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  • What specific US Regulations dictate that decaffeinated means 97.5% reduction in caffeine?

    I have looked around and all I see is "US regulations". Well I can't find it in the FDA or USDA so which regulations is it?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Hold on, climate change evidence (aka global warming)....on Jupiter?

    OK now we are seeing evidence of huge climate change on Jupiter....can we stop condemning and blaming ourselves, wake up and realize this is not global but interplanetary and focus on the issue instead on attempting to spin it for a political end or justify an ideological stance?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If the line-item veto is unconstitutional then how can...?

    the US Supreme Court can rule only that portions of the law are unconstitutional? If the law is the entire package, then it is or isn't constitutional. If the President has to view it that way, then shouldn't the Supreme Court as well?

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Can anyone define "fair"?

    Seen it used a lot in describing what people need to be I'm all ears to hear EXACTLY and precisely what "fair" looks like. What is fair for someone making $250,000 in dollar terms?...what about $100,000? What about $50,000? I need to know what is the actual required break down of what fair is because we have passed a "fair" progressive tax based on percentage of income...and now it seems that it wasn't fair at all. I'm confused at what has changed (besides the definition of fair) since it's based on percentages. Help me understand...define and quantify fairness for me.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is this an example of how public sector services will be?

    It seems everything that the government touches turns people away.

    4 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Who is at fault? A parable that needs answered?

    A parable for you.

    10 kids kids walk down the street, nine are obviously poor and the other obviously rich. An old man see them all and gives the rich child 10 candy bars but tells the poor children that he didn't have enough to give all the children 2 candy bars which is what he wanted to do so he gave it all to the rich kid and letting the rich kid decide how to split it up.

    Who is at fault in this scenario? The rich kid or the old man? Does this apply to the Occupy WS protests?

    5 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • So why have I not seen much on this board about Obama ordering the killing of an American citizen without tria?

    While we all can say al-Awlaki should be tried with treason and hanged high...he still needs to be tried as he is a US citizen.

    Also keep in mind that this is the same administration that wished to put non-citizens in the courts but this citizen....nope just kill him.

    12 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Is deficit spending good or bad?

    Seriously I need to know because I see many people on here DEFENDING the practice of spending more money than you take it and calling those that wish to stop this as "radicals" and "stupid". So yes or you wish to see the end of deficit spending or not?

    The first step is admitting you have a problem.

    9 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • If everyone is so concerned about the debt issues...?

    why is no one buying US bonds to give our country the money it needs right now?

    Remember when you point your finger you have three pointing right back on you.

    8 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • About the debt ceiling issue...why is NO ONE?

    actually addressing the root cause of the issue? The root cause is the ability to spend before a budget is made or any plan of being able to pay obligations are determined?

    Why is this not the topic of debate for anyone?

    4 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • OK I'm still confused by this whole debt thing someone help me out?

    A few questions that need answered.

    1)How is securing more debt going to relieve the threat of default. I know charging my house payment isn't going to relieve the very real and near threat of bankruptcy if I can't pay it now. So someone please help me out and explain how this isn't directly passing the buck to our children?

    2)Aren't our creditors paid first out of the national revenue? What moronic system doesn't pay the creditors first and what moronic creditors would agree to not being paid first?

    3)How can we be out of revenue in the middle of the fiscal year? Seriously did we spend every dime already?

    4)How can we be in the middle of the fiscal year WITHOUT A BUDGET?!!!!! What are we spending our money on if we don't have a plan of what we are spending our money on?! Shouldn't the government shutdown happened last year since we haven't any idea where the money should go?

    10 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Why is it different that we don't teach kids about the USSR but feel duty-bound to teach them about the Nazis?

    The USSR killed more people, were the first to have concentration camps, and had more of it's own citizens living in fear than 1940's Germany and yet...we don't bat an eye if a young adult asks..'what's the USSR' but if the same person asks 'who are the nazi's' we get all upset over that. any thoughts why this is?

    11 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • For those that argue for Obama's Libya defense for not needing Congressional approval....?

    how is a calling a nuclear strike different than drone attacks with the argument that since we are not landing any troops there we don't need Congressional approval...which also means over sight?

    Can Obama's argument be used to launch a nuclear strike without any approval or oversight, why or why not?

    5 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • moon landing viewpoints...idealogy or generational?

    OK I have noticed that many liberals point to the moon landing as a pinnacle of US science while conservatives ask what was the point.

    This can easily be applied to science and even education in general where one group believes that an ideal of discovery will bring success to the culture while the other needs a actual benefit to the work being proposed and that this benefit will drive discovery.

    So my question is two fold..

    1)which one are you and is my hypothesis accurate for you?

    2)Is my original observation accurate or is this more of a generational separation?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why don't we get credit scores of candidates running for office?

    Seriously...we are judged almost daily by those scores and those scores dictate many of the government benefits we can why is it that we can't use those scores to determine who is the best candidate for office?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this quote?

    "The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."


    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So about Obama's idea of what is going to happen in Libya..?

    So is he thinking the US is going to go in and the international community will come in afterwards to help with the setting up of a new government?

    That's funny since those same countries promised assistance in Afghanistan AND they also promised Obama they would take the Gitmo detainees so that he could close it.

    Why on earth would you believe they would jump in and relieve us after we take out the regime?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where was anyone when this was reported? Don Obama.?

    Obama calls a hit on an American citizen?!!!!!!!!! And this was last year!

    So let me get this's wrong for Bush to hold a US citizen without charge or trial, but it's perfectly acceptable to wack him without seeing a judge.

    So yeah I'm all ears at how Obama is far better than Bush.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So when the President says he will close Gitmo?

    Are we supposed to believe that he means keep it open indefinitely?

    Seriously, why do libs love this guy and hate Bush? Every single issue that they hate Bush over, Obama has done the exact same thing.

    Gitmo, open with military tribunals

    Abandon NOLA in a time of crisis.

    Troops in Iraq.

    War not going well in Afghanistan

    Debt is huge

    Jobs are down.

    Patriot Act still going (if not strengthened by our fearless leader)

    So what is it? Why is he sooooo much better than Bush? Right is taller and the other is older.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this idea instead of the social programs we got now....?

    The feds give all of us $300 worth of US treasury bonds/month. You can cash them in for instant benefit or let it sit and gain 2-5% interest. This would be available for every citizen.

    This would a little more than a trillion dollars a year.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago