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What is the % of age groups, using Y/A, I'm 45 & tend to think, I have an open mind for the most part...?

But yet I notice that a high % of the answers seem very close minded, is it from youth or what?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm 18 and I think I'm really open-minded. I think my youth is what has made me so open-minded. I'm not stuck in my ways. But then again, I do know some very closed-minded 18-year-olds as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on what section you're in .

    The 12 year olds are mostly over in Singles & Dating and Celebrities. Avoid those sections like the plague.

    The 40 and ups are mostly in Politics, Current Events, and a little bit in Religion and Spirituality. You can also find the older crowd in the various hobby areas (books, cars, etc.)

    There's a mixed bag in Polls & Surveys. It's fun over there.

    You never really know who's going to show up here in Cultures & Groups. It's weird here. But occasionally lively.

    The stoners, zealots, and twisted trolls hang out in Religion & Spirituality. It's entertaining for about 10 minutes a day, but then your head starts to hurt. It helps to *pass the bong* at the end of your posts.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm 14, and I have noticed that many of my age group talk back and resent authority. If the one in charge happens to disagree with them, they won't listen to a single bit of what they have to say. Based on my observations, it only makes sense that this defiance is presented everywhere, so it must make sense that a good number of these like minded people are the ones posting this biased nonsense on YA.

    Look at Riggs statement. "You have to be open minded to be free of religion." Now, that quite ironically wa a very close-minded statement. So following this logic, only atheists can be open minded, and no atheists can be close minded. We all know that group of like minded people can still have different personalities. Also, atheists use more of their left side of the brain, and theists use the right side of their brain. People who use more of the left side of their brains are more logical thinkers, but they are straight-forward thinkers. Theists use mmore of the right side of the brain, and the right side is the imaginative side. It is common sense that creative people are capable of looking at the same problem and coming up to different solutions to it (like how the same religion can have two totally different interpretations of ths text and still be totally ok according to that text)

  • 1 decade ago

    Youth doesn't lead to closed mindedness. Instead, I believe that it depends on your upbringing. I'm only 18, but I agree that some YA answers are very closed minded. I try not to be, but I will admit that if a question is very poorly written (i.e. poor spelling/grammar) I might be prejudiced against the writer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm 64. It's youth and you can tell by many questions being posted and contents of some answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people who say they are open minded are actually close minded, so I wouldn't trust self reporting.

  • miliam
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I evaluate myself very liberal yet with sturdy values. Open minded particular, yet nevertheless see the main suitable and incorrect in issues, at the same time with cheating and mendacity. yet I do have a stay and enable stay view basic.

  • Riggs
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Im 25 and very open minded..hence free of religion.

    You have to have an open mind to be non religious..especially in these lame earth times where everyone looks at you wishing youd just croak and die.

  • .*.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm 22 & i consider myself pretty open-minded

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is a lot of young folks on the net but i feel number wise the highest % would be from 35-50 % range!!!

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