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Do you believe Obama could sit under his pastor for 20 plus years and not agree with him?

Rev. Wright preaches racism and hatred from what I saw on the news so if you are exposed to this are you influenced by it.Jesus preached love.Hate is the opposite of that.


We did have a pastor who preached racism from the pulpit and we stopped going there.If you listen you are part of it.You are a partaker of what is preached and therefore accountable for it.

Update 2:

This country was founded on the Bible and jesus has everything to do with it.

Update 3:

It is every ones business to know the truth about the people who could be our next President.

Update 4:

Leslie B the Bible also teaches to judge by the fruits of the Spirit.If they bear rotten fruit you judge by that.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are a very wise person! His comment about the song, "God Bless America", changing the wording around, brings shame, not glory to God. I find it hard to believe Obama and his wife could sit under this man's teachings and not be influenced by them, that is not unless they had earplugs in their ears, which is highly unlikely! God bless!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible teaches us to not judge anyone else lest we will be judged. It also tells us not to cast the first stone unless we have never once sinned.

    What you are seeing on the news is one tiny camera shot of a sermon that you do not know the entire context to. So, with that in mind, how can you truly know that this man was preaching racism and hatred.

    Always know the entire story before making a decision on it. The media will only show you what they want you to see. In election years, depending on the station or the actual reporter, the news broadcast itself can be angled to support one candidate more so than another one. Yes, there is bias and discrimination in reporting. Having known a reporter, I was able to come to that conclusion myself by listening to his views and then reading his writings.

    The sad part about media is that not every reporter is going to stay third-party to a story and report it the way it should be reported with only facts. Many times, you will see conservative reporting, left winged reporting, right winged reporting, etc. It is very rare these days to hear or read a news report where it's a reporter just reporting the facts.

    Getting back to the Rev. Wright and Barrack Obama; whether it is them or one of the other candidates, until the final election day, there will be a lot of mudslinging from all sides shown on television, the radio and in the printed media so as to sway the public to vote for one person vs the other.

    Get the facts.. all of them and weed through all the nonsense to get to the truth. It may be hard to find at times but without doing the footwork to seek out the truth and discarding all else, there is no way to truly make a 100% accurate view of a person unless you know him/her personally.

    Have a good evening.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If anyone thinks that Obama was not influenced by this venom spewing man who uses a pulpit to spread his political views needs to get their head out of the sand. He spent 20 years under this minister which by the way if anyone was really paying attention did not once at any time talk about God other than to use his name in in an ungodly way!! It's clearly the devils pulpit and Obama knows full well what's going on. He has been holding hands with this man long enough to know what it's all about. Mr. Wright was on his political campaign and his spiritual advisor for how long.......20 years, Obama stated that he brought him to Christ. Baptized his two children and married he and his wife. Americans need to wake up and smell the Obama effect. Lies, hate and racism. We have gotten so politically correct everybody is scared to say anything. When you are affiliated with a so called minister who spews this type of spiritual garbage it's time to find another church, but Obama continued to stay. He has not denounced this man entirely yet, stating he ( Wright) is like an old Uncle, well folks you can pick your friends,and your ministers but you can't pick your relatives, Wright is not related to Obama but thinks of him like an Uncle, what does that say to you . For all you folks who don't believe in God, how could you, Wright isn't exactly a role model,right now this is about hate and we'd bode well to leave God out of this pulpit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would get old sitting under anyone!

    No the mission statement of the Church clearly states what they beleive! You can look at it at very rasist church! Contrary to what some believe, this defines the Christian you cannot seperate your beliefs from yourself, could yopu quit being an atheist? It is absurd it would not affect his Presidency!! I have stated before WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! He is wolf in sheeps clothing! That is not a Christian message this is a message not unlike the KKK

    When a church states to further the cause of african americans and the continent of Africa it is our business!

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  • glasow
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Obama noted Wright as his "mentor." it relatively is a lot greater appropriate than "pastor." Now that we are looking out approximately Wright's definitely teachings and ideology, Obama needs to distance himself from him. in the previous we knew approximately him, Obama held Wright and his teachings interior the optimal regard.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no idea how he could say he never heard these racist comments. OF course he is going to say he never heard such things. He would lose most of his votes if he said he agreed with this Reverend.

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I believe he is a politician, and as such could have listened to this preacher simply to appear religious enough to get votes. hopefully the day will soon come when theistic belief will be seen for what it is - baseless - and people will want politicians who do not hold such beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've sat in church for 17 years and I don't agree with everything my leaders say. I mean I believe in my religion, but I don't always agree with what my leaders have to say (their opinions, interpretations, arguments, etc). If everyone thought the exact same way as the people around them, how boring would that be? I seriously doubt you agree with every itty bitty little thing your church leaders believe.

    So yes, Obama could do the same. Why not? I doubt they see eye to eye on everything.

  • Boo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't agree with everything said by the head of my church. Why should I think Mr. Obama does?

  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It speaks volumes about Obamas character. No one forced him into that racist church for 20 years.

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