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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 decade ago

how can stop my husband from bringing his children to live with us?

i want to stay with my husband because he is nice not because i passionately love him cause my parent forced me we have a child together . i hate to live with his children because he gives them attention and ignored me when they came they want thier mother back with and their mother wants to come back he said they are coming to live with us wether i like it or not i can not stand it i know it will change everything his children live outside the country . now i will do anything to stop them should i try voodoo but iam scared for the not bring bad luck to me and my son tell me what to do am i selfish iam sure if i trully love their father i will naturally love them. and i have no money because my husband doesnt even want me to work.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are being selfish, there his children, you cant keep a father away from his kids thats wrong!

  • 1 decade ago

    U r intitled to childsupport and alimoy. That's part of the package of marring someone with kids is accepting them and tolerating them if they should come to live with us. But I would take a stand and set ground rules and if ur child is in school, u have the right to work and earn ur own income don't let him enable u, to many women have been there and stay because they don't know how to get out. So b strong and stand up to ur husband if he doesn't like it tell him there's the door, ur not going to be full time mother to his kids when u have one already to deal with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give your head a shake, then put the cookoo back in the clock!!!

    These are his children. If you loved him, you would love them because they are a part of him.

    You sound selfish and don't deserve to have the love of this man and his children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have two choices. Leave now and be on your own or start making up your mind that you will grow to love his children, and make it happen. I was able to love my husbands son as if he is my own child, so I know it can be done. You should try not to be jealous of the children, and make sure you have your own time to be with your husband, and in turn make sure they have their own time to be with him, along with family time that involves everyone. If you try you can make it happen!

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're being ridiculously selfish. These are his flesh and blood you are talking about. Of course he's going to show them more attention, they are children!!!

    If you're that worried that he's not going to show attention to you then talk to him about it. Make sure you guys have a date night at least once a week where the children aren't involved.

    Stop being so full of yourself. If you really love this man then you would accept his children into your life and your relationship. They are your step-children! Treat them with love as you love your husband... You don't want to be the evil step-mother do you???

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya, You're a WHOLE lot of selfish.

    Can you do something like, your husband and you both love the kids when they are with both of you? Is that possible to do at all in your vertiginous mind?

    Source(s): I was right about typical american relationships, you're different!
  • srbyn1
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Get yourself some training & a good job, so you won't be dependent upon the man, & so you can get away from it all some; then, if the step-kids does manage to drive a wedge between you & he, you will be able to take care of yourself. You may then find out that you like it, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, these are children we are talking about. You need to mature and realize children are defenseless and are innocent victims of the life parents inflict upon them. Your husband is just being a parent... I feel for these kids.

  • Belen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Explain to your husband why you are not willing to live with his children from his first marriage. At this stage of his life, he should know that he is asking too much from you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you say run-on??? wow, try punctuation next time, it makes it easier for the reader.

    As for your question, you need to accept these kids because you are looking for trouble in your marriage if you don't.

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