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When did war become a joke?

In the old days people went to war to get power and more land. You didn't worry about the other people only victory. Now you kick the snot out another group or country and apologize to them for doing so. Then you rebuild them to make them better than they were before. Does that make any sence? Also.. How can you pay someone back for a wars past? It's a stupid and rediculous concept. Hey ah... my grandad beat your grandad up so heres $20 to make you feel better. The saying goes "spoils go the victor". Not I beat you here take it back. Now explain to me why this is so today? Who needs restitution for past aggressions?

(Oh no he's a warmonger...LOL)

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're a little late...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your point is well taken. America in a way is a very confused and stupid country even though I fought two wars for old Uncle Sam. Take Iraq, for example. We beat them to a frazzle in no time flat and at the close of major hostilities we should have pulled out and sent troops to Afghanistan to fight the real foe...the Taliban and Al Queda. Let the Iraqis mend their own country which it seems like they do want to do. Their government (ah yes, elected government) is corrupt and inept and for all we know they have made a deal with Iran to move in as soon as the Americans and Brits move out. Who cares? If they start up we can always return by air and rip them apart....but why should we. Let them kill each other as they have been doing and we can watch by the sidelines. I think that the only commodity is oil and we aren't getting a Lion's share of it. Iraq is bankrupting the USA and the Iraqis are laughing all the way to the bank with their secret bank accounts. I blame president Bush for this mess and hope he decides to take a trip to Texas and remain there for good. We do not need him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually there are 3 approaches to succcessful war.

    1. You invade a country, take the gold, rape the women (and the boys if that is your preference) then return home.

    2. Invade the country, kill everyone (either quickly or over a long period of time) and replace them with people from your country (eg, how white people invaded the US)

    3. Invade, get rid of the government, then treat the people with respect and build a warm fuzzy relationship with the locals.

    All 3 works, so take your pick.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's about "feelings" now. We as a species are becoming more concerned about how it makes others "feel".

    You can't go to war because it makes people feel bad. Fighting makes people angry, death makes people sad and you would not want some one to be sad would you?

    Look at our schools it's the same damn thing. When I was a kid if you failed you got a big red "F" on your paper. Today they say red traumatizes children so teachers have to mark papers with "Happy" colors. and you can't "fail" a student less they become traumatized by that as well, they now call it "success deferment".

    I mean it is no wonder the world hates the west. We are too busy trying to make people happy, because we don't need to worry about survival anymore.

    How can you fight a war if you are busy takeing surveys on how the war makes people who are not even involved feel?

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  • emp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Simply put....there is another standard out there for nations to strive for as well.

    It's not just about being THE nation/empire of the world by conquest. We also have the art of diplomacy now. IE who looks the best. A war-mongerring nation is very uncouthe and would have to sit at the kiddy table.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    War hasn't really changed. It's just that media has gotten involved, which shocks the citizens, and they can't handle it. So citizens have to be given a rosy picture of war, in order to keep supporting it.

    Read George Orwell's 1984, and you'll understand the idea of lying to the people about war.

  • 1 decade ago

    i understand what your saying completely and i concur with you ,as far as I'm concerned and it is only my humble opinion but this war became a joke in 1991 when we failed to finish the job then because of the demands of our respective political masters ,had they (politicians that is )discovered in time that they do have a backbone then this war would not be happening now,my worst time in Iraq was when we were ordered to stop advancing and fall back to our holding positions,could have had it sorted by now instead of committing thousands more to a campaign that would take the lives of so many for so little,

    Source(s): ex-brit military
  • 1 decade ago

    We helped rebuild Japan and Germany after WWII. War was never a joke, and not much has changed. Do some research.

  • 1 decade ago

    i could be wrong but i remember reading something about it is a violation of the geneva convention that an occupying power cannot withdrawls without establishing a safe and effective government

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The perfect sky is torn

    Edit: Hahaha smart answer Drew ;)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Lol I know its weird. I mean seriously the objective of war is to kill the opposition. How the hell are you supposed to do that and not do it at the sametime?

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