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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

inspired word question...?

Can an idea be inspired by someone and completely disagree with the "inspiration"...?

one of my previous questions was inspired by a racist bigot, but the comment was completely opposed to racism and bigotry...;_ylt=AlsPq...

my question: Could the bible be "inspired by god" and completely disagree with what this god would want?

(question assumes god is a real entity)


based on the claim the bible is 100% true, and the word of god because it is his "inspired" word

Update 2:

no cobberor: that would be "written by god" cause he possesed someone, and wrote with their hand...

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your comment to cobberor "inspired" me to write this question:

    Yes, I believe that the Bible is exactly that. Inspired by the IDEA of God, not written by God himself through the hands of his most faithful.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've heard before that God wasn't really male, the NT writers said that b/c that was their understanding and the OT writers used that adjective b/c they thought the word 'it' wasn't important enough. I still have issues with the way the OT views and/or describes things b/c it is from a masculine perspective. Still, when the absurdities are taken away or the thing is viewed as all metaphorical, I could see how people could comprehend it the wrong way even if the majority of it is sensible.

    I still have issues with the whole individual aspect, too, plus I don't believe a loving deity (of any gender) would create evil. Not bad, like getting your knee scraped but I mean evil, like Hitler.

    In the Book of Job, some people (like me) see it as a story that displays God as very uncaring and willing to 'reason' with Satan, but others think it is a simple enough tale about someone's faith. So, even if a person has 'good' intentions, misinterpretation is always present.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not in the context of what Christians believe. When a Christian says "Inspired by God" what is meant is that the Holy Spirit filled the writer and wrote through his hand. Therefore it would be exactly as God would want it. Then, of course, the question would be, are all the books in the Bible "inspired by God"?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hello, Music can be an aspiration as well for things you do in life (classical music) or a painting as well but as for words then: True values come from deep inside - from feelings - but feelings come from love for life even if it is pessimistic, optimistic or realist - from any point of view - all in the end are helpful for a person`s inspiration in present or for the future. But we should not neglect the past either as we can learn from it to inspire others and ourselves in a better way. === in a shorter Fraze === Inspiration is a line that comes with time. and Love is a big part of life as we reach new tops with it. By Me. bye

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's kind of what I think...since I believe in some Creative/Ordering Force, it's not as hard for me to believe that others, in their sincere attempt to understand such a being, wrote down things that they believed were true about that being, and their own experiences and etc. related to that being.

    So, it was "inspired" by man's trying to understand the nature of deity, I guess...but I don't think that the words were given to the writers by God. It's just some people's interpretation of something that, I personally feel, is not knowable or explainable.

    Source(s): agnostic/deist
  • 1 decade ago

    I think so. Assuming there is an omnipotent, all powerful god, unless he gave his creations some way to tune in to him and get direct responses to questions they may have (prayer is not acceptable, as god doesn't talk back), then it would be easy for them to mess it up. That's what most christians will say causes all of the different types of churches, I would think.

    (I hope this made sense, going on 4 hours of sleep, here.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    After taking the bible, it's sources, and documented history into consideration, I'd have to say that if the bible was indeed inspired by a supreme being, it is highly likely that it is contradictory to what the supreme deity wants. Beings that never change don't change from book to book. "Old" and "new" are key indicators that something has changed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anything is possible. The theory you pose is a viable one. Very viable. Like the Sumer records. They are written with the understanding of the scribe or scribes. Their understanding of technology was zilch and therefore they saw their superiors as gods. Another one to look at since the bible came from there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It may have been "inspired by god", but his scribes were a bunch of underachieving dorks who failed to see the discrepancies in their collective notes....

    If such god had put the proverbial 100 chimps to type, the Bible would look better, or maybe make more sense...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As the purpose of life is for Entertainment of being and non being, so this dichotomy of supporting one thing while saying another happens.

    God(Creation Energy)(collective being and non being) made everything, including all positive and negative forces, which we are a part of and mixed into. There is no escape!

    All of us can find ourselves being hypocritical at times. It is just the way life is.

    Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine

    In Forgive Affirmed Spirit


    Source(s): Forgive Affirmed Spirit
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