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Why discriminated between sinners?

IF homosexuality truly is a sin, are they worse sinners than the rest of us? Why do some churches close their doors to homosexuals but welcome murders, thieves, and liars? Why do some churches ordain child molesters?

In the Bible there are numerous verses putting down many different kinds of sins, but why are the ones against homosexuality paid more attention? We're all sinners to begin with, I don't think being a heterosexual makes me any less of a sinner than a homosexual.


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17 Answers

  • Gypsy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    we only have our own opinions-views (judging pretty much) of what is a greater sin than have made a great point..there is no sinner bigger or worse than another...sin is a sin...the homesexual is no better than the theif..and the theif is no better than a rapist...its all sin..and its all bad..people just emphasize on the things they feel are more of a sin than another...once again by there views and opinion....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like Guns, God doesn't kill people, people kill people.

    In the same way a gun is useless if it is not in the hands of a person, god's word is not powerful in the hands of a believer.

    It's always the followers that proclaim God's desires, and never the god himself.

    What is one man's garbage is another man's treasure.

    Besides, the Bible clearly states that,

    Sodom and Gomorrah were known for their cannibalism not their sexual perversions, otherwise Lot would have been nuked for doing his own daughters.

    666 comes from Revelations which was written in Greek, Greek at that time did not use numbers to denote numerical value, but instead used letters, the letters used to spell 666 is SEX.

    This means that SEX/666 of the Beast is an abomination to the Lord, because making babies only causes more problems. And that SEX/666 on the hand or on the forehead, is an indication of auto-eroticism and the thought of it.

    So actually God doesn't mind Gays, that's why he hasn't nuked them off.

    Jesus is the new testament, and so people can sin like crazy, pray to Jesus, get forgiven and still make it to heaven. Then there is no reason to practice morality. So why is there a worry about being a good little christian, when according to the Christian view, good works won't get ya to heaven, just faith. Besides, that whole Sodom and Gomorrah thing is Old Testament nonsense. Do you follow Moses or do you follow Jesus?

    What is it with the sin BS?

    After a certain amount of sins,

    do ya go to Hell?

    I thought Jesus forgave,

    so why even ask, "Is it a Sin?"

    It's all sin, Jesus forgives, so do it anyway.

    Morality is not practiced in this religion.

    The whole world is in a state of turmoil

    because people can get away with sinning,

    but we all are going to heaven.

    Unless Jesus thought he was god,

    but wasn't, and our actions really will be

    judged. In that case, we're all going to hell.

    To sin, or not sin.

    That is the question.

    Which makes more sense to you. If I rob a store, do I get forgiven if I ask for it, or do I do some hard time in Jail?

    Ya ever notice that Jail and Hell are similar and rhyme together. If a Mexican were to pronounce the word "Jail" as he saw it, the "J" would be pronounced as an "H", in which he would say "Hail".

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Christian churches accept ALL sinners... WHO ARE REPENTANT OF THEIR SINS. Generally speaking, PRACTICING homosexuals are NOT REPENTANT of their sins. Murderers, liars, thieves... if they are UNREPENTANT will also not be welcome.

    Christians are not the ones putting so much attention on this single issue. It's the homosexual community which is doing so. They are pressing the issue because they want ACCEPTANCE and approval of their sinful lifestyle, and Christians will not give that to them. So THEY are making the "big stink" over the issue, not the Christians.

    MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have my opinion on homosexuality. But the facts are in the bible as to a sin or not. But you are right. God does not say one sin is greater than the next. If it falls under sin, then it is a sin. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's a duck. So, yes, all sins are the same. (other than one ultimate sin, sin against the Holy Ghost, God does say that is unforgivable)

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  • 1 decade ago

    The church allows sinners in the church in faith that they will stop sinning, if a homosexual can stop his actions he to should be allowed with out discrimination.

  • 1 decade ago

    Any sin is an insult before a Holy God, but the homo sin is a big slap in God's face because He created a man and a woman for procreation and thru in pleasure for motivation !!! Man to man sex is repulsive and an insult against a woman as well !!! Surely you see that don't you !!!

    Jesus is called God - John 1:1,14; 20:28; Col. 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8

    Jesus is the image of the invisible God - Heb. 1:3

    Jesus abides forever - Heb. 7:24

    Jesus created all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17

    Jesus is before all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:17;

    Jesus is eternal - John 1:1,14; 8:58; Micah 5:1-2

    Jesus is honored the same as the Father - John 5:23

    Jesus is prayed to - Acts 7:55-60; 1 Cor. 1:2 with Psalm 116:4; (John 14:14)

    Jesus is worshipped - Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6

    Jesus is omnipresent - Matt. 18:20; 28:20

    Jesus is with us always - Matt. 28:20

    Jesus is our only mediator between God and ourselves - 1 Tim. 2:5

    Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant - Heb. 7:22; 8:6

    Jesus said, "I AM the Bread of Life" - John 6:35,41,48,51

    Jesus said, "I AM the Door" - John 10:7,9

    Jesus said, "I AM the Good Shepherd" - John 10:11,14

    Jesus said, "I AM the Way the Truth and The Life" - John 14:6

    Jesus said, "I AM the Light of the world" - John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46; Luke 2:32

    Jesus said, "I AM the True Vine" - John 15:1,5

    Jesus said, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" - John 11:25

    Jesus said, "I AM the First and the Last" - Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13

    Jesus always lives to make intercession for us - Heb. 7:25

    Jesus cleanses from sin - 1 John 1:9

    Jesus cleanses us from our sins by His blood - Rev. 1:5; Rom. 5:9

    Jesus forgives sins - Matt. 9:1-7; Luke 5:20; 7:48

    Jesus saves forever - Matt. 18:11; John 10:28; Heb. 7:25

    And then pray a sincere prayer with all of your heart admitting to Jesus you are a sinner. Have full faith that His blood pays off all of your sins and accept His gift of everlasting life.

    P.S. You don't have to go forward in a church to repent !!! You can kneel at your own bedside and repent !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because can't really be "stopped." If you are straight and have absolutely no attraction to your same sex and suddenly everything was reversed so heterosexuality was wrong, then what would you do? You do not like the same sex, you never will, and so on.

  • 1 decade ago

    True all sins wages are to be paid by death, churches are trying to take a stand i guess idk. But the bible does say this of all types of un repented sinners...

    (1 Corinthians 6:9,10) What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men,nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very very very interesting question. Best one of the day.

    Although I believe that some churches let them in to "cure" them, but I think it's just wrong to classify homosexuals as "sinners."

    Gay rights!

    Source(s): Secular/Atheistic Humanist
  • 1 decade ago

    It seems to be one thing many people can't accept yet... there is an odd double standard like that in some churches...I'd be welcome after living for many years as an alcoholic, drug-using, foul-mouthed, blaspheming hellion...but a gay dude that's lived an otherwise good life may be shut out... not cool

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