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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Obama finally speaks up on Hannity & Combes Friday night: Did he tell the Truth?

Obama was asked a series of questions concerning his involvement with Trinity United and the leftist Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Obama titled his second book after one of his sermons. He previously named Wright to an advisory council and admited that he had heard (second hand) that there had been :several comments". (no further details offered) and that he had not been present on those occations when Wright had gone off on America.

This is the same church that has a race-based agenda, a minister that had awarded Nation of Islam leader Luis Farrakhan and had accompanied him the Libya to visit the terrorist dictator Momar Quadafi.

Do you believe Obama's relative ingnorance of Wright's vehement anti-white, anti-government, and anti-American statements and sentiments?


Was Obama lying through his oversized smilly grin?

You deside! YOUR opinions please.

No lib diatribes. Please keep it short....if I want a book I'll go to the library.

And no bloviating...thats my job.


Thought Dr. Great point!!!!

I can't wait for that blonde body language chick to tear up Obama

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Somebody that belongs to a Church for as long as Obama has, knows what his Church's beliefs are. If he didn't believe in its teachings he would have left the church!....... This is the same man that refuses to salute the flag of the US or say the Pledge of Allegiance. Does anybody wonder why now? People actually want this man as the President of the United States? This man is a liar and a fraud who has the gift for "bloviating". (An excellent word by the way.)

    He calls Reverend Wright his mentor and titles his book after one of his speeches yet he quotes Martin Luther King, the greatest Black Man of our times,"I Have a Dream.......". He commits plagerism by stealing from HIS speeches, but he never mentions his name.

    Not enough is really known about Obama. The longer these primaries go on the more you see his true nature. I just hope that Clinton stays in the race for the long haul, maybe this country will wise up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama would have totally flunked a LIE detector test !! Tis` education that forms the common mind ; just as the twig is bent , the tree`s inclinded ! Basically you are what you are taught !

    Source(s): If it walks` like duck , talks` like a duck , looks` like a duck ; well lets` just say "somewhere in the liberal dictionary " along side of "what the definition of "IS" "IS" , this might be a duck ??
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No - I could see his nose growing by the minute during the interview, sweat forming on his upper lip and involuntary muscle twitches - all signs of deceit! The man is a giant fraud - plain and simple!

  • hmm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    he was lying through his over sized smiley grin.

    I hate what this is doing to us, the American people. I have heard comments about black people that make me sick and its all because of the racism that is growing in the black community. its people like rev. Wright that are causing it to get this way. someone in that community needs to stand up and stop it in its tracks before we slide back into the past.

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  • He has been able to lie his way out of everything thus far. It is becoming more evident that we as Proud Americans are being dupped, especially from the media. Now is the time for reckonimg. He should drop out now before he causes more problems for the democrats that have supported him.

  • tommie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Okay..lets say he really did not know about this...How ignorant is he? After 20 years of donating money and time to a church , he did not know what they teach??? Pretty bad judgment and /or intelligence, wouldn't you say? So my answer is No, he did not tell the truth. He lied. He needs to quit already and go home to Illinois.

  • 1 decade ago

    Geez, would he be like another Hillary in the White House who 'didn't have a clue' what Slick Willie was doing right under her nose? He is obviously a liar and will say anything to increase the spin on this story.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And I thought the libs said they would boycott any Dem who appeared on FoxNews. What will they do now?

    Obama was lying through his teeth last night. You cannot be a member of a church for twenty years and not know something about your pastor's views.

  • 1 decade ago

    His grand oratorical style went missing, didn't it. He is not as quick on his feet as he would have us all believe. He lied...can't wait for O-Reilly to have his body language assessed! Even I can see he was uncomfortable...he would have blitzed the lie-detector!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is a closet racist.

    the views by his wife,by his pastor,and by his close friend louis farrakhan are proof of his racisim

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