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Lv 6
emp asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Who is at fault? A parable that needs answered?

A parable for you.

10 kids kids walk down the street, nine are obviously poor and the other obviously rich. An old man see them all and gives the rich child 10 candy bars but tells the poor children that he didn't have enough to give all the children 2 candy bars which is what he wanted to do so he gave it all to the rich kid and letting the rich kid decide how to split it up.

Who is at fault in this scenario? The rich kid or the old man? Does this apply to the Occupy WS protests?

5 Answers

  • sanity
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Church and the lords, oops! I mean the old man and the rich kid.

    * The states and church together suppressed the masses to keep them poor and ignorant and feudalism lasted for 1000 years in Europe, known as the Dark Age.

    A similar historical parable for you.

    After the 4th century AD, the Roman empire was in decline. Subsequently, the Church (aka old man) had all the power, but to rule of such a large empire of Christendom Europe, the Church needed local lords and kings (aka rich kid) to rule over the dominions. So the Church (or most churches throughout Europe) had all the lands while the remaining lands were under the dominion of the kings and lords.

    The 9 kids aka serfs and peasants had nothing (true figure because 90% of the population were poor and these serfs were in fact owned by the lords).

    The fall of Constantinople in 1453 coincided with the start of Renaissance in Europe. There were other factors weakening the feudal system: Mongol conquests in 1262, Black death in 1348 AD(wiping out 2/3 of Europe's populations). However, the weakening power of the churches and lords led to fertilization of ideas and to the gradual development of "human rights".

  • 10 years ago

    in fairness, each kidd deserves 1 candy bar. but in democrat society, each poor kid would get 2 a piece, the man only has 10 candy bars,so he gives 10 to the rich kid. the rich kid will give 1 candy bar to each poor kid and the poor kids will hate the rich guy cause the poor kids were entitled to 2 candy bars each.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    PLEASE RESEARCH RAWA.ORG ( the revoluntionary association of the women in Afghanistan) and see how they feel about the occupation and the foreign aid and appointed government officials. Ron Paul wants to bring all of the troops home and stop all foreign aid and take care of our own. Do your research. The mainstream media is blacking out Ron Paul and trying to ridicule his message of Freedom, Individual Liberties and God Given Rights. The Fed is owned by a private group of people who also have control of the media. If you do your research the pieces will fit together so well it isn't funny! Now is the time America! Now is the time! We must defend our own borders and stand up for our rights and our country today! When you give up rights for security-you will end up with neither. Think about it!!! Research!!! Talk to everyone and spread the message of Liberty! "The founders said the role of government ought to be the protection of liberty. That is what the role of government ought to be." Ron Paul

  • Steve
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    don't the poor kids just beat the rich kid and take the candy bars?

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Who came up with this "parable," a syphillitic retard with Down's Syndrome?

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