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If Jews don't believe it, why do some Christians still cling to it?

I'm talking about the story of creation. All the Jews that I've talked (on R&S and in real life) believe that the story of creation was just a story. But why do so many Christians still cling to it as fact? Jews wrote it and passed it down. The story was believed to have originated from Semetic herders in the Fertile Crescent who were eventually forced out of their territories or killed by the followers of the agricultural revolution.

With all this, why do so many Christians still cling to creationism? I'm not saying that God doesn't exist, I believe He does. It's just creationism is based on a story, and nothing more.


@Chris-- do you have a reference for that?

Update 2:

@heatre24-- they believe in evolution. God created things, yeah, but that doesn't mean that evolution didn't occur. Someone had to have created the first essence of life on this planet.

Update 3:

@VW-- I'm not saying that God didn't create everything on this planet. But this planet is a lot older than 6000 years.

Update 4:

@G C-- If the Great Flood did really happen and wiped out everybody, then we wouldn't have any hunter gatherers on this planet. And yet, we still do. The Bushmen o Africa, to name one group, has no history of ever going to strict agriculture. I'm sure if Noah and his family were the only ones to survive, the whole world would be pure agriculturalists.

Update 5:

@haggerpotter-- Sorry >_< I forgot the Orthodox Jews. And I'm aware they may be a few other groups...

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a Christian and I believe in evolution. I take the first testament as "stories" meant to teach a lesson.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You also have to understand that the OT is NOT the same thing as the Tanakh. Starting literally with Genesis 1:1, the Tanakh states:

    "At the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, when the world was unformed and desolate, G-d said, "Let there be light."

    I can't find the link to the commentary I read earlier, but the general idea was that this was not meant to give an exact chronology, but to give the importance of each step and the way they all worked together.

    I will try and get back with the link if I can find it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm just curious, because I didn't know this: How do the Jews believe things came to be? I thought they believed the same as Christians because the creation story is in the OT.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I have read, much of this Young Earth revival in Christians came about only in the last 50 years since WWII and the Red Scare. Prior to that most Christians accepted that Adam and Eve was a metaphor.

    It is possible that the literalist movement was allowed to flourish when we were fighting (Atheistic) Communism and that, like the Red Scare itself, it got out of hand.

    Source(s): Non-Abrahamic Theist
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  • 1 decade ago

    The Old Testaments are story's from towns passed down, then finally put together to form a book in order to unite the Church. People need to understand that first. It was there for guidance and understand of gods will and work. I don't belive that it was ever ment to be take literally.

    The New Testment are letters from deciples, and not the actual word of Jesus. The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and that can always lead to misinterpretations.

    So again I state, the Bible is here to help us understand God and Jesus, but lets not take it too literal. Just have faith in god above, and thats all you need.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Answer: I'm going to add two things to this discussion. First, according to my Jewish contacts the Tanakh (Jewish scriptures) is NOT the same thing as the Christian "Old Testament" -- which is based on mistranslations of the Tanakh.

    Also, there are RELATIVELY FEW "Young Earth Creationist Jews" UNLESS you are counting the so-called "Messianic Jews" who are actually Fundamentalist Christians by theology and are masquerading as something they are NOT.

    Source(s): Jewish contacts
  • 1 decade ago

    Jews do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, either. But the time prophecy in Daniel 9 couldn't be clearer.

    But since I believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and He accepted the creation account as fact, who am I to disagree with Jesus?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. I could never tell you why they cling to it because I don't understand Christians that take everything as absolute fact. My mom (lol, i'm quoting my mommy) says the first sign of an evil religion is when it claims itself as absolute fact.

    Anyway, i think that evolution and God can exist in this world. I think God created things using evolution, it never ceases to amaze me the power that he has.

    Thanks for listening!

    Source(s): lutheran
  • 1 decade ago

    you can't make a generalization based on a few jewish people that you've spoken to. orthodox jews believe in creationism and i find it hard pressed that you will find one to argue it. personally, i think evolution and the "story" of adam and eve can go hand in hand. why couldn't adam and eve be a metaphor for the first humans? i am jewish by the way... everyone has their own views - you cant say that jewish people soley believe this and christians that.. there's more to it than black and white

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    -Begging the question (Latin petitio principii, "assuming the preliminary factor") is a sort of casual fallacy wherein an implicit premise might promptly entail the tip. Begging the question is not any doubt one in each and every of the classic casual fallacies in Aristotle's previous Analytics. some cutting-area authors evaluate begging the question to be a species of circulus in probando (Latin, "circle in proving") or around reasoning. have been it no longer begging the question, the lacking premise might render the argument viciously around, and whilst never persuasive, arguments of the variety "A consequently A" are logically valid[one million][2][3] because of fact putting forward the basis whilst denying the self-same end is an instantaneous contradiction. normally, validity only ensures the tip might desire to shop on with given the certainty of the premises. Absent that, a valid argument proves no longer something: the tip might or won't shop on with from defective premises—in spite of the undeniable fact that throughout this actual occasion, it relatively is self-obvious that the tip is fake if and on condition that the basis is fake (see logical equivalence and logical equality).[4]- -If one argues, as some deeply non secular persons do, that without God there could be no perfect good and incorrect - specifically that God determines for us what's nice and incorrect - you are able to nonetheless then ask the question: what's God decreed that rape and homicide have been morally proper ? might that lead them to so ? whilst some might answer sure, i think of maximum believers might say no, God does no longer make one in each and every of those decree. yet why no longer ? probably because of fact God might have some *reason* for no longer making one in each and every of those decree. returned, probably it relatively is because of fact *reason* potential that rape and homicide at the instant are not morally proper. yet while God might might desire to allure to *reason*, then why no longer get rid of the intermediary fullyyt ?- Lawrence Krauss, A Universe From no longer something, Pgs 171-172. “Do you relatively recommend to tell me the only reason you attempt to be stable is to income God's approval and reward, or to sidestep his disapproval and punishment? that isn't morality, it incredibly is only sucking up, apple-sprucing, finding over your shoulder on the super surveillance digital camera in the sky, or the nonetheless small wiretap interior your head, monitoring your each and every pass, even your each and every base nevertheless.” ? Richard Dawkins, The God fantasy

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello my friend,

    I find it odd that atoms are what everything is made out of, and Adam is the first human.

    Most would say that Christians made up Adam based on atoms, however, lets look at what was first.

    The story of Adam was around a hell of a lot longer than atoms, were called atoms.

    Weather Adam and Eve are real, ( I believe they were )

    Science used Adam as an influence on atoms, its basic thought.

    Either way, I believe the bible is truth, but also like a story with a lot of morals.

    Well at least you and I are on the same page, god exists and Jesus exists and thats all that matters.

    Any other questions? Instant Message me or E Mail me.

    Source(s): Myself
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