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Athiests question?

Why do athiests feel they have to try to prove christians beliefs are wrong? I know christians feel we have to because we want to save people from hell. But why do non-believers do it? If you don't believe in God then why would you care if someone else believes in it? Do they do it to make themselves feel better about their beliefs?

40 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that deep down inside most atheists know they are missing something in their lives. They would never admit it of course so it is easier to belittle those that have filled that gap with God..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do oyu lum p us all together why always talk to extremists- I don't try to prove christians or any deists wrong. I come here to say my truth only and I don't want to influence anyone at all.

    i just read a denouncement of sinners from a questioner and felt sick to my stomach - It is the first post in all my time here that had such a huge effect upon me.Some Christians can be very unchrist-like in all this proseletysing and it is very hard to take on the chin no wonder you get strong retorts it would try the patience of a saint.

    But it doesn't make me think that all christians are rude and dogmatic becasue I felt hurt over one of them.

    This is a discussion board thats what we do discuss.

  • A.V.R.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most (incidentally, it is atheists) do not care a scrap about others' beliefs.

    It is interesting to hear that 'Christians feel we have to(prove christians beliefs are wrong) because we want to save people from hell'.

    A hell the others do not believe in?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an atheist and really don't spend my time "preaching" atheism. In fact, I believe it is up to people to think for themselves and find that thinking rationally often leads to one becoming a religious sceptic. Whoever you are referring to is obviously a sort of "fundamentalist atheist" who is scarcely any better than theists who try to impose their beliefs on others, in the impression that theirs' is the only "right path". Besides, why don't you just leave people alone. If atheists are content with knowing that they stand to go to hell (if it exists), let them. Why do you feel the need to "save" them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't need to prove Christian (or any other religious) beliefs wrong, you need to prove them correct, and thus far, I have never met anyone who could do so (nobody has even come close).

    I try to convince Christians that they are wrong (when I do so) because you're wasting your life in the service of a non-existent man in the sky. There is so much more out there than your narrow religious convictions allow you to see, and when you die, you don't get to go to heaven, because there's no heaven to go to. So I'm trying to do you a favor and help you enjoy the life you have rather than groveling in fear in front of a lie.

    That's why I try to deconvert people, I'm savin' souls ^_^.

  • andy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A law is put into action for the good of the people as well as for safety, gods laws have the same principle, you chose to obey or not, just like speeding or stealing, you WILL pay the consequences. Atheist's are just trying to get under somones skin and most succeed.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is Yahoo!Answers. I have questions about other beliefs. Why would I ask questions about my beliefs, I already know what my beliefs are.

    If you are unable to answer questions about your beliefs, you have a few options.

    1. Lie, which is a popular option here.

    2. Find another site that is only frequented by others of your faith.

    3. Ask real questions so you can maybe learn something, even if those who you learn from aren't of your faith.

    4. Go ask and answer questions in the cat section.

    I'm sure you can find other options too, like stay here and whine that not everyone believes as you do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a non-believer in Christianity, although I believe in God. It is important to me that Christians stop believing theirs is the *only way* to heaven. That's just arrogant and ignorant.

    PS It is atheists, not athiests.

  • 42
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why do Christians constantly feel they have to prove atheists wrong?

    You can believe whatever you want to. I don't care. Many of us are here simply to try to set the record straight about things like atheism, evolution, and other religions besides Christianity ... since so many Christians routinely misrepresent them.

    I love all this "deep down, atheists want to believe" stuff. Sorry, folks. Been there, done that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't try to prove any ones belief wrong until it's right on my face. If someone tells me that I'll be going to hell, I have no morals or treats me disrespectfully, I just tell them I'm not interested in a fight. I don't care what others believe as long as it's not harmful to others.

    Source(s): It's ATHEISTS, for crying out loud!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because as soon as you realize that there is no magical deity protecting you, you'll realize the dire straights this world is in. You'll realize that global warming is real, that the planet can very well be destroyed at any minute by any celestial body--and that it's necessary to focus our economy on the progression of science in order to survive as a species--rather than trying to hinder it by legislating against its progression. (For an example, see stem cell research, and what happened to Galileo for proposing that the Earth revolved around the Sun.)

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