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Christian East Indian Honolulu, HI

  • Why won't my DVD drive read DVDs?

    I have an Optiarc DVD RW AD-7563a, driver version 6.0.6002.18005 on Vista.

    I tried checking for firmware updates (there were none), I reinstalled the driver software, and also cleared the filters from the registry. It reads CDs just fine, but DVDs don't even spin in the drive.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do I change the illumination setting on a Pioneer DEH-3200UB?

    The box and online reviews say that it supposed to be able to switch from red to green but I can't figure out how to do it. It's not in the manual and Google hasn't helped. Anyone here know?

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Why discriminated between sinners?

    IF homosexuality truly is a sin, are they worse sinners than the rest of us? Why do some churches close their doors to homosexuals but welcome murders, thieves, and liars? Why do some churches ordain child molesters?

    In the Bible there are numerous verses putting down many different kinds of sins, but why are the ones against homosexuality paid more attention? We're all sinners to begin with, I don't think being a heterosexual makes me any less of a sinner than a homosexual.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me an argument FOR creationism or ID?

    All I ever get are criticisms of Evolution or Evolution by Natural Selection. And people tend to say "Because their theory is wrong, our theory is right." Which is wrong, it's the Fallacy of False Alternatives. Just because it isn't "A," it doesn't mean that "B" is necessarily the right answer, there could be other possibilities.

    My point being, I want to get a bunch of statements that support Creationism or Intelligent Design. I don't want statements criticizing either point of view, it's about support on the question =D

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the Bible says this, then why...?

    Isaiah 55:8-9 says

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways,"

    declares the LORD.

    "As the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts" (NIRV)

    So how can people even begin to believe that they somehow comprehend the will of God? How can people judge based on the Bible, even though it's impossible to tell how God would judge? Even if you say "The Bible is the word of God, it is infallible."-- So? I'm not calling the Bible wrong, it's humans that I have a problem with. Assuming the Bible is perfect, it's impossible for a human's understanding of the Bible to be perfect. It is all text after all, any form of pragmatics is lost.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this all just one giant "Sims" game?

    Because I know I do enjoy setting free will to max and watching those sims totally screw up there lives... And then regaining back control to save a few, if not all, of them.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why weren't the Gospels written in the first-person?

    Or maybe they were and then changed in translation?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why the bad grammar? I didn't know this was the cheezburger network...?

    I have trouble taking some of these questions and answers seriously. I understand there could be people who aren't native English speakers but please, still try a little harder.

    The sad part is (for me at least), most of the bad grammar questions are from religious people ("why cant athetiss no has cieling cat??"). Seriously, you're playing right into their hands and giving them everything they need to call you ignorant.

    So please, help restore my faith in humanity, even if it is just the commutation through text part. Coherent communication could lead to better understanding.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is henotheism the answer to our problems?

    Henothiesm is the worship or belief in one god without denial of the others. As far as I can tell from the Bible, it never clearly denies the existence of other gods, quite the opposite actually.

    Another thing that's got me wonder- In Genesis 3:22, God refers to an "us." Who is this "Us?" Other gods? The Bible never denies the existence of Baal either, just shows him to be a weaker god (fertility god got pwned =P).

    But anyway, here's my true question I guess--- Would the world be a better place if everyone was Henotheistic?

    Oops, forgot about the atheists, here's your question ATHEISTS--- Would the world be a better place if everyone just minded their own business? =D ( i think it would...)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hypothesis of Evolution? Theory of Natural Selection? Why the arguments?

    I want to know why some Christians (surprisingly almost exclusively Christians, considering it was a Jewish cosmogony) have trouble accepting evolution. I know there are a lot of Christians (like me ^_^) who have no trouble with it. I just can't understand why people wouldn't accept it.

    And if your cosmogony is so true, then what makes you claim that yours is better than any other religion's cosmogony? I was also surprised to find that this debate is almost exclusively an American debate on Creation and Evolution. For some reason, I find that hilarious.

    Please don't say "It's just a THEORY!" because it seems that people who say that, don't really understand what a theory is. In science, there is no absolute truth, there is only probability. Nature is not a constant. Thus we have our Theories of Gravitation, Plate Tectonics, Relativity, Natural Selection, etc. Facts are not absolute truths either. If you keep up with any scientific journal, it's easy to note that facts change (did you know that drinking beer is now good for your bones? Google it). Any religion's creation story was a way to explain how things came to be this way. The truth back then was irrelevant, it was the meaning of these stories that was important. Apparently people forget that religion is more about meaning than truth.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are aftermarket HID kits street legal in Hawaii?

    One of my friends got a ticket for it, but they were just 4ks. So i was wondering if aftermarket kits were street legal, or was this cop out of line? Because they sell aftermarket kits at Sears, i mean seriously...

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • So, I just bought a 1999 Infiniti G20...?

    It has a little over 101k miles on it. I was wondering if anyone could give me clues to what kind of problems I should expect on the G20. I had the wheels realigned, the upholstery redone, put in a new sound system and installed an aftermarket alarm system in there too.

    Anyone know of any major problems that I should be expecting? I would prefer answers from people who are or have been G20 owners. If you're just going to say "zomfg, Infiniti= $$$ to maintain, FAIL" please, be more specific. Any tips on maintenance would be helpful too. Thanks a lot.

    3 AnswersInfiniti1 decade ago
  • How do you reconcile the existance of evil in the world with the omnipotence and benevolence of God?

    As stated by the Greek Philosopher, Epicurus:

    "Either God would remove evil out of this world, and cannot; or He can, and will not; or lastly, He has both the power and the will. If He has the will, and not the power, this shows weakness, which is contrary to the nature of God. If He has the power and not the will, it is malignity, and this is no less contrary to His nature. If He is neither able nor willing, He is both impotent and malignant, and consequently cannot be God. If He is both willing and able (which alone is constant to the nature of God), whence comes evil, or why does He not prevent it?"

    There are several common answers to this question but the most popular one among believers would be- "Out limited intellect cannot grasp the mystery of God and we must leave this paradox unresolved."

    But if you claim that you can't grasp the mystery of God, why do some Christians strut around like they do? Why is there pre-judgement on earth about who goes to heaven or hell based on their way of life, no one knows because no one understands God.

    An other common answer to the great paradox is that evil is merely a lack of good, since all things are created by God, He wouldn't make anything inherently evil (to our conception). In the grand scheme of the universe, these things may actually be good.

    I know, it's a lot of details and a tough question. I was wondering if anyone had any other opinions on this paradox.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is religion based on truthiness?

    Merriam-Webster defines truthiness as "the quality by which you know something purely by feeling, without regard to logic, evidence, or intellectual examination."

    I know there are a few exceptions, I know people who do evolve their thoughts even through their religion. But aren't most, if not all religions, based on truthiness?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this what most people (if not everyone) is looking for?

    "Many today are hungering for an authentic spirituality that is intellectually honest and at home in a scientific era. They are searching for a new wisdom to live by, one that is scientifically sophisticated, technologically advanced, morally just, ecologically sustainable, and spiritually alive."

    -- UCC's pastoral letter (July 2008)

    I understand that some atheists out there, and even non-atheists, feel that religion is stiff and out dated, even immoral at times. But if you had something like that's described above, would you follow it if it fit into your moral bounds?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Jews don't believe it, why do some Christians still cling to it?

    I'm talking about the story of creation. All the Jews that I've talked (on R&S and in real life) believe that the story of creation was just a story. But why do so many Christians still cling to it as fact? Jews wrote it and passed it down. The story was believed to have originated from Semetic herders in the Fertile Crescent who were eventually forced out of their territories or killed by the followers of the agricultural revolution.

    With all this, why do so many Christians still cling to creationism? I'm not saying that God doesn't exist, I believe He does. It's just creationism is based on a story, and nothing more.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many Jews believe that God created everything in seven days?

    Because I would honestly take a Jew's understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures over a Christian's (it is your book after all).

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I the only Indian to frequent this section?

    Thanks Joseph Smith for the inspiration ^_^

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • ATHEISTS (and any historians out there) Please help! ^_^?;_ylt=Ahug0...

    Could you please help answer this question. I know you guys won't let faith get in the way of fact ^_^

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago