it; and have seen it close up and personal done to myself and others--by sexist ministers yet. Jesus said "judge that you not be judged" and forgave the woman taken in adultery saying: "let those without sin cast the first stone." For shame. This family values k-rapola did NOT originate with Jesus Christ,that's for sure. Aside from counseling allegiance to the government, he was a man who was all about abolishing the pecking order. Too bad so few have listened to what HE said, and not put their own spin on it. Good question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Family values" is a phrase deliberately designed to be vague. Politicians say they favor 'family values' because they know that phrase appeals to a wide range of people, even though these people may have very diverse ideas of what it actually means. Everyone thinks the politician favors his own idea of 'family values'.

    This was really made obvious in the 1992 Republican Convention. Barbara Bush spoke to the convention followed by Pat Buchanan, both about 'family values'. Barbara Bush sounded all maternal, forgiving and loving. Family values to her was all about fostering children, helping parents, supporting public school and health care and all that stuff. Then Pat Buchanan spoke and to him 'family values' meant something completely different--punishing casual drug users, destroying public education, keeping illegal alien kids out of schools and denying them emergency care, punishing unwed mothers, that kind of thing.

    After that, of course, everyone asked GHW Bush (running for re-election) what -he- thought was 'family values', which vision he had. And Bush, of course, found it best just to say nothing. 8^)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Family values are very foreign to some. Those not knowing will describe them as you have.

    Family values are the love and respect of each family member. Demonstrating this with kindness, consideration, understanding and proper discipline when needed.

    The father is the spiritual head of the family and his responsibly is to bring spiritual food to the family. A fathers is to provide for the family in material and financial matters.

    A wife is a partner and is to assist in all matters. She is to be treated as a tender vessel and the highest respect shown at all times and assistance given her by the family when needed or asked for.

    A family is a team. It is very sad that some have never known the value of a family.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Family values does't mean that a woman can't have a

    job in the work force and be very successful and run

    her own corporation. They are speaking of women who

    are in a delima of raising a child and balancing a career,

    often selling the children short regarding parental guidance.

    You have to admit its hard to pass on your value system to

    a child if you work 10 to 12 hours daily and sometimes on

    weekends. By the time you get home the child is in bed.

    His daily activities from birth to 5 are controlled by someone

    other than his parents. Regarding homosexuality, they are

    not saying you can't have a life partner and a healthy happy

    life, but family values certainly doesn't encompass a homo-

    sexual relationship, since the definition of a valued family

    is a husband/wife that live in the home with their children.

    Spending time with the child. The male projecting his

    persona to his son and daughter as a male figure and

    the mother doing the same to the children. A male child

    would have difficulty identifying with two women especially

    how to relate to other male counterparts just as a female

    would have a problem with two males or vice versa. It is

    a bit complex for a child to handle especially when the

    majority of families are male/female. I'm not saying that

    homosexual couples shouldn't raise children but it isn't

    the typical family value system that they are speaking of

    when they say "family values". I hope this explains it !

  • 1 decade ago

    The Moral Majority started using this phrase. You can make the case that since the Moral Majority, was neither moral nor a majority, that they get the meanings of their words mixed up a bit. In reality, they were really talking about the adulterous, divorced / remarried wife-beaters that make up most of the congregations of their churches, and pay a lot of money to be 'saved'.

    Source(s): An (unmarried, atheist, yet quite moral) Talking A$$ Remember, it's "Love the person, hate the stupidity, ignorance and bigotry." Why do people laugh at creationists?
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think most people are against women working. My wife works and she makes a lot of money. The fight over gay rights is not really a matter of them having rights to live in society. Their fight is to try to basically become like every normal heterosexual couple. The problem I see with this is that a homosexual marriage and a heterosexual marriage are two different things, and they will never be "equal" even if the government says they are. Fundamentally, there will always be a distinction, and that will never be erased.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm going to say because it sounds good to people. All I could get from etymonline is that it was first recorded in 1966.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you give horrible ideologies a happy name, no one knows the difference.

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