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Do you know if Jehovah's Witnesses think Mormons are Christians ?

And if Mormons thing Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians?

What do they have that they think THEIR teaching is the true Christianity? Is there any distinctive teaching that can explain why they think they are the only true religion?


E Gybsy: God wants us to take Him seriously. It is not about us. He is the truth

Update 2:

Grandpa: Sorry, but I am not interested in your home Bible study.

I know you have to believe what the WT tells you, I am not like that.

Believe me, I have done my Bible studying and I keep doing it. I will never believe the way JWs do, because I am interested in the real truth and not the 'truth' your warped organization offers.

Update 3:

amnesty sucks: You have your own Jesus, the kind that Christians do not worship

Update 4:

Alissa: If both of you are Christians, why so different doctrines? Why both Mormons and JWs insist that you need to belong to their church to be saved if both of you have the truth??

Update 5:

Silver Tongue: Real Christians do not hate other people. Many people do not understand what the Christianity is about. God asks us to love on another, that does not mean that we need to believe the same way they believe.

Update 6:

LineDancer: Please, do not answer if you do not have an answer. I have asked several Bible questions, I have right to ask questions here like you. You just do ot like to use your own points and account for questioning, I normally get a set of unrelated questions from you as an answer.

So, do you think Mormons are Chrsitians? You do not have any hestitation to say that I am not Christian.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    JW's do not think anyone else is Christian but them.

    Here is a pretty distinctive teaching:

    Watchtower 10/1/94, page 8:

    "Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    MOSES: You said,

    "there is only two options , first or is false this planet is going to be destroyed or is true this planet will have a brilliant future."

    "if the first is the true then JWs are lying but if the second is the truth then the rest of religions are lying."

    "Which one you prefer?"

    In spite of your sub-rudimentary grasp of English, writing, cognitive thinking and syntax, I think I understand.

    So now I, we get our preference? If so than I prefer God appear to the whole world and tell us exactly what he wants us to do. I bet you would be shocked if He turned out to be Allah and we were all told to be Muslim.

    Instead it is alleged that God has given us instructions through the written word, via many "Holy Books". Christians pick the Bible. It's amusing to watch "Christians" hurl scriptures at each other, each supposedly proving the other wrong from the same book. Doesn't that bother anyone?

    Personally, I think it's a hoot. It's like to bald guys fighting over a comb.

    Also, does anyone ever notice that even in the face of facts from their own literature, the Witnesses never concede? For that matter, no "Christian" does.

    The Witnesses hang themselves with their own literature. For the average "Christian" it's simply the total lack of any evidence that God wrote the Bible or that Jesus Christ ever lived.

    HEY, WHERE IS MOSES? Stop getting him removed!!

    I bet the JW’s remove him because he’s such an embarrassment.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reality is that every Christian religion (including Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons) believes that to please God and Christ (whether you believe that they are one or separate) you have to follow the Bible as they see it.

    I really don't know all that much about the Mormon religion, so I really have no right to comment on their beliefs. I will say, however, that I do respect the fact that they too are willing to go door to door to spread the news that they believe everyone needs to know. Mainstream Christianity in the mean time just expects everyone to come to them to hear their message and those who don't are evil and doomed to a horrible fire burning after life.

    We believe that what we believe is the true Christianity because we believe that we follow the Bible accurately. Not to say that we don't sin, just that our doctrine actually makes sense when you read the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mormons think anyone can call themselves whatever they want.

    Why does it matter to me if you call yourself a christian?

    Lets face it, there can either only be one religion that is completely true or all the religions are somehow false.

    Why would you be in a church you thought was somehow false?

    Mormons believe that the original priesthood authority of God and the organized church of God from biblical times was removed from the earth because it was falling into apostacy. It was then restored thru Joseph Smith.

    That priesthood authority is the essential key, imo, to Gods church.

    If the church was removed then clearly all the christians faith dont have the priesthood authority and the teachings went a bit astray since there was no prophets or revelations on the earth to lead the church of God.

    We believe all churches have some truth and that diff people are led to truth in diff ways, but there is only one church on earth that has the complete truth and the priesthood authority.

    We respect the right for everyone to worship as they want, though.


    actually, mormons believe that, too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think this would be true for any religious denomination, they all hate each other, they all positively believe that they are the only true christian religion, which I find amusing, for the only true christian religion would be the Church of the Nazarenes, the original church of Yehshua. The Catholic church was the usurper of that religion and every other christian based religion is born from that, whether they like it or not. All religion born of Catholicism is just semantics.

    Source(s): ST
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  • 1 decade ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses don't view any one else as Christians--not true Christians, any way.

    All other religions that claim to be Christian are labled by JW's as a part of "Christendom", categorizing everyone they feel is misleaded towards God.


    "What do they have that they think THEIR teaching is the true Christianity? Is there any distinctive teaching that can explain why they think they are the only true religion?"

    Look. Every Christian denomination says that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. What's ironic is that none have ever been proven right OR wrong in the first place. I wouldn't worry about it.

  • 6 years ago

    Jw is cousin of LDS: or rather the LDS's illegitimate child.

    If they unchristianized themselves,go ahead.

    The rest of 2.4billion christians believe in God the Holy Trinity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not quibble with any individual who claims to be Christian, but Witnesses also believe that their own form of worship constitutes a unique form of "true Christianity".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe Mormons are part of "Christendom," an encompassing name for Christian religions that are not JWs. Other names for "Christendom" are "Harlot" and "Babylon the Great."

    However, given the cult-like nature of JWs and Mormons, the two groups are more closely related to each other than they are to mainstream Christians.

    Source(s): From experience as a JW.
  • 1 decade ago

    hi nina; do you really care?

    truly, please, what is the issue you wish to bring up?

    are you trying to be divisive?

    you say you are a bac. which sect/ splinter of protestantism do you espouse?

    are you picking more at mormons or at jehovah's witnesses?

    do you believe you have truth? if so, what is it?

    i would like to offer you a no cost home bible study. you obviously have a 'religion' of a sort, but it lacks the love of john 13: 34-5.

    we can help you.

    please stop by your local kingdom hall of Jehovah's witnesses. we are located in the yellow pages under 'churches' and in the white pages under ' Jehovah's witnesses'.

    you can also find us in the internet directories.

    we have a web site:

    www [.]watchtower[.] org.

    feel free to write me if you have specific questions.


    long beach ca usa

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Jehovah's Witness at my work has said no - Mormons are not real Christians. He said only Jehovah's Witnesses are the real followers of Jehovah

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