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Lv 6
emp asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Is deficit spending good or bad?

Seriously I need to know because I see many people on here DEFENDING the practice of spending more money than you take it and calling those that wish to stop this as "radicals" and "stupid". So yes or you wish to see the end of deficit spending or not?

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question. It's bad. The only President in modern times responsible enough not to grow deficits through deficit spending was Clinton. What we are going through today is the end result of many administrations growing the national debt through unchecked deficit spending. Obama is continuing the trend.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    One cannot say that deficit spending is "good" or "bad" and put a period at the end of the sentence.

    Deficit spending is an excellent way to stimulate the economy; government spending creates jobs. This happens to be true, even if some people don't like this fact. The problem in 2009 was that the stimulus approved by Congress was too small.

    If the economy is on a solid track, taxes should be increased so as to pay off the deficit. Social programs, such as food stamps, unemployment insurance, and government-supported health care, will automatically spend less money.

    President George W Bush made a terrible mistake by lowering taxes. It was a popular move, but he ended up creating a budget deficit when there was no need to have one. He made the matter worse by starting two wars without providing the means to fund them.

    The greatest problem facing the country today is unemployment, not the deficit, so even discussing ways to reduce the deficit at this time is a mistake. Yes, you must admit a problem in order to solve it--but the really important thing is that you must recognize what the true problem is first.

    20 million unemployed and underemployed lament that you have failed this test.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Why Is Deficit Spending Bad

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Do you have a credit card or mortage or make payments on a vehicle? That is deficit spending. I refuse to do it- just the way I was raised. Most people can't help it since they don't have enough control or forsight.

    If you got hit by a car, would you go to the hospital even if you couldn't pay cash and didn't have insurance to cover everything? The USA got hit by a very large train. It's going to take some money to get back running again. Might as well fix some of the public infrastructure that has been allowed to fall apart now and keep people employed instead of letting them become unemployed, paying them for not working and not getting anything fixed.

    The problem is NO ONE in Washington ever wants to cut spending and pay the bills.

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  • 10 years ago

    Yes, we need to stop deficit spending. The government has shown possibly the worst allocation of funds EVER. Everyone knows you don't spend more than you take in. A 5 year old would probably know that (unless they came from a super liberal house hold of course)

  • 10 years ago

    I think some deficit is actually good- we have always had some debt. Out of control debt and record spending does not sound too good!

    The problem we have now it people being so divided nothing can get done!

  • 10 years ago

    Yes, we should reduce the deficit, but by cutting military spending, not grandma's pill money.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That depends. If we are attacked by another country; should we not have a deficit defending ourselves? ooooooooo its more complicated than you first imagined.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It has been around for decades, during good and bad times. Sometimes, it is necessary, especially when we are forced into two unnecessary wars.

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